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Vandal Savage:
Wednesday November 5, 2003
Cal: The weakness returned last night, worse than ever before and at the worst possible time. I was forced into a meeting with one of the MacNeils, and he obviously sensed that something had stricken me. Instead of leaving me be, he pressed the advantage he thought he had, trying to get me to agree to his terms. If he hadn’t pushed me…Fuck it, that’s the way these things are. I woke up from the frenzy with his blood down my throat and his corpse falling to ash between my fingers. It’ll be hard to explain, but at least the weakness has passed for now. --Tara

Scheinbar wird das Tier in den letzten Nächten stärker.
Könnte vieleicht damit zu tun haben, dass sich mehr Vorsintflutliche regen, aber das ist natürlich nur Spekulation.

Vandal Savage:
Thursday November 6, 2003
LA Gang War Takes Occult Turn
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA—South Central Los Angeles suffered through a second night of violence and looting last night as several gangs engaged in an all-out battle for territory. Fires raged through many areas, but the governor has yet to declare a state of emergency or call in the National Guard, despite repeated calls from the mayor’s office. Matters took a strange turn when a local “shock-jock” radio host interviewed a supposed member of one of the warring gangs. “We fight for Manishtusu,” said the unidentified man, “and all the fallen will bow before him in a pool of blood!” Occult experts claim that “Manishtusu” is the name of a demon in biblical lore, one that has been linked to no less than eight violent cults in Los Angeles since the early 1930s.

Manishtusu ist einer der Earthbounds die sich in LA niedergelassen haben.
Die ganzen Banden sind natürlich seine Drohnen.

Vandal Savage:
Friday November 7, 2003
‘Three-Eyed Prophet’ Seen in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA—Weekend concert-goers at a music festival reported seeing an itinerant prophet who promised “salvation for the children of Seth and Cain” for those who accepted the “path of Golconda.” According to witnesses, the prophet had a third eye in the center of her forehead, as well as hands that wept blood from stigmata that appeared as she extolled onlookers to “accept the path.”

Hier handelt es sich offensichtlich um einen Salubri.
Und da er von Golconda (eine Art Erlösung für Kainiten) spricht, ist er wohl keiner der antitribu, sonder einer der 7 Salubri, die den Genozid der Tremere überlebt haben.

Vandal Savage:
I have faced great difficulty in recent times crossing the Wall and have meditated for three lunar cycles on the nature of Yin. Tonight, I enter the Yin World to discover what lies behind these troubles. -- Mandarin Ch’eng Hao

Well, die Kinder des Lotos haben Schwierigkeiten. Auch ihre macht schwindet.

Vandal Savage:
Tuesday November 11, 2003
The Walking Thunder Caern in Kenya is gone. I found the bones of all the Ahadi who lived there picked clean, and some of the locals said there had been a swarm of locusts, though locusts who eat Fera flesh is something new. There was a single spirit messenger there, and all it said was, “It is free.” --Mephi

Scheinbar wurde ein Caern des Ahadi (Veieinigung afrikanischer Gestaltwandler) von irgendetwas mächtigem, was scheinbar erwacht ist, ausgelöscht.
Vielleicht ein Dämon, genauer gesagt, eine Plage?


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