| [Up to Four Players] Crystal Heart Author: Eran Aviram, Aviv Or Pages: 216 Prices: $20.00 (PDF)
In the world of
Crystal Heart, people's hearts are literally made of stone. Agents of the mysterious organization Syn scour the world in search of Crystals, powerful relics of a bygone age.
These Agents replace their hearts with Crystals, which grant incredible powers... but also affect the bearer’s personality in unpredictable ways.
Inspired by the styles and sensibilities of anime and superhero media, the
Crystal Heart setting was developed in the webcomic
Up to Four Players as the characters were playing it. Now you too can become a Syn Agent, explore ancient ruins and hunt down powerful Crystals!
Become an Agent of Syn, replace your heart with a Crystal and gain superpowers! (also lose your mind, but just a little)The book includes:
- Rules for using and misusing Crystals
- Dozens of Crystals for your players to find
- Guidelines for creating new Crystals
- Everything you need to know about Syn (and a few things you shouldn’t know)
- Full details on each of the Five Lands
- A full Plot Point campaign spanning 8 adventures
- Adversaries worthy of your antagonism, whether human, animal or Crystal-touched
- And all the Edges, Hindrances, weapons and setting rules needed to create the coolest Crystal Heart experience possible
Crystal Heart is a setting for the popular roleplaying game
Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition). Head on to uptofourplayers.com to read the webcomic which inspired the game, and download the
Crystal Heart Starter Set—for free!