Autor Thema: [nWoD] Dämonen-Baukasten  (Gelesen 932 mal)

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[nWoD] Dämonen-Baukasten
« am: 14.06.2010 | 14:53 »

ich wollte wissen, ob es für die nWoD einen Baukasten gibt, mit dem man Dämonen fernab von den
üblichen Verdächtigen (Vampire, Werwölfe etc.) kreieren kann. Das mensch sich selbst darüber Gedanken machen
kann ist hierbei irrelevant. Ich suche explizit ein Buch, PDF...
Freue mich über Antworten =)

Offline Lord of Badlands

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Re: [nWoD] Dämonen-Baukasten
« Antwort #1 am: 14.06.2010 | 15:26 »
Das Buch was Dämonen innerhalb der WoD behandelt ist "Inferno, aber was ich dir wirklich empfehlen kann ist das Hunter Grundbuch, das ist die Verkörperung von "Baukasten". Dort werden auch Dämone4n thematisiert incl. Regeln und Fähigkeiten. Ausserdem kann man sich damit eigentlich alles schnell und einfach zusammenbauen.


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Re: [nWoD] Dämonen-Baukasten
« Antwort #3 am: 15.06.2010 | 00:53 »
How to Use This Book
World of Darkness: Inferno is designed for players and
Storytellers who want to use the demonic in their games.
Contained within are many shades of the demonic, many
themes and moods and story ideas to allow your games
some degree of flexibility. It’s as much Hellraiser (or The
Hellbound Heart) as it is The Exorcist; equal parts Silent Hill
and Demon City Shinjuku.
The Prologue: Ring of Keys shows the Infernal secrets
that lie behind our expectations, and also gives a glimpse
of just how far one is willing to go into a hellish existence
to find a small kind of peace.
Chapter One: Demonology tears away the shadows
and exposes demons for what they are: refractions of Virtue,
reflections of Vice. The many faces of the Infernal are
contained within, from the weak Whisperers to the more
powerful Dominions. The taxonomy of demonology isn’t
just for the sake of determining diabolical authority; it gives
hellish entities power.
Chapter Two: Infernal Pacts examines the nature of
man’s relationship with the Infernal—a classic horror trope
is the summoning of and making pacts with demons from
beyond this world, and this chapter covers that. What can
a human learn from a demon? And what will the demon
take in return? In addition, you’ll find a handful of Artifacts
“blessed by Hell” or stained with the corruption of
the demonic.
Chapter Three: The Possessed—Sometimes man’s
relationship with demons goes terribly awry. It’s not about
making pacts or deals. No, sometimes a human grows too
weak or too sinful—he tears holes in his own soul, and
through this vacant spot demons may crawl. When they do,
the human becomes Possessed, with a host body that plays
home to both human soul and demon. Who has control?
You’ll find character creation rules, as well as an examination
of Infernal Vestments, those abilities that manifest from
the demon bleeding out into the flesh of the host.
Finally, the book ties it all together with a big grimoire
filled with antagonists. Chapter Four: The Hosts of Hell
gives you a wealth of demons, Possessed characters, and
those who have made pacts with Pandaemonium to gain
cruel powers. In addition, you’ll learn about the L’enfants
Diabolique, those humans who awaken to discover an Infernal
mote lurks in their bloodline, a twisted bit of DNA
from long, long ago.
In the shadows, the demons gather. Do you hear the
buzzing of flies? The whispering of parchment pages turning?
The stink of blood drawn in great whorls and slashes
on the wall? Will you make a deal with the demon? Open
the book and find out.