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[PDQ] Games of the PDQ Familiy
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--- Zitat ---Have you tried the other games in the PDQ family? One basic system, worlds of gaming fun!
* Dead Inside - Embrace your Virtue. Resist your Vice. Find meaning. Regain your soul.
* Truth & Justice - Simple. Speedy. Super.
* Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot - Are You Ready for a CHALLENGE?
* Ninja Burger - The world's only fast-food chain run by ninja is looking for new recruits!
* Questers of the Middle Realms - The lighter side of fantasy gaming. In less than 80 pages.
* The Zorcerer of Zo - Fairy tale adventures in the zantabulous land of Zo.
* Jaws of the Six Serpents - sword and sorcery, and the darker side of fantasy.
* Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies - Musketeers, Pirates, and Skyships - oh my!
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... unterscheiden?
Auf der Suche nach mehr Infos zu "Vox" bin ich auf die Antwort gestoßen:
--- Zitat ---07-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Enlightened One
6th Level RPGnetter
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Post Re: PDQ 2, Anyone play it?
Since I'm responsible for PDQ2 (and Vox), I suppose I can be of assistance here.
PDQ (to my knowledge) was always designed in such a way that each game which used it would add something new to the core mechanics. For example, Ninja Burger added Honor and an idea that the Gamemaster was also a player character. Truth & Justice added Story Hooks. Zorcerer of Zo streamlined the rules into something called the Good Parts system.
By the time Chad got to Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies, he had decided that the evolving system - together with the new swashbuckly bits - should be called something new, and so he called it PDQ# (following in line with the C programming language evolving into C#).
The major differences between PDQ and PDQ# are as follows:
1) Damage mechanics are cleaned up. Now instead of Damage Ranks and Failure Ranks you have Wound Ranks and Failure Ranks, and both of these ranks take "Damage". It's mostly semantics but it makes more sense this way. The mechanism for recovering Damage is also clarified; before it wasn't always clear how you healed from Failure Ranks as opposed to "Damage" Ranks. Now, Failures are regained quickly, and Wounds are more lasting.
2) Upshifts and Downshifts are gone. Downshifts are removed and replaced with the ability of the GM to merely adjust the Difficulty of a task upward. Upshifts are replaced with the much more robust ability of the player to use Style Dice (akin to Hero Points or Fate points) to shift rolls and otherwise affect the game.
3) Weaknesses (which were essentially previously just negative stuff you could take in order to also take more Qualities) are replaced with the more interesting Foibles, which the PLAYER invokes during play in order to earn more Style dice and other neat stuff.
4) The conflict back-and-forth is enhanced to become "The Duel", and works in all sorts of swashbuckly bits as appropriate to S7S.
5) Rather than having just a bunch of Qualities willy-nilly, characters are now presumed to have a core set of Qualities that help define them.
Chad and I discussed PDQ# and PDQ in relation to my game Vox. We both agreed that it would be good for me to use the newer system for the newer game (not that PDQ is obsolete; it's just that PDQ# is more robust). However, we also agreed that PDQ# as written was very Swashbuckly, and Vox (and presumably other games) would NOT be as Swashbuckly.
With Chad's permission and oversight, I took PDQ# and rewrote it to be more genre-neutral. This became PDQ2. The major new elements of PDQ2 then are:
1) Damage mechanics are cleaned up as explained above.
2) Upshifts and Downshifts are gone as explained above. Style dice are now called Karma dice; either word is appropriate, but Karma seemed to allow for more flexibility of definition, and was more appropriate to Vox.
3) Weaknesses are also changed as explained above, but in PDQ2 and Vox are named Quirks (thus allowing characters to have Qualities and Quirks).
4) The swashbuckly bits are gone.
5) As explained above, there are specific Core Qualities that all characters are presumed to have. Every character now has a Past/History, a Present/Defining Quality, and a Future/Motivation. This provides every character with a background, a central defining characteristic, and a goal, right from creation. Every character also has a Quirk; as above, this is a negative quality or flaw, but it is used by the player to move the story along and earn Karma.
PDQ2 has NOT been officially released in the same manner as PDQ and PDQ#, because Chad suggested (and I agree) that having PDQ, PDQ# and PDQ2 (btw, there's also a PDQlite) all released at the same time would be confusing. PDQ2 and PDQlite are, thus, only really available to PDQ licensees who are working on PDQ-based games, allowing them to use the new genre-neutral PDQ2 mechanics instead of working from PDQ# and then having to back out the swashbuckly bits.
As mentioned above, each new PDQ game has generally added some new mechanic to the core game engine as appropriate to the game. In Vox, this is the central Voice mechanic, which provides mechanisms for other players to control Voices in each others' heads, and ways for them to cooperate, battle for control, and so on.
Whew. Hopefully that clears it all up!
Writer, designer, ninja, Column Lead
Creator of Vox (
Creator of Ninja Burger (
Co-creator of Hellas (
Home page:
--- Ende Zitat ---
Zu den Unterschieden von PDQ# zu Swashbucklers of the 7 skies (S7S):
Sie sind im Kern identisch, es gibt ein paar Unterschiede im Detail:
* PDQ# hat 4 zusätzliche Stärken, S7S nur drei
* S7S hat Regeln für Ephemera, Magie, Fahrzeugkampf
Zu Jaws of the 6 Serpents kann ich hoffentlich am Wochenende etwas sagen.
Ninja Burger habe ich nur in der No-Honor-Edition, also ohne das, was NB in das PDQ-System eingebracht hat.
Jaws hat relativ offene, dafür unter Umständen für den Magier gefährliche Magieregeln. Da die explizit auf das Genre hin arbeiten, sind sie wohl spezifisch für das Spiel. Ich kenne allerdings die anderen Vertreter nicht, ich habe noch Questers hier, aber bin bisher nicht zum lesen gekommen. Die anfangs zu wählenden Qualities können einmal aus einer Liste für die Herkunft gewählt werden, dann beschreibt eine Quality einen inneren Drang/Streben, das dritte ist die übliche Schwäche. Die übrigens Qualitites sind frei wählbar.
Dann gibt es noch das Prinzip "Urges". Urges sind IT die sechs Kräfte, die über die Welt bestimmen. Es gibt jeweils zugeordnete Fähigkeiten, Elemente, Gegenstände usw. Wenn ein Charakter eine Urge als Stärke hat, kann er sie einsetzen, um für eine entsprechende Handlung +1w6 zu erhalten, dafür erhält die Quality einen Downshift. Auch Orte können entsprechende Urge Qualities haben, der Große See könnte eben Urge:good (+2) Water haben. Magier können solche Energien anzapfen. Soviel mal kurz aus dem Gedächtnis.
Wenn du genauere Fragen hast, kann ich das sicherlich für dich nachschauen.
Vox hat ein paar deutliche Unterschiede zu PDQ#:
* nur noch vier Stärken (PDQ# hat 8 )
* keine Techniken (ersatzlos gestrichen)
* keine Duelle. Es gibt nur noch Challenges (gegen Schwierigkeit) und Conflicts (gegen PC, NPC)
* und natürlich die Voices
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