Apathy Games will bei ihrem kommenden Setting
Temporal Propability Agency den alten bewährten SW-Statblock umstrukturieren.
Wie findet ihr den Änderungsvorschlag?
Kämt ihr damit (im Kampf) besser klar?
Wäre er Euch zu lang und nur für Wild Cards?
Würdet ihr ihn in euren Runden übernehmen?
The standard Savage Worlds stat blocks are simple and concise. We like that about them, but that doesn't make them as easy to use in combat. As they are, they require a certian level of system mastery or a lot of book flipping. Worse yet, they make it really easy to forget important information when you need it.
We set out to solve those problems.
You'll notice several things looking at this stat block. First, obviously, is that it is not very small. We've sacrificed size for accessibility. The Apathy Stat block has a description, followed by significant details.
Edges, Hindrances, and special abilities are now broken up by category. Not only does this make them easy to find when you need them, but it calls attention to them when you might otherwise not notice.
Each major combat action functions as a category to make it stand out. Edges are listed with the actions the affect, sometimes being listed multiple times if necessary.
Most importantly, each edge, hindrance, and special ability has a simple description of what it does, so you don't have to reference it during combat.