Autor Thema: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?  (Gelesen 2367 mal)

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[L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« am: 4.12.2004 | 13:30 »
Hier ein kleiner Test zu welchem Legend of the 5 Rings Clan man am besten passt.

Hier mein Ergebnis:

You are a member of the Crane Clan! You appreciate art and beauty, are known for soothing hurt feelings, and constantly attempt to improve yourself. You have the soul of an artist.

The Crane Clan 94%
The Unicorn Clan 78%
The Crab Clan 78%
The Scorpion Clan 72%
The Mantis Clan 72%
The Phoenix Clan 67%
The Dragon Clan 61%
Ronin 44%
The Lion Clan 39%

Offline Moellchen

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #1 am: 4.12.2004 | 13:58 »
The Dragon Clan  89%
The Unicorn Clan 67%
The Lion Clan  56%
The Mantis Clan  56%
Ronin  55%
The Crab Clan  50%
The Phoenix Clan  33%
The Scorpion Clan  28%
The Crane Clan  17%

You are a member of the Dragon Clan! People find you strange, and don't really understand you, but that's because you see things from a unique perspective. You stand back and let others find out things by themselves, and perhaps give a friendly nudge once in a while to get them in the right direction.

Finde ich durch und durch eh einen sehr interessanten Clan. :)


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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #2 am: 4.12.2004 | 15:36 »

You are a member of the Phoenix Clan! You enjoy a good book, and are well-versed in a number of topics. You're well-educated, and don't like violence. While you don't like being pestered, you get annoyed when people don't respect your opinions.

The Phoenix Clan 94%
The Scorpion Clan 94%
The Crane Clan 89%
The Dragon Clan 89%
The Crab Clan 78%
The Lion Clan 72%
The Unicorn Clan 67%
Ronin 67%
The Mantis Clan 61%

Ja, Clan Phoenix liegt mir sehr, allerdings macht es mir Sorgen, dass die Scorpions ebenfalls 94% haben ;)

Offline Mordekar

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #3 am: 9.12.2004 | 16:50 »
You are a ronin! You are not part of any Clan. You don't trust those 'better' than you, and tend to be overlooked and downtrodden. You know life is hard for those who are the 'have nots', and just try to get by with what you do have.
The Scorpion Clan 78%
Ronin 78%
The Crane Clan 78%
The Crab Clan 72%
The Dragon Clan 72%
The Phoenix Clan 72%
The Mantis Clan 67%
The Unicorn Clan 56%
The Lion Clan 44%

Einer gegen alle und alle gegen einen... oda so... Naja Ronin passt so halbwegs 8)
Eines von Gottes Originalen
- Zu spleenig zum leben -
- Zu selten zum sterben -


  • Gast
Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #4 am: 4.01.2005 | 17:55 »
 :) Ich bin happy, weil ich bin:


You are a member of the Crane Clan! You appreciate art and beauty, are known for soothing hurt feelings, and constantly attempt to improve yourself. You have the soul of an artist.

The Crane Clan 89%
The Crab Clan 78%
The Unicorn Clan 67%
The Scorpion Clan 56%
The Dragon Clan 50%
The Mantis Clan 50%
Ronin 45%
The Lion Clan 44%
The Phoenix Clan 33%

Ich bin der Clan, den ich bei L5R auch am Liebsten spiele.
« Letzte Änderung: 4.01.2005 | 18:05 von Jiba »

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #5 am: 4.01.2005 | 19:02 »
You scored as The Scorpion Clan.    

You are a member of the Scorpion Clan! You are a loyal friend, and are willing to do what must be done to help them. You are often misunderstood, and people find it hard to trust you, but your heart is in the right place.

The Phoenix Clan 83%   
The Scorpion Clan 83%   
Ronin 67%   
The Dragon Clan 67%   
The Lion Clan 67%   
The Crab Clan 56%   
The Mantis Clan 55%   
The Crane Clan 50%   
The Unicorn Clan 17%

Wundert mich irgendwie nicht... Haette aber genausogut auch Phoenix sein koennen
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Edward Fu

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #6 am: 4.01.2005 | 19:18 »
You are a member of the Crab Clan! You have a strong sense of duty, but lack a bit in tact. People don't understand the sacrifices you make so they can enjoy themselves.

The Crab Clan         78%   
The Scorpion Clan   78%   
The Dragon Clan     61%   
The Phoenix Clan    61%   
The Unicorn Clan     61%   
The Crane Clan       50%   
Ronin                    50%   
The Mantis Clan      39%   
The Lion Clan         34%

Na, wer hät es gedacht. ;D
Dieser Account wurde sheepnept!

Offline Blizzard

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #7 am: 3.04.2005 | 23:26 »
Tja ich kenne L5R noch nicht so wirklich,will es mir aber demnächst zulegen...


You scored as The Scorpion Clan.    

You are a member of the Scorpion Clan! You are a loyal friend, and are willing to do what must be done to help them. You are often misunderstood, and people find it hard to trust you, but your heart is in the right place.

The Scorpion Clan 72%
The Mantis Clan 67%
The Unicorn Clan 67%
The Crab Clan 61%
The Lion Clan 61%
Ronin 61%
The Crane Clan 56%
The Phoenix Clan 50%
The Dragon Clan 50%
« Letzte Änderung: 3.04.2005 | 23:29 von Blizzard »
"Wir leben nach den Regeln, wir sterben nach den Regeln!"

"Wer nicht den Mut hat zu werfen, der wird beim Würfeln niemals eine Sechs erzielen."

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #8 am: 10.04.2005 | 10:08 »
You scored as The Crane Clan.     

You are a member of the Crane Clan! You appreciate art and beauty, are known for soothing hurt feelings, and constantly attempt to improve yourself. You have the soul of an artist.

The Crane Clan   78%

The Crab Clan   72%

The Phoenix Clan 67%

The Mantis Clan   61%

The Unicorn Clan 50%

The Dragon Clan   50%

The Lion Clan 45%

The Scorpion Clan 45%

Ronin   44%

und dabei dachte ich,Ich gehöre zum Dragon-Clan  :d

mit japanischem Tanz

Offline Don Kamillo

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #9 am: 4.05.2005 | 13:15 »
You scored as The Mantis Clan. 

You are a member of the Mantis Clan! You prefer to do what you please without people giving you orders, and are known for causing trouble. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and you believe people need to loosen up.
The Mantis Clan 89%
The Crane Clan 89%
The Crab Clan 83%
The Scorpion Clan 78%
The Lion Clan 67%
The Phoenix Clan 61%
The Unicorn Clan 61%
The Dragon Clan 50%
Ronin 39%

Gottesanbeter... ich wusste es... mein RL-Name ist doch Programm...
Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
"I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laugther. No, instead, I will make some tea." - Toll the hounds - page 282 )
Der Don zockt gerade: nWoD Crossover, D&D5e Homebrew mit Monsterrassen, D&D5e Wildemount, D&D5e Moonshaes, D&D 5e Hoard of the Dragon Queen & Conan 2D20

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #10 am: 4.05.2005 | 13:30 »

Noch einer von der Sorte...

You scored as The Phoenix Clan. 
You are a member of the Phoenix Clan! You enjoy a good book, and are well-versed in a number of topics. You're well-educated, and don't like violence. While you don't like being pestered, you get annoyed when people don't respect your opinions.
The Phoenix Clan  72%
The Crab Clan  67%
The Mantis Clan  61%
The Scorpion Clan  61%
The Unicorn Clan  61%
The Crane Clan  56%
The Lion Clan 50%
Ronin  44%
The Dragon Clan 44%
Zitat von: William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Korrekter Imperativ bei starken Verben: Lies! Nimm! Gib! Tritt! Stirb!

Ein Pao ist eine nachbarschaftsgroße Arztdose, die explodiert, wenn man darauf tanzt. Und: Hast du einen Kraftsnack rückwärts geraucht?

Offline Barbara [n/a]

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #11 am: 4.05.2005 | 14:03 »
You scored as The Crab Clan.     

You are a member of the Crab Clan! You have a strong sense of duty, but lack a bit in tact. People don't understand the sacrifices you make so they can enjoy themselves.

The Crab Clan        100%
Ronin                    94%
The Dragon Clan      83%
The Scorpion Clan    72%
The Lion Clan           61%
The Mantis Clan       61%
The Unicorn Clan     45%
The Crane Clan        33%
The Phoenix Clan     28%
After all, what is wisdom but truth in the eyes of the simplest of strangers? And a hat full of ice cream! (An wise man in YAFGC)
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly. (G. K. Chesterton)
Menschen haben zu 50% dieselbe DNA wie Bananen. (Dr. Mitch Morgan)
_________________________________________________ ___________________

Offline Criel

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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #12 am: 7.05.2005 | 21:47 »
You scored as The Unicorn Clan.     

You are a member of the Unicorn Clan! You are proud of who you are and your roots, and have a strong need to help those around you. You enjoy to travel, seeing new sights and enjoying nature.

The Unicorn Clan   78%     ;D
The Scorpion Clan  78%    >;D
The Lion Clan         72%
Ronin                    72%
The Dragon Clan    67%
The Crab Clan        61%
The Crane Clan      56%
The Phoenix Clan   56%
The Mantis Clan     50%


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Re: [L5R]Legend of the 5 Rings - Welcher Clan?
« Antwort #13 am: 8.05.2005 | 13:24 »
Phoenix ist zwar nicht gerade einer meiner Favoriten im RPG und CCG, aber mit dem Ergebnis lässt es sich leben.

You are a member of the Phoenix Clan!  You enjoy a good book, and are well-versed in a number of topics.  You're well-educated, and don't like violence.  While you don't like being pestered, you get annoyed when people don't respect your opinions.

The Phoenix Clan 78%
The Dragon Clan 72%
The Crane Clan 67%
The Crab Clan 67%
Ronin 66%
The Unicorn Clan61%
The Mantis Clan 50%
The Lion Clan 45%
The Scorpion Clan 44%

Edit: Formatierung
« Letzte Änderung: 8.05.2005 | 13:38 von Azentar »