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Was hört Ihr gerade so?

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Foul Ole Ron:

--- Zitat von: Face of Freedom am 14.07.2010 | 21:59 ---Hatte ich vorhin als ich auf Link gedrückt hab, aber jetzt funzt es.  :)

--- Ende Zitat ---
Scheint ein kleines Server-Problem zu geben. Ich hatte auch gerade bei einigen Vids die Error-Meldung - im zweiten, spätestens im dritten Versuch gings dann.

Bei mir läuft gerade "Blaas of Glory - Why can´t this be love"  ;D .
Echt lustig und gut gemacht. Ich wühl mich gerade ein wenig durch deren Videos und deren Seite.

Reinhard Mey, Konstantin Wecker und Hannes Wader - Es ist an der Zeit
Welle:Erdball - 100 Mann und ein Befehl
Devo - Beautifull World

Vash the stampede:
The Herbaliser - The Sensual Woman

Lyrics (Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)To become aware of my own sensuality,
I first become fully aware of my own tactile sense.
In dim light, I close my eyes and remove my clothes.

Do I lose his respect for being so wild?
Hardly. He treats me like a rare and precious jewel.
And he goes through the day proud of the fact, that with me,
He is the world's most imaginative lover.

Men pick amazing places for sexual adventure.
The wildest adventure proposed to me was in a bathtub which was full of Jello!
All I could think of, was how many boxes it would take?
What would be the most alluring colour?
The most delicious flavour?
And how could that affect our oral explarations?
If the Jello gets firm, would I bounce?

As you look around for what's new and different,
Remember these three important weapons that should be learned to keep a man in love.
Imagination, sensitivity to his moods and desires,
And the courage to experiment with new sexual techniques,
Enticing situations and places.

Lovemaking is physical, and so its its language.
Suck, cock, fuck, and prick, are not bad words.
Used in the bedroom by lovers to describe parts of the body,
And physical activities,
They are very proper indeed, and they distinctly enhance sex.
Overhaul a prudish attitude.
Don't whistle and stick up your nose, at least, not up in the air.

Alice Crocodile Coltrane:
Aber Hallo!
Would that bounce?  ~;D

Hans Zimmer - Inception (endlich!)


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