Autor Thema: Savage Dragonball Z  (Gelesen 4643 mal)

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Offline Stahlfaust

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Savage Dragonball Z
« am: 17.07.2010 | 09:29 »
Ich und ein paar Kumpels hatten, inspiriert von Dragonball Z Abridged, mal Lust einige Spielabende mit riesigen Energiekugeln um uns zu werfen und auf instant-Haar-blondierung  ;D
Wir haben eine Weile überlegt welches System dafür passend sein könnte, als mir einfiel dass ich ja noch Savage Worlds im Regal stehen habe, das wir noch nie gespielt haben. Wir sind also noch sehr unerfahren mit dem System und haben uns entschlossen herauszufinden ob das System wirklich dem Hype gerecht wird  ;)

Wir würden gerne das Feeling und den Flair von Dragonball Z transportieren, aber die Regeln dennnoch SW-typisch einfach halten. Was ich mir von Euch hier mit diesem Thread erhoffe?
Zunächst Anregungen und Ideen von Euch SW-Veteranen bezüglich Setting-Regeln um das Dragonball-Feeling richtig transportieren zu können.
Zum anderen aber auch Ideen und Richtlinien wie man ein Dragonball-Abenteuer leiten könnte, das sich auch wirklich wie Dragonball Z anfühlt. Was sind die DO's und DON'Ts?

Aber genug des Vorworts, hier erstmal was wir uns bisher so ausgedacht haben:

Character Creation

Attributes: 6 Points (1 more than standart)
Skills: 15 Points (standart)
Free Edges: Arcane Background (Ki), Ki Strike
Free Power: Fly

Arcane Background (Ki)

This Background functions Like the Superpowers Background, with the following changes:
If a character is reduced to 0 power points, all ongoing powers end and he can not use any power, even if it has a cost of 0.
For purposes of increasing Powers, Spirit is considered the key attribute to all Ki Powers.

Available Powers (Changes from original):
Armor (Range: self), Blast, Bolt, Burst, Deflection (Range: Self), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Detection reveals the target's Power Level while Concealing hides the user's Power Level), Enviromental Protection (Range: self), Fly (see below), Ki-Strike (see below), Quickness (Range: Self), Speed (Range: Self), Stun, Teleport (Self only, Target must be in sight)

Changed Power


In the world of Dragonball, flight is one of the most common powers. For this reason, instead of using the original Fly power these rules are used.

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1/4
Range: Self
Duration: 3 (0/round or 1/round)
Trappings: Fly allows the user to fly at his basic Pace with an equal Climb rate. He may double his Pace by spending 3 additional Power Points. Maintaining this power has no additional costs and does not count as maintained power for calculating penalties when flying at normal pace, or 1 point per round with normal maintaining penalties when flying at double speed. A character who has no Power Points left can not maintain Fly, even when only flying at normal pace.

New Edges

Ki Strike (Power Edge)
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Ki)
You add d4 points of damage to any unarmed (and only unarmed) damage rolls.You are considered armed when fighting without a weapon. In addition, when using Ki Strike you gain Armor Penetration equal to 1 + your power level. Even if it is not an arcane power, you can not benefit from this edge while you have no power points left.

Improved Ki Strike (Power Edge)
Requirements: Seasoned, Ki Strike
As Ki Strike, but the damage bonus when unarmed increases to d6.

Greater Ki Strike (Power Edge)
Requirements: Veteran, Improved Ki Strike
As Ki Strike, but the damage bonus when unarmed increases to d8.

Perfect Ki Strike (Power Edge)
Requirements: Heroic, Greater Ki Strike
As Ki Strike, but the damage bonus when unarmed increases to d10.

Attune Weapon (Power Edge)
Requirements: Veteran, Ki Strike
This edge allows a character to imbue melee weapons with the energy of his Ki. He may use such weapons with his own Power Level, instead of 0. As with the Ki Strike edge, this edge does not function if the character has no Power Points left.

Power Level

Power Level is what distinguishes ordinary fighters and martial artists from those with truly earth shaking powers. Mundane people usually have a Power Level of 0 with no ordinary ways of ever increasing. However, most characters with the Arcane Background (Ki) edge or another ability to use such powers usually have a Power Level of 1 or higher.
Player Character Wild Cards have a Power Level of 1 per rank (1 for Novice, 2 for Seasoned, 3 for Veteran and so on). Game Master Characters who meet the above conditions usually have a comparable Power Level, but the Game Master should adjust it as needed. Other circumstances might modify Power Level numbers.
A character adds his Power Level to all fighting rolls, melee and Arcane Power damage roll totals, as well as his toughness, parry and pace.
Mundane Weapons (such as firearms and swords) have a PL of 0, and a character attacking with one must use this PL to resolve attacks and damage.
Some powerful energy based projectile/ranged weapons might have a higher base PL. These are however, very rare.
In addition, characters with a lower power level than their enemy do not count when calculating a bonus to ganging up on this enemy.

Damage Rolls and Power Level
Wild Cards can only take a maximum of 1 Wound per attack. Dragonball supports long and hard battles, not one-hit kills.


Energy recharge: A character can use up an entire round, doing nothing else to spend a benny to regain all used up Power Points.

Overconfidence: When fighting against an opponent of at least the same Power Level, you may show him your superioty. If you succeed on a taunt check (as an action) and no one attacks the opponent until he has overcome the shaken condition, you regain a bennie.


Training to push oneself to the limit is an integral part of the Dragonball world, so of course it gets its own rules.
First of all, there is a new skill called training.

Training (Smarts)
This skill presents a character's ability to advance through training.

How to train

A character can improve himself by devoting time for training. There are multiple forms of training, but all of them work in the same way. Each Player Character Wild Card (and some, but not all NPC Wild Cards) receive a Training Point track.
Training points function very much like experience points, with some restrictions. They grant a special Advance every 5 points, like Experience Points do. However, Training Points never grant ranks. Also, whenever a character's experience point total is required for something, Training Points likewise don't count. Finally, a character may at no point have more Training Points than Experience Points.
Extras can never gain Training Points.

A character accquires Training Points by spending a certain ammount of time in training. During this time, he has to devote at least 8 or more hours per day to active training. The character makes a training skill check when half of the training period has passed. A success grants him 1 Training Point once he finishes the second half. A raise succesfully completes the training immediately. A failure means that the training was not efficient enough to improve. A character may roll for Smarts to realize this. A success means he can immediately stop training. A failure means that he finishes the rest of the training period in belief of getting stronger.
A critical failure on the initial training roll means that a character may not attempt a smarts roll and in addition receives a -2 penalty on his next training roll.

The following kinds of training exist:

Basic Training
Period: 1 Month
The most basic form of training. No additional modifications are added to this kind of training.

Gravity Training
Period: 10 days
This training exposes a character to high gravity (such as 10G). At the end of this training, a character must make a vigor roll. Failure means he becomes exhausted. A success still leaves him fatigued but a raise means that he is not affected negatively by the training at all. The character must rest for a full day for each step of fatigue he wants to remove. If the training was finished in half of the required time due to a raise, this vigor roll is made with a +2 bonus.

Extreme Gravity Training
Period: 1 day
This is the most intense training imaginable. It must be done in an enviroment with extreme gravity (such as 100G) and is potentially lethal. Immediately after making his training roll, the training character receives 4 wounds. He may make a soaking roll (no benny required) to reduce this damage. If he is incapacitaded due to this damage, his training immediately ends. In this case, he can not finish the training and only gets a training point if he scored a raise on his training roll.

Training Advances

A character who gains enough Training points gains Advances just as with experience points. However, the choice for these advances is limited:

Traits: A character may improve his Strength, Vigor and Agility attributes. He may only improve skills linked to one of these attributes, as well as arcane background skills. A character may only chose to increase an attribute once per rank with training points - this does not count towards the normal limit from experience points.
Edges: A character may only take Combat, Power and Training (see below) Edges.

Training Edges

These are new Edges, that may only be purchased with Advances from Training Points.

Reveal Power (Training)
Requirements: Seasoned, Power Level 2+, 30 or more Training Points
Your training reveals a power that was hidden within you. Your Power Level increases by 1.

Unlock Power (Training)
Requirements: Heroic, Reveal Power, Power Level 4+, 70 or more Training Points
Your intense training has revealed your full potential. Your Power Level increases by 1.

Resilience (Training)
Requirements: Veteran, Vigor d8+
The chores of your training have hardened your body to a point that you can simply shake off wounds that would bring down lesser fighters. You gain an additional wound level with no wound penalty. This wound level is always filled first.

Greater Resilience (Training)
Requirements: Legendary, Resilience, Vigor d10+
You have become tougher than anything else in the universe. Even the most grievous wounds can not stop you. You gain an additional wound level with no wound penalty. This adds up with the Resilience Edge, giving you 2 wound levels without penalty that get filled first in total.



Namekians are a peaceful and reclusive race of aliens, hailing from the planet of Namek. They are known for their great, magic-like powers. Namekians are green skinned and hairless, with two short antennae growing from their forehead.

A Namekian's racial modifications are as follows:

Regeneration: A Namekian can spend one Benny to make a vigor check to regrow lost body parts in combat - wound penalties apply normaly. Outside combat, neither is required. A Namekian can ignore wound penalties for healing checks and healing powers used on him. Namekians can roll for natural healing once per day.
Powers: Namekians with the Arcane Background (Ki) edge may also purchase the following powers: Greater Healing, Healing.
Good Hearing: Namekians receive a +2 on Notice checks related to hearing.


Sayans are are a race of proud warriors who value martial prowess above anything else. They are known for their ruthless efficiency in battle, regarding such things as mercy or concern as weak and detestable. After their homeworld was destroyed along with almost their entire population, only very few Sayans still exist. Those few usually are mercenaries who sell their power for profit at best, or brutal crusaders who seek to kill any worthy opponent they can find for the sake of combat alone at worst. Most sayans tend to not get along with members of other races, as they are regarded as gruff, unlikely and with a tendency to regard and treat any other race as inferior to themselves.
Sayans visibly greatly resemble the humans from planet earth, with their monkey like tails being the one most noteworthy differences.

A Sayan's racial modifications are as follows:

Hindrances: A Sayan must take either the Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, or Vengeful Major Hindrance (his choice) as racial penalty. The Sayans' reputation is rightfully earned by their deadly attitudes.
Skills: All Sayans start with a Fighting and Guts skill of d6.

Sayan Tail: A Sayan's tail holds one of his most frightening powers - the ability to transform into an Oozaru, a monstrous giant monkey capable of unequaled destruction. It is however also one of his greatest weaknesses if an enemy knows how to properly exploit it. A Sayan can be rendered near powerless by grabbing his tail. To do so, an enemy must use a grapple maneuver with a called shot (-2 penalty). If he succeeds, the grapple is resolved with the following modifications: The Sayan is automatically shaken until the grapple is broken and also falls prone on a raise. He may not attempt any other action than breaking free, and these attempts receive a -2 penalty. As soon as the grapple is broken, the Sayan stops to be shaken. A Sayan who ever loses his tail also loses the penalties associated with it.

Oozaru: Under the right circumstances, a Sayan who still has his tail can as above mentioned transform into an Oozaru. This usually requires him to look at the full moon (or an equivalent for earth's full moon on another planet). Not any moon may be appropriate to trigger the transformation, at the Game Master's discretion. Likewise, anything less than a completely full moon fails to trigger the transformation. As an Oozaru, a Sayan significantly grows in size. His size category becomes Huge with a score of +5. This means all attacks against the Oozaru by smaller creatures gain a +4 Bonus. Likewise, he gains a bonus of +5 on his toughness. In addition, his strength trait increases by 4 dice types. An Oozaru's tail does not suffer from the same weakness as his normal Sayan form. However, upon transforming the Sayan must suceed at a smarts roll to retain his personality in Oozaru form. Failure means that the Oozaru becomes an uncontrolled, raging monster that does simply destroy everything in its path. A succesfull roll means that the Sayan has full control over his Oozaru form. The Sayan reverts to his normal form when the full moon disappears. Alternatively, an enemy can try to cut of an Oozaru's tail to immediately force him to revert to his normal form. This is a called shot (-2), and at least one wound must be dealt with a single attack (a wound due to becoming shaken a second time does not count!) to the tail to sucesfully cut it off.

Powerful Recovery: One of the less known abilities of the Sayans is that when they are injured to near death and recover, their power increases. Whenever a Sayan fails a vigor roll after being incapacitated by lethal damage (self inflicted damage does not count) and recovers afterwards, he may immediately may roll his training skill. Wound penalties do not apply. If succesfull, he immediately gains 1 Training Point, or 2 with a raise. If this would be enough to reach an Advancement, he may immediately use it. A Sayan may even increase his number of Training Points beyond his Experience Point total this way, but then has to wait until his Experience Points catch up again before he can benefit from regular training again. A critical failure on this training roll has no effect.

New Edge

Control Oozaru (Racial Edge)
Requires: Veteran, Sayan Tail, Smarts d6, Spirit d8
You have learned to control your Oozaru form. You gain a +2 bonus on your Smarts roll to retain your personality when transforming. Also, you may make a Spirit roll at -2 to revert to your sayan form prematurely or even prevent a transformation altogether.


RIT Armor
+2 armor, weight 10. Protects the torso. This armor adjusts its size to the wearer, even expanding if he should increase in size categories.

This head mounted display has many functions, such as a communication device, organizer and recorder to only name a few.
It can also duplicate the effects of the detect (but not conceal) arcana power. No power points and skill roll to activate are required. However, when this ability is used on an effect produced by a character of a Power Level of 4 or higher, it shortwires and shuts down. It can not be restarted until 2d6 minutes have passed. Readings from a Power Level 6 or higher character cause the scouter to explode.
« Letzte Änderung: 17.07.2010 | 12:01 von Stahlfaust »
With great power comes greater Invisibility.

Offline Heretic

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #1 am: 17.07.2010 | 11:23 »
Ich würds mit dem Supers Companion oder Necessary Evil umsetzen. Es schreit danach.

Frage am Rande: Wurde das von Babelfish übersetzt?
ErikErikson: Ich weiss immer noch nicht, wie ich meinen Speer am besten einführe.
kirilow (IRC): Ich denke mir aber, dass Du gerne ein Misanthrop wärst.
oliof (IRC): Zornhau: Ich muss gleich speien.

Offline Stahlfaust

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #2 am: 17.07.2010 | 12:02 »
Ich kenne beide nicht, wieso sind die gut geeignet für eine Dragonball Conversion?
With great power comes greater Invisibility.

Offline Zwart

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #3 am: 17.07.2010 | 12:07 »
Weil dort gute Regeln für das Abbilden solcher "High Power" Superkräfte stehen.
Mit dem was in der GE oder EX steht bekommt man das nicht so schön hin. Damit bekommt man eher Superhelden auf Straßenniveau. Die welterschütternden Sachen stehen im Supers Companion.
« Letzte Änderung: 17.07.2010 | 16:21 von Zwart »

Offline Darkling ["beurlaubt"]

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #4 am: 17.07.2010 | 12:11 »
Weil sie den Powerlevel von Superkräften im Vergleich zum Grundregelwerk noch weiter anheben.
(Zwart war schneller..)

Davon ab habt ihr euch, grade weil ihr SW noch nicht gespielt habt nehme ich an, den ein oder anderen Bock geschossen.
Zusätzliche Wundlevel, um nur einen zu nennen..
Der Weg zum Herzen eines Menschen führt durch den Brustkorb!

I`m just a soul whose intentions are good.
Oh Lord, please dont`let me be misunderstood!

Offline Stahlfaust

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #5 am: 17.07.2010 | 12:13 »
Ein kurzes Google-Fu-Kata hat mir verraten, dass das Super Powers Companion letztlich die diesbezüglichen Regeln aus dem Necessary Evil zusammenfaßt und erweitert, aber setting-unspezifisch ist, stimmt das soweit? Also wäre das Super Powers Companion sinnvoller für uns als NE?
With great power comes greater Invisibility.

Offline Heretic

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #6 am: 17.07.2010 | 14:38 »
Ja. Und das noch zusätzlich, was Darkling sagt.
ErikErikson: Ich weiss immer noch nicht, wie ich meinen Speer am besten einführe.
kirilow (IRC): Ich denke mir aber, dass Du gerne ein Misanthrop wärst.
oliof (IRC): Zornhau: Ich muss gleich speien.

Offline Stahlfaust

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Re: Savage Dragonball Z
« Antwort #7 am: 18.07.2010 | 10:51 »
Ja die Wundlevel waren mir auch suspekt, das war nicht auf meinem Mist gewachsen  ;D
Welche anderen Schnitzer seht ihr noch?
With great power comes greater Invisibility.