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[4E] Monsterbesprechung

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Dieser Kerl soll den Höhepunkt unseres ersten Kampagnenabschnitts darstellen.
Kann mal jemand kurz drüberlesen und mich auf eventuelle Unbalanciertheiten hinweisen?

Chosen of Bane Level 18 Solo Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid  XP 10.000
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12
AC 32; Fortitude 30, Refl ex 32, Will 30
HP 696; Bloodied 348;
Saving Throws +5
Speed 7
Action Points 2

mBloody Cut (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+23 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage, and the target takes ongoing
10 damage (save ends).

mVicious Cut (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+23 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends).

mDeep Cut (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+23 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage; and the target is slowed (save ends).

MFlurry of Cuts (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
The Chosen makes two melee basic attacks. If both hit, he can make
a third.

MKick and shift (immediate reaction, when missed by the attack of an adjacent enemy; at-will)
The Chosen makes the following attack against the triggering enemy:
+21 vs. Ref; 1d10+5 damage and the target is knocked prone. The Chosen shifts two

MBlood sacrifice (standard, recharge 5,6) ✦ Weapon, Reliable
Targets a bloodied creature.
+23 vs. AC; the target is reduced to 0 hp.

Combat leap (move, at-will)
The Chosen can shift up to 5 squares horizontally or vertically.
He can shift through the spaces of enemies, but must end this movement in
a regular square.

Brutal Combat training
The Chosen acts twice in a round: On his normal initiative count and 10 ticks later.
He has a move and a standard action during his turns; and his immediate reactions refresh
after every turn. He makes saving throws at the end of both turns.

Blessing of Bane (free; encounter)
When the Chosen reduces an enemy to 0 hp, he gains an Action Point. He must spend this action
point until the end of his turn.

Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Str 22 (+14) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 18 (+12)
Con 22 (+1) Int 14 (+11) Cha 18 (+12)
Equipment Doublesword

Tactics: The Chosen of Bane focuses his cuts on the weakest of his enemies and tries to curse it with
as many conditions as possible. As soon as he has bloodied his target, he takes an Action Point and uses Blood Sacrifice. He uses Combat leap to avoid defenders and to follow already weakened enemies.

You know the following information about the Chosen of Bane if you succeed on a Religion or History Check.

DC 20: Chosen of Bane are Hobgoblin Champions that dedicate their whole live to Bane, and some say these are the best warriors the world has to offer. They can be recognized by the sacred tattoos which cover their hole body. They are feared for their mobile and brutal combat style which forbids the use of any armor.
These warriors are able to fight an entire group of experienced enemies.
DC 25: Sometimes, the moon is blood red and the stars are just in the right conjurations. Hobgoblin children born during these nights are taken to secret places, where they are trained by Priests of Bane from the day they can walk.
Few survive these brutal exercises, but it is said that once in every hundred years one of them completes the last bloody test and becomes a Chosen of Bane. Soon, these figures head huge armies, which hunger to establish a new Hobgoblin Empire.
Sometimes, shadowy puppet masters try to use these armies for their own goals, but they should better be careful: A Chosen of Bane has no mercy with anybody that stands in the way of Banes path of glory.

Selganor [n/a]:
Ich tipp das Teil mal in den Monster Builder rein, mal sehen, ob das Ergebnis leichter lesbar ist.

So... hier mal als Bild:

(Klick fuer groessere Version)

Meister Analion:
Also ich finde den recht heftig. 4-6 Angriffe die Runde, alle mit Conditions, Leute von bloodied auf 0 hauen und damit wahrscheinlich jede Menge Actionpoints...

Selganor [n/a]:
Was mir beim Eintippen aufgefallen ist... Die Attribute (und Standardschaeden) unterscheiden sich (sowohl nach oben wie nach unten) von den normalen Attributen.
Gibt's dafuer einen besonderen Grund?

BTW: es sind keine 4-6 sondern 4-8 Angriffe pro Runde. Er hat ja noch zwei Immediate Reactions die jeweils einen Gegner angreifen koennen.

Was mir auffaellt... Wenn man ihr irgendwie auf Distanz halten kann ist er absolut harmlos (keinerlei Fernkampfattacken/-faehigkeiten).
Allerdings ist es schon problematisch jemanden der 24-32 Felder pro Runde zuruecklegen kann auf Entfernung zu halten...
Da hilft nur eine Grube

Ich finde einzig die 2 Züge pro Runde als unschön. Aber kann man zu not mit Leben.
Ich würde allerdings definitiv noch einen Flächenangriff dazunehmen, so wie Frightfull Presence oder Bloodspill of Bane oder so ;)


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