Autor Thema: [POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen  (Gelesen 1535 mal)

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[POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen
« am: 9.04.2011 | 12:17 »
Wo ich gerade an einem POTSM-Oneshot schraube, habe ich auch mal noch schnell und schmutzig vier Schwertkampfschulen aus 7th Sea zu POTSM-Academies konvertiert.
- Cappuntina (Wurfmesserschule für Weiber, die sich mit maximaler Feuerrate selbstverteidigen wollen)
- Delicatesse ("Fecht"schule für adelige Schicksen die nicht richtig kämpfen können, es aber gerne wollten)
- Schaller (Hieb- und Schnittwaffenschule mit Faustkampfelementen)
- Spervuur (Pistolenschule; im Original Rasmussen genannt, was mir aber für die irdischen Holländer eher unpassend vorkam)

Inbesondere bei Delicatesse hätte ich gerne Verbesserungsvorschläge, da ich nicht das Gefühl loswerde dass ich hier zu kompliziert denke/verregele/schreibe, aber mir sind jegliche Anmerkungen willkommen.

PS: Direkt auf englisch geschrieben, da ich mir keinen Sprachmischmasch antun wollte, und da mit POTSM's Lage im Lizenzlimbo sowieso nicht mehr mit einer deutschen Übersetzung zu rechnen ist.

Type: Private
Requirements: Throwing d4+, must be female

This style has been developed in the Italian city-states and focuses on using the Cappuntina pin - a thin and light-weight throwing knife that resembles more a guard-less stiletto than the more bulky classical throwing knifes (see Gear below). It is popular for self-defense and sports among the young upper-class women, and occassionally also taught to their maid-servants to help them to better protect their mistresses. It also finds increasing usage by those vagrants and carnies who are skilled with thrown knifes.
Other swordsmen tend rather to dismiss it as an ineffective girlish past time, but it has its uses. Where a thorough blade might arouse suspicion, the Cappuntina pin is easily overlooked, whether it is openly worn as a hair pin or hidden in a corset or sleeve.

Trained Cappuntina users have learned to quickly access their signature weapons. They can quickdraw Cappuntina pins as per the Quick Draw edge (but no other weapons, unless they purchase the edge).

They also know how to draw and release multiple knives at once. For them Cappuntina pins have a ROF of 2, allowing them to perform Double Taps, Three Round Bursts, Autofire (using up 2 knifes per target) and Suppressive Fire (using up 10 knifes) as per the SW core rules. These maneuvers may be performed independently for each hand.

Cappuntina fighters have also access to a special maneuver called Pin, using a flurry of knifes to pin a target's limbs to a nearby obstacle as a tree, a wall or a pillar (or the ground if nothing else is nearby). This requires the expenditure of 10 knifes. It is handled as the Entangle power in the SW core rules (replacing arcane skill with Throwing and the power's range with the range of the knifes - range modifiers still apply).

Cappuntina fighters may learn the Rock And Roll edge from the core rules (using Throwing d8+ as requirement in lieu of Shooting d8+).

Many Cappuntina fighters are dabblers and happily leave their devotion at the basic Fencing Academy edge. Still, Ambidextrous and Two-Fisted are encouraged to increase the amount of steel in the air, while Fleet-Footed allows to keep up the distance. Marksman is rather obscure among Cappuntina fighters, as they prefer dealing large quantities of missiles over dealing measured quality shots.

Secret: A Cappuntina mistress may attack with a ROF of 3 instead of 2. This increases expenditure of knifes accordingly, so this option is usually only used on Autofire. With Suppressive Fire and Pins, most Cappuntina mistresses prefer to "pull their punches". In addition, range of Cappuntina pins is improved by +1/+2/+4.

Type: Private
Requirements: Agility d6+, Fighting d4+, Charisma 1+, must be female

This relatively new French academy was rather born out of necessity, than by being a good idea to begin with.
A couple of decades ago, a lady duellist called Arielle had to attend a ball at her noble patron's court. Her arch nemesis decided that this would be a good opportunity to assassinate her. So, he dispatched some goons to assault Arielle while she was helpless with her impractical ballgown and without any arms. Fortune favouring fools, she could strike down one of the assailants with a chair and grab his rapier. Still, the bulky dress remained a problem, so she had to resort to the only kind of movement  it was designed for: Dancing. Relying on dance steps rather than on traditional footwork and keeping the skirt lifted with her off-hand, she swirled across the ball room and managed to fend off the remaining attackers. This show impressed Arielle's patron and gave her that kind of idea that swordfighters hate their eccentric noble patrons for: A fencing class of that style for her daughter, who should be able to defend herself and still look pretty doing so. Arielle was gently forced into giving classes. Within weeks, those private classes were blown up to a new fencing academy as more and more curious and bored young noblewomen seeked to learn the style. Arielle managed to get by by making stuff up as she went along the curriculum, and snuck off as soon as she could from this travesty of a fencing academy.
Still, the Delicatesse academy has persisted. It is widely regarded as a "play school" for bored girls and young women of high birth, who are more about playing musketeer while looking pretty, than about martial prowess. (And probably rightfully so.) Still, it is popular in the French nobility, and sweeping across other courts in tides as the fashion comes up, only to vanish once more for a few years once the school becomes more work than play for their new followers.

Delicatesse students ignore any encumbrance and penalties assigned by ball gowns and similarly bulky or silly dresses (though not by actual armor).

As the defence in Delicatesse relies more on dance steps and footwork than on actual bladework, students may use Agility in lieu of Fighting to calculate Parry.
Full Defense still relies exclusively on the Fighting die - students are taught to defend by staying in motion, rather than by getting stationary, so the academy's special training is useless with that maneuver.
(Of course, this encourages the students further to rely on their natural grace and get by with dodging, rather than to actually learn to fight and hit anything. The reputation of "dancing dollies who don't know how to hold a blade" has to come from somewhere.)

When a Delicatesse student scores a raise on a Trick against an adjacent foe, and she is either unarmed or only using an improvised weapon at that time, she may immediately follow up with a free non-lethal Disarm attack. This attack enjoys the benefits of The Drop. This incurs no additional multi action penalties, though any which apply during the round also apply to this attack. For instance, a character who runs and performs a Trick has a –2 penalty this round for performing two actions. With a raise, his Fighting roll is made at –2, being an additional benefit of the Trick rather than being a separate action.
(As a self-defense academy for noblewomen, the assumption is that the student is encountered unarmed. Thus, special emphasis is put on "releasing" foes of their arms with bare hands and provisional means, to give the student a chance to grab the foe's weapon and start to actively fight back.)

As a "play school" mostly practiced by dabblers, students rarely go out of their way to deepen their grasp with fitting edges - many don't even bother to improve their Fighting beyond the very basic d4! Still, there are a few edges that can help. First Strike is one of the few combat edges that doesn't require a high Fighting die, and might especially come in handy early in a fight: The student can focus on Defend to negate the Unarmed Defender penalty, and still gets an opportunity for a Disarm attack. Improvisational Fighter also doesn't rely on fighting, and eases the students' search for a weapon a bit. With the high reliance on Agility, Acrobat also comes in handy to enhance Agility Tricks (and provides some extra parry on the side).

Secret: A Delicatesse mistress knows how to stay mobile and stay out of harm's way at the same time. Free attacks against her due to her own movement (i.e. due to Withdrawing From Close Combat and First Strike) receive a -2 penalty. In addition, she may use a Full Defense and still move at her half pace that round.

Type: Private
Requirements: Strength d8+, Vigor d6+, Fighting d4+

This school has been developed by woodsmen, lumberjacks and other hardy workers in the rural areas of the Holy Roman Empire's splintered remains, to defend their remote settlements. It teaches the use of a non-piercing one-handed weapon as an axe, club or cutlass, while the unoccupied hand is used for punches of opportunity. Some swordsmen sneer at it as unsophisticated and brutish, but those who have more brawn than skill see the benefits in it.

Schaller students may use their Strength to perform tricks. Typical trappings include Beat, Bind, Corps-A-Corps and Pulling The Rug (see POTSM p.85), as well as punches to the face to distract and puzzle.

A Schaller student who scores a raise on a Strength Trick against an adjacent foe may immediately follow up with a free Fighting attack. This incurs no additional multi action penalties, though any which apply during the round also apply to this attack. For instance, a character who runs and performs a Trick has a –2 penalty this round for performing two actions. With a raise, his Fighting roll is made at –2, being an additional benefit of the Trick rather than being a separate action.

When a Schaller students receives a free fighting attack (such as by First Strike, Riposte, a withdrawing adjacent foe or a raise on a Strength Trick), he may decide to use his fist rather than his main weapon. This grants him a +2 to the Fighting roll and to damage, as most enemies rather expect an attack with the main weapon and are caught off-guard by that.

Schaller doesn't grant discounts on any Edges. However, students are encouraged to pick up Dirty Fighter to make more of their Strength tricks, as well as First Strike and Riposte along with their improved versions to gain more free attacks.

Secret: Schaller masters increase their fist damage to Str+d4 and are never considered Unarmed Defenders.

Type: National (Dutch)
Requirements: Shooting d6+, Repair d4+, must be Dutch

The "republic of hucksters" has always been known for economical prowess, but no so much for flashing blades. This also reflects in their national academy. Rather than to teach how to move close and get slaughtered in melee by English, French and Spanish swordmasters, Spervuur teaches how to keep up distance and slaughter those pesky swordslingers in a hail of gun fire. Spervuur students are known to carry belts and belts and belts with loaded pistols, and even in melee, many of them prefer a pistolsword over an honest blade.

Students of the Spervuur academy can draw pistols and pistolswords and use them immediately without penalty, just as if they had the Quick Draw edge. Other weapons (including larger firearms as muskets) may not be quickdrawn, unless the edge is purchased.

Having learned how to effectively store loads of pistols, Spervuur students treat pistols for encumbrance purposes as if they were one pound lighter (down to a minimum of 1 pound). This doesn't include pistolswords.

Popular edges are Rich and/or Gunsmith (to get easier access those expensive bucket loads o' guns), Ambidextrous and/or Two-Fisted (to increase the effective rate of fire) as well as Brawny (to be able to carry more guns). Surprisingly, Marksman is relatively unpopular - standing still and allowing the swordslingers to get close is rarely considered a viable trade-off for better aim. Students are rather encouraged to pick up Fleet-Footed and Musketeer to improve their mobility.

Secret: Masters of the Spervuur style learn to hit from further away. They halve range penalties with pistols, reducing them to -1 at medium distance and -2 at long distance.


Cappuntina Pin
Thin and lightweight, these guardless Italian throwing stilettos have more resemblance to darts than to traditional throwing knifes. Without any guards and without the strength of blade to parry anything, they are absolutely useless in melee.

Range: 3/6/12
Damage: Str
ROF: 1
Cost: 1/2
Weight: 1/5
Min Str: -
Notes: -

A pistol sword is essentially a cutlass with a built-in pocket pistol. The pistol grip serves as blade grip, while the barrel runs along the flat side of the blade. They have some novelty value, but neither make for a good gun nor for a good sword. The pistol lacks sightings, viable barrel length and is unbalanced by the blade, while the sword suffers from an awkward grip and unbalancing by the pistol. It is essentially a last resort weapon for people who are far better with guns than with blades, but still find themselves cornered and wish for a final shot of opportunity before getting forced into melee.

Type: Blade
Damage: Str+d4
Weight: 6
Cost: 300
Minimum Strength: -
Notes: -1 Fighting, built-in Pocket Pistol
Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates - Mein Rollenspielblog

Ein freier Mensch muss es ertragen können, dass seine Mitmenschen anders handeln und anders leben, als er es für richtig hält, und muss es sich abgewöhnen, sobald ihm etwas nicht gefällt, nach der Polizei zu rufen.
- Ludwig von Mises

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Re: [POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen
« Antwort #1 am: 14.04.2011 | 22:38 »
Einen hamwer noch, da ich als vorgefertigten Charakter auch einen Zweihändersöldner will. Ich dachte erst ich könnte das mit Longstride oder der Royal Fency Academy umsetzen, aber beide Akademien sind eher dazu geeignet, einzelne starke Fechter auf Abstand zu halten, anstatt einem Haufen Kroppzeug.

Type: Private
Requirements: Fighting d6+, Intimidation d6+, Strength d8+

This is a school focussing on the great sword. It is mostly used by daring mercenaries. Mercs who have attended this academy are referred to as Doppelsöldner (double mercenaries), receiving double the pay of regular troops. The downside of that deal is that they are assigned to protect the flanks of pikemen formations as lone warriors, using their enormous swords for extensive sweeps to keep any flanking assaults at bay. Obviously, not many Doppelsöldner grow old, but those who do become forces to be reckoned with.
Strongholds of this academy are the Holy Roman Empire's remains and Scotland. In the Spanish Main, it finds increasing use by sea rovers and immigrants.

Drexel students know how to handle a great sword with ease, and how to hold ground with it. The minimum strength requirement drops to d8 for them, and the Reach increases to 1.

They know a special maneuver, the Whirlwind. To activate it, they perform a fighting attack. With a success, an area in a Small Burst Template centered on them is considered as under Suppressive Fire (see Core Rules) until their next action, hitting both friend and foe. They may not move during that turn.

Secret: The Drexel master may move during his turn (although not run), dragging the Whirlwind along with him. A stationary Drexel master can increase the template size to Medium Burst (but may opt not to, as to protect friends).
Extras who fail their Spirit roll inside the Whirlwind are so scared that they become Panicked, not merely Shaken.
Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates - Mein Rollenspielblog

Ein freier Mensch muss es ertragen können, dass seine Mitmenschen anders handeln und anders leben, als er es für richtig hält, und muss es sich abgewöhnen, sobald ihm etwas nicht gefällt, nach der Polizei zu rufen.
- Ludwig von Mises


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Re: [POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen
« Antwort #2 am: 14.04.2011 | 23:42 »
@Delicatesse: Agility statt Fighting zu benutzen ist (in den meißten Fällen) KEIN Vorteil. Es ist viel einfacher Fighting zu steigern, als Agility, und mit Agility kann man nicht angreifen. Wenn es eine reine NSC-Schule werden soll gibt es kein Problem, aber welchen Grund haben SPIELER-Charaktere mit dieser Kampfschule, Fighting NICHT zu steigern (abgesehen von "es passt nicht zum Charakter").
Alternative: +2 auf Parry und Agility-Tricks, wenn man ein Ballkleid trägt und höchtens die Hälfte seiner Bewegungweite zurücklegt (der Charakter bewegt sich nicht wirklich weniger, sondern macht zahlreiche Ausweichbewegungen (welche auf der Battlemap nicht dargestellt werden) und legt deswegen weniger Distanz zurück).
Evtll. noch irgendwas mit ToWs, um das Ganze abzurunden

Abgesehen davon gefallen mir die Schulen sehr gut.

Offline Skyrock

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Re: [POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen
« Antwort #3 am: 15.04.2011 | 00:20 »
Ich bin in der Tat nicht ganz glücklich mit Delicatesse und hatte einiges an Kopfzerbrechen, zumal die hier greifenden Mechanismen so unterschiedlich sind zwischen 7th Sea und SW.

Das mit "niedriges Fighting" und "sinnlos" habe ich auch festgestellt, als ich den Charakter mit der Schule endlich skizziert habe :P

Ich lass mir mal deinen Vorschlag durch den Kopf gehen (bevorzugt zu einer weniger nachtschlafenden Zeit).
Ich habe aber grundsätzlich die Alarmglocken schrillen wann immer irgendwo "Parry +x" auftaucht, zumal wenn X größer ist als 1. Nicht umsonst geben Edges wie Block oder Improved Block immer nur +1 Parry, und selbst sehr defensive Schulen wie Old School rücken höhere Parry-Boni nur unter sehr spezifischen Umständen heraus.
Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates - Mein Rollenspielblog

Ein freier Mensch muss es ertragen können, dass seine Mitmenschen anders handeln und anders leben, als er es für richtig hält, und muss es sich abgewöhnen, sobald ihm etwas nicht gefällt, nach der Polizei zu rufen.
- Ludwig von Mises

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Re: [POTSM] Ein paar konvertierte Fechtschulen
« Antwort #4 am: 15.04.2011 | 20:39 »
Überarbeitung Delicatesse:

Delicatesse students ignore any encumbrance and penalties assigned by ball gowns and similarly bulky or silly dresses (though not by actual armor).

As the defence in Delicatesse relies more on dance steps and footwork than on actual bladework, students may use Agility in lieu of Fighting to calculate Parry.
When they do so, they gain 1/3 of their Charisma (rounded up) as a Parry bonus. (Charisma means more gracious and elegant movement.) When such a Delicatesse fighter is an Unarmed Defender, her attacker only receives a bonus of +1 in lieu of +2 - she relies much on legwork and less on parries.

When an unarmed Delicatesse student scores a raise on a Trick against an adjacent foe, she may immediately try to grab and steal his blade. Roll an Agility trick opposed by the foe's Strength. On a success, the weapon drops to the ground. On a raise, the Delicatesse fighter holds it in her main hand.
This incurs no additional multi action penalties, though any which apply during the round also apply to this attack. For instance, a character who runs and performs a Trick has a –2 penalty this round for performing two actions. With a raise, her Agility roll is made at –2, being an additional benefit of the Trick rather than being a separate action.
(As a self-defense academy for noblewomen, the assumption is that the student is encountered unarmed. Thus, special emphasis is put on "releasing" foes of their arms with bare hands and provisional means, to give the student a chance to grab the foe's weapon and start to actively fight back.)

Secret: A Delicatesse mistress knows how to stay mobile and stay out of harm's way at the same time. Free attacks against her due to her own movement (i.e. due to Withdrawing From Close Combat and First Strike) receive a -2 penalty. In addition, she may use a Full Defense and still move at her half pace that round.

Punkt für Punkt durchgekaut:

Delicatesse students ignore any encumbrance and penalties assigned by ball gowns and similarly bulky or silly dresses (though not by actual armor).
Unverändert. Kein echter Vorteil, da reine Styleentscheidung mit einem solchen Handicap zu kämpfen.

As the defence in Delicatesse relies more on dance steps and footwork than on actual bladework, students may use Agility in lieu of Fighting to calculate Parry.
When they do so, they gain 1/3 of their Charisma (rounded up) as a Parry bonus. (Charisma means more gracious and elegant movement.) When such a Delicatesse fighter is an Unarmed Defender, her attacker only receives a bonus of +1 in lieu of +2 - she relies much on legwork and less on parries.

Veränderung: Wenn Parry auf Agility basiert, wird 1/3 Charisma addiert.
Unbewaffnete Delicatessen bekommen Parry +1, bleiben aber Unarmed Defender. (Damit sind grundsätzlich unbewaffnete Delicatessen nicht dazu genötigt, eine improvisierte Waffe zu schnappen nur um nicht so leicht getroffen zu werden.)
Obendrein habe ich die "Nicht bei Full Defense"-Klausel gekickt - bringt nichts außer einer Sonderregel für ein winziges bißchen "Realismus" und ist ergo unsavage.

Im aller aller extremsten Fall wären das:
- +3 durch Charisma (Attractive, Very Attractive, Charismatic, Fame 50-100).
- +1 durch Rapier
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +6, 6 Edges

Extremster Fall bei einer akademielosen Kämpferin:
- +2 durch Rapier und Buckler/Zweitrapier
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +4, 2 Edges

Vergleichbare Fälle mit Delicatesse:
- +1 durch Charisma 1+ (nur Attractive oder nur Fame Bonus)
- +1 durch Rapier
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +4, 3-4 Edges

- +2 durch Charisma 4+ (Attractive + Very Attractive oder Attractive + Famebonus)
- +1 durch Rapier
- +1 durch Block
=> +4, 3-4 Edges

- +3 durch Charisma 7+ (Attractive, Very Attractive, Charismatic + Fame 10+, oder Attractive, Very Attractive + Fame 100)
- +1 durch Rapier
=> +4, 2-3 Edges

Die Delicatessekämpferin braucht damit mehr Edges als eine akademielose gemaxte Kämpferin, um Parry +4 zu bekommen. Allerdings bringen diese Edges zudem einen kräftigen Schub für Charisma, und man kann höher hinaus kommen als jemand ohne Akademie.
Damit lohnt sich Delicatesse in einem speziellen Fall - nämlich der charismatischen Hofdame, die nebenher noch kämpfen können will. Ich sehe damit den Sinn einer Kampfschule erfüllt, die ja kein universeller Verstärker sein soll (dafür sind die gewöhnlichen Combat Edges da), sondern die in einer speziellen Situation Boni bringt.

Dann vergleiche ich mal noch die extremsten Fälle aus anderen defensiven Akademien:

Lady's Academy:
- Effektiv +2 auf Parry gegen Männer (leicht bis durchschnittlich erfüllbar je nach "Frauenquote" in der Kampagne des SLs)
- +2 Parry durch Rapier und Buckler/Zweitrapier
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +6, 3 Edges

- +1 Parry bei Standardlunge (leicht erfüllbar je nach Situation)
- +2 Parry durch Rapier und Buckler/Zweitrapier
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +5 Parry, 3 Edges

Old School:
- +1 Parry mit Langschwert und Buckler (trivial erfüllbar)
- +1 Parry durch Buckler
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +4 Parry, 3 Edges

Royal Academy:
- +1 Parry wenn stehenbleibend (leicht erfüllbar je nach Situation)
- +2 Parry durch Rapier und Zweitrapier/Buckler
- +2 durch Block/Improved Block
=> +5 Parry, 3 Edges

Diese verbrauchen durch die Bank deutlich weniger Edges bei vergleichbaren Parry-Boni. Allerdings haben die anderen Schwertkämpfer von ihren Edges ausschließlich einen Parry-Bonus, während Delicatessekämpferinnen zusätzlich kräftig Charisma mitnehmen. (Wie im Fluff gesagt, sie interessieren sich mehr dafür ob sie gut aussehen und ob der Rubin im Schwertknauf zu ihrem roten Kleid passt :) )

Was die von Alexandro angeregten ToW-Boni angeht, muss eine hochgezüchtete Delicatesse-Kämpferin mit entsprechend hohem Charisma nur das Seducer-Edge erwerben. Mit einem Charismabonus von 8-10 ist der Erfolg mit Raise gegen die meisten Männchen schon so gut wie vorprogrammiert.
(Randnotiz: Wobei ich die Hausregel habe, dass der Charismabonus bei Seducer halbiert ist. Ausgabe mehrerer Edges hin oder her, ein Bonus von +6 oder mehr bei einer kampfrelevanten Anwendung ist einfach Overkill und verlässt den Wertebereich, in dem SW noch gut funktioniert. Selbst mit diesem Nerf ist Seducer noch ein verdammt guter Deal, wenn man schon auf so einem Berg Charisma sitzt.)

When an unarmed Delicatesse student scores a raise on a Trick against an adjacent foe, she may immediately try to grab and steal his blade. Roll an Agility trick opposed by the foe's Strength. On a success, the weapon drops to the ground. On a raise, the Delicatesse fighter holds it in her main hand.
This incurs no additional multi action penalties, though any which apply during the round also apply to this attack. For instance, a character who runs and performs a Trick has a –2 penalty this round for performing two actions. With a raise, her Agility roll is made at –2, being an additional benefit of the Trick rather than being a separate action.
(As a self-defense academy for noblewomen, the assumption is that the student is encountered unarmed. Thus, special emphasis is put on "releasing" foes of their arms with bare hands and provisional means, to give the student a chance to grab the foe's weapon and start to actively fight back.)

- Entwaffnung basiert auf Agilitytrick statt auf normalem Disarm-Angriff
- The Drop fällt weg
- freie Entwaffnung nur unbewaffnet, nicht mit improvisierten Waffen

Durch einen Agility-Trick statt einem regulären Disarm-Angriff spare ich den Schadenswurf ein - wichtig bei einer Bonusaktion, nachdem wahrscheinlich die Runde über schon mehrere Würfel gerollt wurden. Es bringt zudem einen weiteren Anreiz dazu, Fighting zu Gunsten Agility zu vernachlässigen.
The Drop fällt in Zusammenhang damit weg, da es jetzt doppelt gemoppelt wäre - es war ursprünglich vor allem dazu gedacht, den Disarm-Abzug und die wahrscheinlich miese Stärke (=> wenig Schaden mit bloßer Hand) einer Delicatesse.Kämpferin auszugleichen.

Beschränkung auf Tricks ist dazu da, um trotz Seducer-Edge Tricks nebst zugehörigen Edes wie Acrobat oder Dirty Fighter relevant zu halten und interessante Entscheidungen zu schaffen. (Geht man direkt auf einen Trick, oder opfert man erst eine Runde um man den Gegner mit einem Seducer-ToW weichzuklopfen und dann mit einem Trick mit +2 nachzusetzen?)

Aus letzterem Grund gibt es die freie Entwaffnungsaktion nur bei unbewaffneten Kämpferinnen. Das gibt einen kleinen Grund, nicht gleich zum erstbesten Stuhl zu schnappen, sondern nur mit reiner Beinarbeit den Feind auszutänzeln und dann mit bloßer Hand seine Klinge zu klauen - ist einfach stylisher. Und es erspart mir blöde Fragen wie "Warum kann ich mit einem Stuhlbein zum Entwaffnen nachsetzen, aber nicht mit einer Keule?", zumal wenn man es sich eher als Ringerangriff vorstellt.

Ist generell nur wirklich nützlich, wenn man im Gegensatz zu 95% der POTSM-Charaktere konsequent keine Klinge mit sich mitschleppt.
Wobei man sich dann damit Bennies erspielen kann, wenn man die Hindrances geschickt aussucht. Arrogant? "Eine echte Schwertmeisterin braucht keinen Degen an ihrer Seite - sie ist so gut, dass sie ihm einfach dem erstbesten Tölpel abnehmen kann, der sich mit ihr anlegt!" Pacifist? "Nein, wirklich, ich verabscheue Gewalt. Da trage ich doch kein Schnetzeleisen mit mir herum! Ich folge eher der Maxime: Wer das Schwert nimmt, stirbt durch das Schwert." Quirk? "Was, ein Rapier überall hin mitnehmen? Wer macht den so was? Eine Dame von Welt sicher nicht. Wenn sie wirklich mal eines braucht, nimmt sie es sich einfach, und gibt es danach ihren Dienern zur Verwahrung."
Ganz zu schweigen von dem Fame, wenn man zu Beginn eines Duells das eigene Rapier wegwirft, dem Gegner dessen Rapier klaut und ihn dann mit seiner eigenen Klinge zur Aufgabe zwingt :)

Wer aber "allzeit bereit" sein will, den ficht das jenseits der gelegentlichen Entwaffnungs-/Gefangennahmesituation nichts an.

Secret: A Delicatesse mistress knows how to stay mobile and stay out of harm's way at the same time. Free attacks against her due to her own movement (i.e. due to Withdrawing From Close Combat and First Strike) receive a -2 penalty. In addition, she may use a Full Defense and still move at her half pace that round.

Unverändert. Passt IMHO auch ganz gut.

Insgesamt haut die Schule jetzt ganz gut hin und erfüllt eine ähnliche Rolle wie Davenports oder Peg Leg's Academy.
Aus der Höhle des Schwarzwaldschrates - Mein Rollenspielblog

Ein freier Mensch muss es ertragen können, dass seine Mitmenschen anders handeln und anders leben, als er es für richtig hält, und muss es sich abgewöhnen, sobald ihm etwas nicht gefällt, nach der Polizei zu rufen.
- Ludwig von Mises