[TAG] Hellfrost - Land of Fire: New RacesBack when the kickstarter for land of fire was going I made a deal with you that if we got Land of Fire to be a "go", that you would provide a brief description of the new races so I could start integrating them into the ports and what not.
I've been anxiously awaiting this for almost a month now. Figured this could serve as my "poke" on the topic.
Here ya go, Mac!
Cakali -- bipedal jackals; nomadic race. See free preview for full details.
Element-Touched -- broad name. Devoted call them jinn blooded, while Faithful call them god touched. Admired, respected, feared, and hated in equal measure. Humans with very basic innate elemental control. Not a true race, as they must still be Bedu or Hadaree in origin.
Human (Bedu) -- nomads.
Human (Hadaree) -- generic title meaning "person of the town." Basically covers any non-nomad. This is not a unique culture, but rather an umbrella term for all settled people.
Hyaenidae -- bipedal hyenas. Family-oriented nomadic scavengers with a bad reputation among other races.
Sand Goblins -- short, hairy, splayed feet, have a hump like a camel. Lazy, thievish race considered untrustworthy by others.
And that's your lot.
Why 2 anthropomorphic canines ( not others ie snake, lizard, crocodile, birds of prey etc) and no demihuman variants?
Not many human variants either?
( not criticizing just wondering about the thought/ design process)
That's just what came to mind when I was writing. There are lizardmen, gatormen, ophidae (snakemen), and minotaurs, but they're bad guys.
(Anmerkung: Hyänen sind trotz ihres Aussehens Katzenartige. Demnach gibt es genau genommen, nur die hundeartigen Cakali)[...]
Probably worth adding something about religion, since it effectively doubles the amount of races (as major viewpoints change depending on one's beliefs).
- Faithful worship the 13 gods (and lots of minor ones) and disdain magic.
- Devoted follow a philosophy rather than gods, and openly acknowledge magic as a spiritual (but not Spirit-based) path.
- You cannot follow both creeds.
- You cannot follow neither creed.
- You cannot be a Faithful mage.
- You cannot be a Devoted cleric.
- Both creeds honor Suleiman as the father of their belief system.
These are immutable facts in canonical Al-Shirkuh.
What happens in your game is up to you.
So are the Bedu, Hadaree, and Element-Touched all different races with different race abilities, or are the Bedu and Hadaree more like cultural differences like Saxa and Anari
Bedu and Hadaree are humans with cultural differences, like Anari and Saxa. Element-touched are essentially human, but come with a few tweaks, and have their own specific entry rather than being listed under Humans.
Minotaurs? as in Camel-Men or Bovine-men?
Bovine (hence "taurs"). Desert centaurs are camel-related, rather than horse-related.
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