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Traveller - News

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Tante Petunia:

--- Zitat von: D. Athair am  3.10.2017 | 18:45 ---Dazu kurz aus dem hauseigenen Redaktionsstübchen.

--- Ende Zitat ---
Oookaaay - da hat sich das mit dem Fragen wohl erledigt. Danke für den Hinweis.

Einfach im 13Mann-Forum nachfragen. Da findet Ihr Ingo unter dem selben Nick. Fragen kostet auch nichts  ;)

Der Nârr:
Am 1. Mai gibt es ein Online-Charity-Event (Virtual Con / Podcast) rund um Traveller, weitere Infos hier:

Matthew Sprange hat im State of the Mongoose auch die Travellerplanungen für nächstes Jahr verkündet:

--- Zitat ---Traveller in 2021
Reading through the last State of the Mongoose, it is really good to see the books mentioned there are now out! I wonder, dare we make a similar projection for 2021…

We are aiming for two ‘big’ projects for Traveller next year, though you can expect plenty of support in the existing lines too.

The first big project will be another Kickstarter, as it is very well positioned to take advantage of the expansion opportunities that platform brings (as backers of The Great Rift and Deepnight Revelations will attest to!). In February you will see the Kickstarter launched for… Mercenary.

Mercenary will be appearing as a boxed set bringing everything you need for mercenary campaigns to your Traveller games – straight from Traveller creation, you will be able to pool your mustering out benefits and fund your very own mercenary company, before going out into the wider universe to seek contracts and tickets. If you have an existing campaign, your wealthier Travellers will be able to fund their own mercenary company so, for example, your Pirates of Drinax could begin diversifying their operations into the mercenary market.

There is a great deal more packed into Mercenary and we will be giving one of the books from the box set away free as a download during the Kickstarter, so swing by when it all goes live and take a look!

2021 will see the release of the first Fifth Frontier War books – and this project is simply too big for Kickstarter! In fact, the Fifth Frontier War is so large it will be forming its own sub-line within Traveller that we estimate will take between 2-3 years to complete. You will see the instigation of the war, from both sides of the border, and we are working closely with Marc Miller to bring his vision of the war to the tabletop along with some never-before-seen events that even Traveller veterans may not see coming.

This is a big one, and you will not want to miss it…

We have been working hard on fleshing out the Charted Space universe, with the likes of the Behind the Claw sector book and Aliens of Charted Space volumes. We will be continuing this in 2021 with Aliens of Charted Space Volume 3 (containing, among others, Darrians, Bwaps, Dolphins & Orcas), more ‘sector’ books (first appearing will be the Solomani Front and Spinward Extents) and the first of the ‘empire’ books that take a broad look at each of the main empires in Charted Space and detail a central sector. The first of these will be The Third Imperium, including Core sector, and you might just see The Zhodani Consulate in 2021 too.

Along with these mighty tomes, we will have plenty of support material for you as well. A new run of the Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society is currently being put together (and, in fact, we are taking submissions if you would like to see your take on an area of Charted Space in print), as well as new adventures – including a reimagining of Murder on Arcturus Station by renowned RPG Youtuber Seth Skorkowsky.

Traveller Video Games
Update from the last State of the Mongoose.. still in development!

Our friends at Evil Twin Artworks (responsible for the Victory at Sea video games - including the about-to-appear Victory at Sea: Ironclad) are currently working on not one but two Traveller video games. The first (currently titled Traveller: Vanguard) will focus on boarding actions during the Fifth Frontier War, while the second is more RPG-centric, focussing on a group of Travellers in a beat-up ship trying to make their way in the universe – the classic Traveller campaign!

Hoping to let you all see some previews on these two throughout 2021.

We had hoped that the new 2300AD box set would be out just before Christmas, but it has slipped slightly – layout begins in March 2021 and you will see plenty of previews soon after, culminating with the release of the box set, the Aerospace Engineer’s Handbook, and a campaign for you to leap right into.

Keep an eye out for this one, we are aiming to knock the ball out of the park on it!
--- Ende Zitat ---

Hui, eine ganze Mercenary-Box...da bin ich gespannt :)

Und gegen gelungene Videospiele habe ich auch nichts  8)


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