Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > HERO-System

[Hero 6th] Mein erster kompletter NPC - Apsaras


Jed Clayton:
Ich hatte heute Gelegenheit dazu, mir meinen ersten vollständigen NPC für die Indien-Kampagne zusammenzustellen und alle Werte, Skills, Powers usw. dazu aufzuschreiben. Natürlich hat das, typisch Hero System, wieder ein kleines bisschen gedauert. Aber nun ist er/sie komplett ... Wie gesagt, dieser Charakter ist als NPC gedacht. Alle Werte und Schreibkonventionen stammen aber aus dem neuen Hero 6E Basic Rulebook.

Demzufolge wäre das ein einigermaßen "starker" Charakter. Ich wollte mal etwas ohne "Kampfwerte" machen. Glaubt mir, in der Kampagnenwelt wäre dieser NPC auch ohne Kampffähigkeiten so gut wie unschlagbar.  ;)

Apsaras (NPC)

Val   Char   Points   Roll   Notes

14   STR   4   12-   HTH damage (STR/5)d6: 3d6 [1]; Lift: ca. 180 kg
23   DEX   26   14-
20   CON   10   13-
15   INT   5   12-   Perception Roll (9+INT/5): 12-
13   EGO   3   11-
25   PRE   15   14-   PRE Attack (PRE/5)d6: 9d6
5   OCV   10
6   DCV   15
7   OMCV   12
5   DMCV   6
3   SPD   10
5   PD    3
6   ED    4
8   REC    8
40   END    4
15   BODY   5
44   STUN    12

Total Characteristics Cost: 152

Cost   Skill
5   Acrobatics 15-
3   Acting 14-
5   Breakfall 15-
9   Charm 17- / *21-
5   Contortionist 15-
5   Conversation 15- / *19-
3   Disguise 12-
5   High Society 15- / *19-
3   Sleight of Hand 14-
4   KS: Temple Dancing 13-
5   KS: Epic Poetry 14-
7   KS: Erotic Mastery 16-
6   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 15-
5   Oratory 15-
3   Persuasion 14- / *18-
5   PS: Temple Dancer 16- / *20-
5   Stealth 15-
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)

4   Fringe Benefit: Celestial

3   Ambidexterity
12   Striking Appearance: “Beautiful”,
   +4 with Interaction Skill Rolls, +4d6 with PRE Attacks (already added in)
21   Universal Translator; uses INT+1 Roll, 13-

   Powers                              END

30   Dancer’s Beauty Attack   Mental Blast 6d6 (60 Active Points);
               Concentration (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Requires
               A PS: Temple Dancer Roll (-1/2)          6 END
31   Kāmadeva’s Touch   Mind Control 10d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (62 Active
               Points); Only to Control/Inflict Love (-1)      6 END
6   Great Tantric Clearance   Drain END 4d6 (40 Active Points); Concentration
               (1/2 DCV, throughout use; -1/2), Extra Time
               (20 Minutes; -2 1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Limited
               Power (Drain works only on Tapasya Endurance
               Reserves; -2), Requires an Acrobatics Roll (-1/4)   4 END
12   Extra-Planar Travel   Extra-Dimensional Movement (Self Only, Travel
               to any location in a related group of dimensions)
               (30 Active Points); Concentration (-1/4), Gestures
               (-1/4), Limited Power (Only upon Celestial orders
               or upon completion of a mission; -1)         3 END
11   Ride on Air      Flight 20m (20 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4),
               Limited Power (restricted to Celestial and Human
               planes; -1/2)                  2 END
4   Extremely Long-Lived   Life Support: Longevity (4 points)         0 END
4   Blessing of Celestial Will   Mental Defense 4               0 END

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 224
Total Cost: 376

175   Matching Complications (50)

10   Social Complication: Duty to Carry Out Celestials’ Orders (Infrequently, Major)
20   Psychological Complication: Celestial Code of Conduct (Common, Total)
10   Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura (Not Concealable, Always Noticed; Detectable
   Only With Unusual Senses)
10   Hunted by Lustful Rakshasa (Infrequently, As Powerful, Harshly Punish)

Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 201

Jed Clayton:
... und noch mehr Inder, weil ich gerade Zeit und Lust dazu hatte:

Kshatriya Warrior: Charioteer

Val   Char   Points   Roll   Notes

15   STR   5   12-   HTH damage (STR/5)d6: 3d6 [1]; Lift: 150 kg
13   DEX   6   12-
15   CON   5   12-
14   INT   4   12-   Perception Roll (9+INT/5): 12-
18   EGO   8   13-
20   PRE   10   13-   PRE Attack (PRE/5)d6: 4d6
6   OCV   15
4   DCV   5
3   OMCV   0
3   DMCV   0
4   SPD   20
5   PD    3
2   ED    0
6   REC    2
30   END    2
14   BODY   4
26   STUN    3

Total Characteristics Cost: 92

Cost   Skills

3   Acrobatics 12-
3   Breakfall 12-
5   Climbing 13-
7   Combat Driving (Charioteer) 14-
12   Combat Skill Levels: four 3-Point CSLs with “Common Melee Weapons” (+4 to CV)
3   High Society 13-
2   KS: Epic Poetry 11-
2   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 11-
4   KS: Military Hierarchies 13-
5   PS: Soldiery 14-
3   Paramedics 12-
3   Persuasion 13-
3   Riding 12-
3   Stealth 12-
3   Survival 12-
3   Tactics 12-
3   Tracking 12-
3   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (completely fluent)
2   Weapon Familiarity (Common Melee Weapons)


6   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be a Kshatriya)
5   Money: Well Off

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 83
Total Cost: 175

175   Matching Complications (50)
20   Social Complication: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)
20   Psychological Complication: Code of Chivalry (Common, Total)
10   Hunted by Other Kingdom’s Spy (Infrequently, As Powerful, Harshly Punish)

Total Complications Points: 50

Bramhan Scholar: Village Teacher

Val   Char   Points   Roll   Notes

10   STR   0   11-   HTH damage (STR/5)d6: 2d6 [1]; Lift: 100.0 kg
13   DEX   6   12-
13   CON   3   12-
18   INT   8   13-   Perception Roll (9+INT/5): 13-
10   EGO   0   11-
16   PRE   6   12-   PRE Attack (PRE/5)d6: 3d6
3   OCV   0
5   DCV   10
5   OMCV   6
4   DMCV   3
2   SPD   0
7   PD    5
2   ED    0
6   REC    2
30   END    2
18   BODY   8
36   STUN 8

Total Characteristics Cost: 67

Cost   Skills

5   Conversation 13-
3   Deduction 13-
5   High Society 13-
4   KS: Arcane and Occult Lore 14-
5   KS: Classical Grammar 15-
4   KS: Ceremonial Law 14-
5   KS: Epic Poetry 15-
5   KS: Local Religious Beliefs 15-
6   KS: Vedic Society 16-
5   Oratory 13-
7   Persuasion 14-
5   PS: Bramhan Scholastics 15-
7   SS: Vishnuite Theology 15-
5   SS: Herbal Medicine 14-
10   Skill Levels: +1 with all Interaction Skills; +2 with Vishnuite Theology, Arcane and
   Occult Lore, and Ceremonial Law
3   Stealth 12-
3   Tactics 13-
4   Language: Courtly and Sophisticated Language (idiomatic)
2   Local Adivasi Language (fluent conversation)
2   Trader Tongue (fluent conversation)


8   Fringe Benefit: Member of Vedic Society (must be at least a lower Bramhan)
5   5 Points’ worth of Contacts

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 108
Total Cost: 175

175   Matching Complications (50)
20   Psychological Complication: Bramhan Rules of Conduct (Common, Total)
10   Social Complication: Priestly Duties at Important Holidays (Infrequently, Major)
10   Social Complication: Teaching Duties as Village Teacher (Frequently, Minor)
10   Dependent NPC (His Wife): Occasionally, Normal, Useful Non-Combat Position

Total Complications Points: 50


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