Einer meiner Lieblingshändler, Graham Crackers, macht zu diesem DC Event nächste Woche sogar eine spezielle Promotion-Veranstaltung mit Midnight Opening. Davon habe ich hier in Germany nicht so viel, aber ich finde es trotzdem cool.
Bevor ich mit dem Verfolgen des Relaunch anfange, möchte ich aber beispielsweise noch das hier lesen:
JSA #54The last episode of the legendary JSA comes to a cataclysmic conclusion. Every page of this book demanded that you turn the page. From the first page and the mysterious coffin screamed at me to turn to the back and see who was not going to make it. But I was able to summon up enough will power not to flip to the back. With another Per Degaton prediction coming true, the real strength of this book is the characterization of Jay (the Original Flash - I turn my nose up at you 52) Garrick. Garrick has been through World War II, Crisis after Crisis. He has seen his old friends grow old and die and seen new generations of heroes fall to protect the world from evil. He has literally seen the best and worst that this or any other universe can throw at him but he always perseveres. He reminds me of my grandfather who could tell you stories about WWII, but always finished wanting to know who wanted a candy bar and a soda.
With guest appearances by the Challengers of the Unknown (ironically one of the first groups of heroes to pick up the baton left by the JSA in the 1960s) and Jesse Quick's mother, Liberty Belle, the issue is a flashback to the older adventures of the team. And with the wonderful help of Jerry Ordway's pencils and Darwyn Cooke's Cover, it looks like it as well. With a lot of twists to keep you guessing who actually dies (Jesse Quick? Wildcat? Obsideon?), Marc Guggenheim's story is fast paced and doesn't get bogged down in details. (Mr. Terrific smart again? "I got better.") Being the last issue of its current run, I had hoped for some big double-sized blow-out issue with mini-posters and short stories but I am glad for what I was given. (Review von John Schaefer)
Zum Spaß poste ich hier nun noch ein paar der Cover zu den neuen Nummer-Einsen:

Das ist die neue Justice League International ...

... und das hier ist die neue Justice League Dark.

Die neue Stormwatch mit Martian Manhunter auf dem Cover.