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Re: Savage Worlds - Small Talk
Dank Ennos investigativen Engagements kann ich für mehr Informationen zur Lizenzlage der Conan-Lizenz sorgen.
Siehe HIER.
Für alle, denen es zu umständlich ist, dem obigen Link zu folgen, hier die mir wesentlich erscheinenden Textausschnitte (Hervorhebungen von mir):
--- Zitat ---I just read this off of "the State of the Mongoose" forum for future Conan d20 releases:
--- Zitat ---Conan
A disagreement between ourselves and the licence holders has resulted in Conan being suspended in limbo. It is a tricky position – we cannot produce more material for the game (sales of further OGL Conan supplements will simply not justify the work required), and we have been forbidden to move the sword-swinging barbarian to a new games system.
It is a shame, but our loss is your gain. We have resolved to do the following in 2010.
First, we are bringing the price of all existing Conan books down to make it the best value fantasy RPG around. If you were debating about whether to dip into the Hyborian Age or wanted to complete your existing collection, now is the time! From January, the glorious 424 page main rulebook will be retailing for just $29.99 or £20, for example, while the Player’s Guide to the Hyborian Age will be just $14.99 or £10.
Second, we are going to be unleashing the power of Signs & Portents to support Conan throughout the year. We have built up a huge stock of player submitted adventures and writers’ rules-doodles. They will now be made available, for free, in the online magazine. Just click to download!
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This is not a surprise as their sales have been flat since they have been publishing these products. They recently attempted to move the license to the Savage Worlds system in an effort to revive the product line since rules lite is now the latest craze. However, they were denied this request by Conan Properties probably because of the upcoming Conan movie and the fact that this move may have been beyond the terms of the current license agreement to make d20 OGL Conan products. Tolkien Enterprises did something similar by yanking the license for MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing) from Iron Crown Enterprises prior to the release of the Lord of the Rings movies which ended up dooming ICE since they couldn't sell quite a bit of their printed MERP product. At least in this case, they are allowed to print and sell current products but won't be producing any additional material under the current license due to flat sales. This is good news if you were waiting for a price reduction to buy some of this stuff new as they are now lowering their prices - see post quoted above from link below.
One can only hope that a future Conan RPG release will see an improvement and a revival of this product line - being an avid R.E. Howard fan, I haven't been terribly impressed with Mongoose's efforts with this game to date. It would have been nice to see Conan for Savage Worlds, and that may still happen, but apparently not with the participation of Mongoose Publishing unless they manage to work something out.
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--- Zitat ---And the plot thickens...
I found Conan Properties International's response to Mongoose's announcement on their BBS:
--- Zitat --- In light of Mongoose’s announcement on Friday Oct 2, 2009, and subsequent posts, we feel there is a need for Conan Properties to comment on the matter.
First of all, keep in mind that CPI’s President and CEO, Fredrik Malmberg, has been involved in the RPG industry for many years. Around 1979/80, he was an intern at Chaosium and playtested the first editions of Call of Cthulhu and Stormbringer. Gaming has been a part of his working life since then and all decisions are based on these years of experience in, and love for, the gaming industry.
Mongoose has had a six-year run with the Conan RPG. There have been some ongoing contractual issues and quality standard concerns which we are working with Mongoose to correct. We made a decision not to automatically renew a third term when the present license expires, which is little more than one year from now. Instead, we will open the category up for all RPG publishers, including Mongoose, to submit proposals. Thereby we have given Mongoose a significant amount of time to correct the problems prior to the expiration and have welcomed them to present their new proposal and marketing plans.
A system change is not ruled out. We are neither bound to d20, nor opposing any other system for a future Conan RPG. From a business and player perspective, we feel a system change this close to the expiration of the license would be unfair to customers as there is a risk the new system would be abandoned a year from now, if a new licensee is selected. Until their license expires, Mongoose may continue to develop d20 supplements.
The Mongoose license has always been for RPGs and supplements only. The proposed atlas series was never included in the license. Unfortunately, work was started in lieu of this without prior approval and license amendment. CPI has been considering developing a deluxe atlas to explore the Hyborian Age for quite some time, receiving interest from major US publishers.
Jay Zetterberg, Director of Publishing
Conan Properties International
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This confirms what I suspected about their plans for a "universal atlas" of Hyboria being above and beyond the terms of their license agreement with CPI. It is also interesting to note that CPI has been pursuing this idea independently with book publishers for some time - that would be awesome if it ever gets published! This statement also clears up why they declined to allow Mongoose to switch the game to another system since there was only a year left under their current license which is set to expire and may or may not be renewed by CPI.
One can only hope that at some point we will see an official Conan for Savage Worlds RPG in one form or another. It is conceivable that Pinnacle Entertainment Group (the creator and publisher of the Savage Worlds System) could end up with this since they already own the RPG rights to Solomon Kane, another Robert E. Howard character. The only potential drawback with acquiring the Conan RPG license is that it is likely to come with a hefty price tag for whoever acquires it meaning their products will have to sell or they will go bankrupt or lose the license. Even if we don't see Savage Conan published by Pinnacle or Mongoose there is always the possibility of another game company picking it up as a licensed Savage Words supplement for Conan assuming they are willing to license both the system and the Conan property rights. Of course we could also see Conan licensed for a different RPG system as well (or even a new one) and quite a few other possibilities have been mentioned by various people on the net.
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Kann es sein das die Hintergrundtalente zum Teil heftigere Boni geben als "normal" kaufbare?
Gerade bei den Arkanen Hintergründen fällt das ja auf.
Im Fantasy Companion wird eine ähnliche Fertigkeit (1 Power, 5 PP, gekoppelt an ein Attribut) ja mit dem Wert eines Edges versehen.
Könnte man das so für Reguläre Talente übernehmen?
Also z.B.: Talent Paladin (1 Zauber, 5 Machtpunkte, Fertigkeit Glauben auf W6), das sich danach wie ein normaler Arkaner Hintergrund verhält?
--- Zitat von: Odium am 28.03.2010 | 20:23 ---Kann es sein das die Hintergrundtalente zum Teil heftigere Boni geben als "normal" kaufbare?
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Nein. - Das ist nicht der Fall.
--- Zitat von: Odium am 28.03.2010 | 20:23 ---Gerade bei den Arkanen Hintergründen fällt das ja auf.
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Das täuscht.
Mit dem Edge Arcane Background bekommt man zwar bis zu 3 Powers, muß aber in einen NEUEN Skill erst einmal Skillpunkte reinbuttern. Zudem wird man, um dieses Edge ausnutzen zu können, in Power Edges, New Power, Power Points investieren müssen UND den Arcane Skill mitziehen/erhöhen wollen/müssen.
Wenn man hingegen "Reich" genommen hat, dann ist man einfach reich. Und man muß NICHT EINEN Skill, NICHT EIN Attribut, NICHT EIN Edge zusätzlich erwerben.
Außerdem: Arcane Backgrounds bringen BESCHRÄNKUNGEN (Sinning!) oder GEFAHREN (Brainburn, Backlash, Explosion eines Gizmos) mit sich. - Die hat man bei "Rich" oder "Quick" oder "Attractive" NICHT.
--- Zitat von: Odium am 28.03.2010 | 20:23 ---Also z.B.: Talent Paladin (1 Zauber, 5 Machtpunkte, Fertigkeit Glauben auf W6), das sich danach wie ein normaler Arkaner Hintergrund verhält?
--- Ende Zitat ---
Um einen Paladin zu erschaffen, braucht es KEIN "Charakterklassen-Talent", sondern der Charakter nimmt sich den Arcane Background (Miracles), lernt Faith als Arcane Skill hoch, und kann sich die Professional Edges "Champion" und "Holy Warrior" zulegen. Und fertig ist der D&D-like Paladin mit Smite Evil, Turn Undead. usw.
Manche Setting-Adaptionen "verpacken" ALLE Arcane Backgrounds in settingspezifisch geprägte Professional Edges (Experten-Talente).
Somit wäre für ein bestimmtes Setting ein passendes Experten-Talent "Paladin" eines mit Anforderung Willenskraft W8+, Stärke W8+, Kämpfen W6+. Dieses Talent enthält den Arkanen Hintergrund (Wunder) mit 10 Machtpunkten, 2 Mächten. Es enthält NICHT irgendwelche Skill-Stufen in der Arkanen Fertigkeit Glaube! Den erwirbt man bei ALLEN Arkanen Hintergründen SEPARAT (wäre auch ansonsten UNFAIR den Kämpfern usw. gegenüber, denn in deren Talenten ist ja auch kein Kämpfen W6 als "Dreingabe" enthalten).
Warum willst Du denn den Arkanen Hintergrund "abmagern", daß nur die Hälfte der Machtpunkte und die Hälfte der Powers drin sind? - Das ist in JEDEM Falle NICHT gleichwertig zu einem Arkanen Hintergrund als normalem Hintergrund-Talent oder einem Arkanen Hintergrund eingebettet in ein Experten-Talent.
Wolf Sturmklinge:
So, nachdem es ja keine Downloadversion der Gentlemen's Edition gibt, suchte ich nach einem englischen Regelwerk...aber ich finde keins. Die Namen sagen mir nix. Es gibt keinen Shop der ein "Savage Worlds Rulebook" verkauft. Wärt Ihr bitte so nett und sagt mir, welches englische Buch die allgemeinen Regeln zu SW erhält und möglicherweise kompatibel zur GE ist?
--- Zitat von: Romanus eunt domus am 29.03.2010 | 01:27 ---Die Namen sagen mir nix.
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Das aktuelle Regelwerk ist die Savage Worlds Explorers Edition 3rd Printing.
Abgekürzt wird die SW Explorers Edition als SW:EX.
Als PDF findet man diese z.B. HIER bei für ca. 7,50 Euro.
Als Druckwerk findet man die SW:EX z.B. HIER beim Sphärenmeister für 7,95 Euro.
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