Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Cthulhu RPGs

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Ich bin Azatoth!

Aber was interessiert es mich überhaupt, wer oder was ich bin  ;)

You are Azathoth!

Known as the "Blind Idiot God", the center of all cycles known as Azathoth is the great void itself, infinite creation and inescapable oblivion made one. The Great God is without ego, as it has been embodied in a seperate consciousness as Azathoth has cast off the curse of self-awareness. Surrounded by the host of flautist servitors, piping the songs of the unknowable, Azathoth is not to be known by his aspirants. That is the purpose of another God...

Ich bin auch:

You are Azathoth!

Known as the "Blind Idiot God", the center of all cycles known as Azathoth is the great void itself, infinite creation and inescapable oblivion made one. The Great God is without ego, as it has been embodied in a seperate consciousness as Azathoth has cast off the curse of self-awareness. Surrounded by the host of flautist servitors, piping the songs of the unknowable, Azathoth is not to be known by his aspirants. That is the purpose of another God...

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Vale waan Takis:

--- Zitat von: bitpicker am 12.06.2003 | 10:35 ---
You are Nyarlathotep!

--- Ende Zitat ---

Me too


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