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The Gamemaster Screen
The screen is three-ply and portrait-oriented, with the essential information a GM needs to run the game:
Skill Check DCs, Trap Obstacle Attacks & Impromptu Damage by Environment
Chum the Adventure (d20 roll when you wish to be entertained)
Intercepting and Disengaging
Baseline Stats for Monsters, Monster Equivalents, Customizing a Monster, and Leveling a Monster
GP Per Full Heal-Up, and Optional No Math System
Item Chakras and Default Bonuses
Consumables Costs
GM Stuff to Remember
Rule Recaps for: Ambush & Surprise, Death & Dying, Fight in Spirit, Flee, Grabbed (new rules), Invisibility, No Recoveries, Ongoing Damage, Rally, Resistance, Shooting into Melee, Temporary Hit Points, Unarmed Attacks