Autor Thema: [Fate] The Fate of Inglemia  (Gelesen 1596 mal)

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[Fate] The Fate of Inglemia
« am: 14.05.2010 | 15:39 »
Noch ein bisschen was in Sachen Fate 3.0:

This Strategic Campaign outline features a Very High Magic setting for Very High Level characters. It is designed to allow the characters to alter events on a world shattering level. Incorporating elements of the Elemental Dimension of Magic, Inglemia goes back to the Prime Material roots of the eternal conflict between the Jeshatan and the magic hating Knah'tan.

Includes: 197 Spells, 45 NPC Templates, 11 Exotic Materials, 20+ Unique Devices, 7 Gods, 26 Unique Aspects, 20 Noble Houses, 10 Secret Societies, 12 Kingdoms, Self Replicating Runes, Mirror Tubes, and 5 Strategic Session Summaries!

Batteries not included.

A complete Fate 3.0 rpg such as Spirit of the Century or the Dresden Files is recommended for use with this product.  While it contains a magic system, it does not contain the full Fate 3.0 rules set.

Offline Horatio

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Re: [Fate] The Fate of Inglemia
« Antwort #1 am: 19.05.2010 | 00:08 »
Nächsten Monat wird das gekauft und angesehen^ . Dennoch, falls wer schneller ist, würde ich mich über eine Empfehlung oder Warnung freuen ;D.
You see, it did not matter that setting canon and expected style was being broken,
as long as the characters in the story believed in their roles, the Story Guide believed in the consequences of any actions taken,
and the players believed in the story more than mere setting facts. Whatever the story would be in genre and message,
that would be revealed after the fact, not before.
- Eero Tuovinen: A Loveletter to a Story Gamer

Offline Horatio

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Re: [Fate] The Fate of Inglemia
« Antwort #2 am: 24.05.2010 | 12:16 »
Hm also jetzt doch nicht wiederstehen können.. allerdings bisher nicht sicher ob das wirklich FATE3 ist.. sieht mehr nach FATE2 aus. Ich werd mich die Tage mal tiefer reinknien, aber entweder ist es ne Mogelpackung oder ein sehr neuer Take on FATE3.
You see, it did not matter that setting canon and expected style was being broken,
as long as the characters in the story believed in their roles, the Story Guide believed in the consequences of any actions taken,
and the players believed in the story more than mere setting facts. Whatever the story would be in genre and message,
that would be revealed after the fact, not before.
- Eero Tuovinen: A Loveletter to a Story Gamer