« Antwort #1386 am: 27.03.2017 | 14:17 »
Der ganze SpliMo-Kram auf einmal? Jetzt macht ihr MICH arm...
Dabei hab ich diesen Monat doch schon so viel Geld für Rollenspielzeugs verjubelt...
Nicht nur dich

“Uh, hey Bob?”
“What Steve?”
“Do you feel like we’ve forgotten anything?”
Sigh. “No Steve. I have my sword and my bow, and my arrows and my cloak and this hobbit here. What could I have forgotten?”
“I don’t know, like, all of our stuff? Like the tent, the bedroll, my shovel, your pot, our cups, the food, our water, your dice, my basket, that net, our spare nails and arrowheads, Jim’s pick, my shovel, the tent-pegs…”