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[Hero 6th] Ein paar indische Charakter-Pakete (Package Deals) für die 6. Ed.

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Jed Clayton:
Bitte schön ...

Hier sind die ersten fünf Spielercharakter-Startpakete mit mittelalterlich-indischem Flair, angedacht für meine erste entsprechende Indien/Orient-Spielrunde. Bei Interesse und Rückfragen bitte einmal durchlesen und kommentieren.

(Anm.: Ja, ich habe die Punktekosten aus der neuen 6. Edition verwendet. Alle Informationen stammen de facto aus dem Hero System Basic Rulebook, abgekürzt "BR".)

Caste System: The core caste system is represented by the Fringe Benefit Perquisite.
The Perk is expressed on a scale from 1 to 10 ...

Value   Description:           Rough equivalent:
1   Lower Shūdra   menial workers, farmhands, serfs, cleaners
2   Valued Shūdra   non-land-owning farmers, cattle herders
3   Lower Vaishya   village supervisors, craftsmen, poor traders
4   Mid-Rank Vaishya   respected craftsmen, traders, shop owners
5   Upper Vaishya   townsfolk elite, well-off citizens, officials
6   Lower Kshatriya   low-ranking armed aristocracy, princelings
7   Upper Kshatriya   high-ranking armed aristocracy, rajas, generals
8   Lower Bramhan (Brahmin)   low-ranking teachers, scholars, advisors
9   Mid-Rank Bramhan   astrologers, ministers, counselors, gurus
10   Upper Bramhan   high-ranking teachers, ministers, sages

Hero System (6th Edition) Package Deals for new player-characters:
These examples are originally based upon the Package Deal format in LLH and several earlier books.

Basic “Temple Dancer” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
2   +2 STR
6   +3 DEX
5   +5 CON
5   +5 PRE
10   +1 SPD
3   +3 PD
2   +10 END
3   Acrobatics
3   Acting
3   Charm
3   Contortionist
3   Disguise
3   High Society
3   Sleight of Hand
2   KS: Temple Dancing 11-
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   PS: Temple Dancer 11-
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
3   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Vaishya)
12   12 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acrobatics, Acting,
   Breakfall, Charm, Contortionist, Conversation, Disguise, High Society, KS: Epic
        Poetry, KS: Erotic Mastery, Language: any local language, Oratory, Shadowing,
        Stealth, Contacts, any Background Skill
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 80

Cost    Ability
5   Money: Well Off
30   Super Beauty Attack: Mental Blast 6d6 (60 Active Points); 7-8 Charges (-1/2),
        Concentration (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4)

Basic “Bramhan Scholar” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
3   +3 CON
5   +5 INT
3   +3 PRE
6   +2 OMCV
3   +1 DMCV
2   +10 END
3   Conversation
3   Deduction
3   High Society
2   KS: Arcane and Occult Lore 11-
2   KS: Classical Grammar 11-
2   KS: Ceremonial Law 11-
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   KS: Vedic Society 11-
2   PS: Bramhan Scholastics 11-
6   Must put 6 Character Points into Science Skills (any “arcane” science)
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
8   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Bramhan)
9   9 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Charm, Conversation,
   High Society, KS: Arcane and Occult Lore, KS: Classical Grammar, KS: Epic
   Poetry, KS: Vedic Society, Language: any local language or Sophisticated
   Language, Oratory, Persuasion, Contacts, any Background Skill
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 71

Cost    Complication
20   Psychological Complication: Bramhan Rules of Conduct (Common, Total)
10   Social Complication: Small Teaching or Priestly Duties (Infrequently, Major)

Cost    Ability
5   Money: Well Off
5   5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts

Basic “Kshatriya Warrior” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
5   +5 STR
6   +3 DEX
5   +5 CON
3   +3 PRE
10   +1 SPD
3   +3 PD
2   +2 REC
2   +10 END
4   +4 BODY
3   +6 STUN
3   Climbing
3   Combat Driving (Charioteer)
12   12 Character Points’ worth of Combat Skill Levels
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   KS: Military Hierarchies 11-
2   PS: Soldiery 11-
3   Riding
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
6   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be a Kshatriya)
15   15 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acrobatics, Breakfall,
   Climbing, High Society, KS: Epic Poetry, KS: Local Religious Beliefs, Language:
   any language (of area ruled or conquered), Oratory, Paramedics, Persuasion,
   Shadowing, Stealth, Survival, Tactics, Tracking
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 96

Cost    Complication
20   Social Complication: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)

Cost    Ability
5   Money: Well Off
5   5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts

Basic “Vaishya Trader” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
3   +3 CON
3   +3 INT
3   +3 EGO
3   +1 OMCV
6   +2 DMCV
2   +10 END
3   Acting
3   Bribery
3   Charm
3   Concealment
3   Conversation
2   KS: Know Customers 11-
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   KS: Vedic Society 11-
2   PS: Shopkeeping or Trade/Craftsmanship Skill 11-
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
3   Trading
3   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Vaishya)
9   9 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acting, Bribery, Charm,
   Conversation, Disguise, High Society, KS: Local Religious Beliefs, KS: Vedic
   Society, Language: any local language, Oratory, Streetwise, or Contacts
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 63

Cost    Ability
5   Money: Well Off
5   5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts

“Mean Street Thief” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
3   +3 STR
8   +4 DEX
3   +3 CON
5   +5 EGO
2   +2 PD
3   +3 BODY
3   Acting
3   Bribery
3   Concealment
3   Conversation
3   Deduction
3   Disguise
2   KS: Local Area or Town 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   KS: Local Underworld 11-
2   KS: Vedic Society 11-
3   Persuasion
3   Shadowing
3   Streetwise
1   Weapon Familiarity (choose a 1-Point WF with a short staff, club, sling, or knife)
1   Fringe Benefit: Member of the Thieves’ Guild (or equivalent)
9    9 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acting, Bribery, Charm,
   Conversation, Disguise, Forgery, KS: Local Religious Beliefs, KS: Local
   Underworld, Language: any local language, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth,
   Streetwise, or Tracking
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 70

Cost    Ability
5    5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts
13   Quirky Karma: Luck 6d6 (30 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 ¼).

Selganor [n/a]:
Ich weiss nicht was sich in der 6. bei Package Deals geaendert hat, aber die Packages sind VIEL zu gross.

Bei 75-100 Punkten auf Heroic Level hat man mit den Paketen schon den Grossteil seiner Punkte verbraucht und muss sich Nachteile nehmen um ueberhaupt irgendwas zu haben das nicht zum Paket gehoert.

Die Packages sind im Normalfall zwischen 5 und 10 (im Extremfall mal 15) Punkte gross.
Attribute kenne ich in Paketen nur aus "Racial Packages" wo besondere Staerken der Rasse vermittelt werden.

Evtl. kannst du ja das Ganze in mehrere Pakete teilen:
- Kaste (fuer soziale Sachen)
- Beruf (die wichtigen Skills die JEDES Mitglied dieses Berufs hat)
- Training (da koennten dann weitere Skills/Spezialisierungen rein)

Weiterhin solltest du dir mal ueberlegen ob nicht bestimmte Nachteile mit dem Paket verbunden sind. (Z.B. bei Kriminellen ein Watched/Hunted by police, bei Brahmanen deren besondere Verhaltensregeln)
Die sollten dann auch mit ins Paket (und koennen es damit auch wieder billiger machen)

Jed Clayton:
Danke für die Antwort, Selganor.

Nun ja, in der 6. Edition ist alles GRÖSSER und WUCHTIGER. Ich habe mich aber nicht allein an die Basisregeln der 6. Ed. gehalten, sondern auch an meine lieben Luchadores. Lucha Libre Hero (der letzte offizielle Band für die 5. Ed.) war eben das letzte Hero-Buch, das ich noch vor der 6. Edition gelesen habe.

Das war meine Vorlage. In Lucha Libre Hero haben neue Charaktere 150 bis 200 Punkte.
Davon zieht man praktischerweise erst mal die Packages ab:

"Basic Luchador" Package Deal kostet 93 Pkt.
(davon sind 30 Pkt. für Lucha Libre Maneuvers reserviert)

Damit ist der Charakter aber noch nicht fertig. In LLH kauft man sich danach meist noch eines von diesen Paketen:

Brawling Rudo P.D. für 29 Pkt.
Crimefighting Luchador P.D. für 30 Pkt.
Occultist Luchador P.D. für 45 Pkt.
Luchador Noir P.D. für 39 Pkt.
High Flyer P.D. für 37 Pkt.
Mat Technician P.D. für 30 Pkt.
Sneaky Rudo P.D. für 35 Pkt.

Selbst das "Comic Sidekick" Package Deal kostet in dem Buch 41 Pkt., der "Mad Scientist" kostet 96 Pkt., der "Mobster" kostet 62 Pkt.! Dabei sind Spezialfertigkeiten und Sonderoptionen, Gimmicks und Gadgets noch gar nicht mitgerechnet. Für mich war unter dem Eindruck von LLH also 30 bis 40 Pkt. das Mindestmaß für ein Package Deal.

Nun aber zur 6. Edition: Ein neuer "Heroic Character" startet nicht mit unter 175 Punkten. Über mögliche Disadvantages werde ich gern noch nachdenken, aber ich wollte das so machen wie in LLH und die Disadvantages von den Spielern von Fall zu Fall auswählen lassen.

Jed Clayton:
So, ich habe letzte Nacht wieder ein paar Dinge aufgeschrieben. Ich hätte da noch ein paar Packages, die ich sicherlich verwenden werde. Zum Beispiel:

“Street Performer/Vagabond” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
2   +2 STR
6   +3 DEX
3   +3 CON
4   +4 PRE
6   +2 OMCV
10   +1 SPD
4   +4 BODY
3   Acrobatics
3   Acting
3   Charm
3   Contortionist
3   Disguise
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Folklore 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   PS: Street Performer 11-
3   Oratory
3   Sleight of Hand
3   Stealth
3   Language: Knows at least one additional language (completely fluent)
1   Transport Familiarity (ox cart)
2   Weapon Familiarity (Common Melee Weapons)
1   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Shūdra)
9   9 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acrobatics, Acting,
   Concealment, Deduction, Gambling, KS: Epic Poetry, Language (any), Mimicry,
   Oratory, Persuasion, PS: Street Performer, Riding, Shadowing, Skill Levels,
   Stealth, Streetwise, Contacts
15   15 Character Points’ worth of minor Powers, including gadgets, artifacts, or spells
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 98

Cost    Complication
5   Complication: Poor

Cost    Ability
5   5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts

“Outcast/Feral Man” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
3   +3 STR
6   +3 DEX
4   +4 CON
2   +2 EGO
5   +5 PRE
2   +2 PD
10   +1 SPD
4   +8 STUN
3   Acrobatics
3   Animal Handler
3   Climbing
12   12 Character Points’ worth of Combat Skill Levels
3   Deduction
2   KS: Jungle Area 11-
2   KS: Local Wildlife 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
3   Stealth
3   Survival
3   Tracking
1   Weapon Familiarity (choose stick, knife, or sling)
9   9 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: Acrobatics, Animal
   Handler, Concealment, KS: Local Folklore, KS: Local Wildlife, Language: any local
   language, Riding, Skill Levels, Stealth, Tracking, any Background Skill
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 85

Cost    Complication
10   Complication: Destitute
15   Negative Reputation: Uncouth Barbarian (Frequently)
15   Psychological Complication: Believes in the Jungle Law (Common, Strong)
15   Social Complication: Outcast (Frequently, Major)

Cost    Ability
13   Quirky Karma: Luck 6d6 (30 Active Points); 3 Charges (-1 ¼).

Rechenbeispiel in der Char-Gen: 85 Pkt. - 55 Pkt. = 30 Pkt. für dieses Package. Also wären noch massig Punkte übrig, um Attribute und Fertigkeiten damit hochzuziehen. Mir gefällt's.

Basic “Tapasvin Ascetic” Package Deal
Cost    Ability
3   +3 CON
4   +4 INT
3   +3 PRE
6   +2 OMCV
9   +3 DMCV
3   +3 PD
3   +3 REC
5   Conversation (PRE +1)
3   Deduction
3   High Society
2   KS: Arcane and Occult Lore 11-
2   KS: Classical Grammar 11-
2   KS: Ceremonial Law 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
2   KS: Specific Philosophical School 11-
2   KS: Vedic Society 11-
2   PS: Perform Religious Rites 11-
3   SS: Ascetic Philosophy
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
1   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Shūdra, though
   it must be said that most are actually Bramhan)
3   Fringe Benefit: Member of a Holy Order
12   12 Character Points’ worth of Skills from the following list: KS: Arcane and Occult
   Lore, KS: Classical Grammar, KS: Ceremonial Law, PS: Perform Religious Rites,
   Language: any local language or Sophisticated Language, Oratory, Persuasion,
   Contacts, any Background Skill
Total Cost of Package Abilities: 78

Cost    Complication
20   Psychological Complication: Order’s Rules of Conduct (Common, Total)
10   Social Complication: Small Teaching or Priestly Duties (Infrequently, Major)

Cost    Ability
5   Money: Well Off
5   5 Character Points’ worth of Contacts
25   25 Character Points spent on Follower(s): can build one 125-point Follower
3   Positive Reputation: Holy Man (on a roll of 11-, entire region), +3 / +3d6

Jed Clayton:
Ein paar neue Eindrücke zu meiner "indischen" Spielrunde mit dem Regelwerk von Hero 6E gibt es mittlerweile in diesem Thread in der Rubrik "Rollenspiel- und Weltenbau". Da es in meinem neuesten Posting (ungefähr zweite Hälfte des Texts) großteils um Besonderheiten des Hero-Systems geht, habe ich das mal verlinkt.

Wenn wir in circa 2 Wochen mit der Spielhandlung beginnen, werde ich dazu entweder einen neuen Thread unter "Eure Spielrunden" eröffnen oder gegebenenfalls Fragen und Antworten zu den Hero 6E Regeln hier zusammenfassen.


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