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es hört sich in dem zusammenhang sehr nach demon an, in sachen mumien kenne ich mich gar nich aus, aber wenn da jetz die 10 plagen wüten is die wahrscheinlichkeit doch extrem hoch, dasses demon is, oder??

Vandal Savage:
Ist anzunehmen, dass es die Gefallenen sind, ja.

Wednesday December 24, 2003
‘Vampires’ Attack Parisian Crowd
PARIS, FRANCE—Members of a self-professed vampire gang known as the Sabbat demonstrated the supernatural powers at their command last night. Before an assembled crowd at a political rally, the Sabbat vampires proclaimed their superiority over the “kine,” and chaos ensued as the vampires attempted to feed on human blood. Those present reported manifest “tentacles of darkness,” the vampires moving at superhuman speed and exhibitions of superhuman strength, such as tearing a fire hydrant from its moorings and flipping a police cruiser. Whether this was an elaborate prank or not remains to be seen.

Der Öffentlichkeit wird die Existenz von Vampiren schlagartig bewusst. Vampire ist im Text nicht mehr in Anführungszeichen ....
Das stellt somit den bisher schwerwiegendsten Bruch der Maskerade dar.

tja, da heißt es jetzt "f*ckt euch, es ist gehenna, wir sch**ßen auf eure maskerade!" an die camarilla, ne?

aber is paris ne sabbat-stadt?
weil sonst heißt es offener krieg, oder?
weil die camarilla sich wohl kaum gegen offen operierende sabbatrudel verteidigen kann, ohne dabei die maskerade zu gefährden

Vandal Savage:
Nein, Paris ist natürlich eine Camarillastadt (denk doch an die vielen Toris, die da rum steuern).
Weiß jemand b Francois Villon noch Prinz ist?

Vandal Savage:
Monday December 29, 2003
South Pole Rocked by Earthquake
MCMURDO COASTAL STATION, ANTARCTICA—A powerful earthquake, measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale, yesterday shook the polar plateau of Antarctica, opening a crevasse some 30 miles long and half a mile wide. A Russian scientific team crossing the plateau at the time is reported lost. In related news, stories are trickling in from across the Southern Hemisphere of people experiencing strange dreams the night of the quake, dreams of a shadowy figure emerging from frozen ground.

Wenn es sich aus dem Eis erhebt, ist es möglicherweise entweder ein Vorsintflutlicher (aber welcher? Ennoia vielleicht?);

oder etwas anderes, was dort eingeschlossen worden ist. Zitat aus "Rage across the World":

--- Zitat ---There was once a rather nasty Wyrm beastie that rampaged through the green and pleasant lands that would later freeze into Antarctica. The Garou sent champion after champion to kill it, but none could stand against it. Eventually, a Stargazer realised that they could seperate this chunk of land by 'chewing away' the bonds that held it in place. So, a hundred Garou gnawed at the earth until it came apart, killing 50 instantly by falling into the chasm. The other 50 formed the Sept of the Bitter Loss, and kept the creature bound to the land. As it reached its final destination, the Garou were mainly dead, weaving their bones into the fast-forming ice to strengthen the ritual that binds the beast. Anyone who visits the place can feel a 'sleeping evil beneath the ice', and can hear the growls of the garou who sacrificed themselves to hold the beast there.
--- Ende Zitat ---


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