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[Hellfrost] What do I need to play?
« am: 28.10.2011 | 14:03 »
If you're new to Hellfrost and are wondering which of the many products you need to play the game, here's a quick summary of each one.

Player's Guide, Gazetteer, and Bestiary: These are the core books, and all you need to have many years of fun.

Hellfrost Expansion: Introduces new character rules, setting rules, and monsters.

Hellfrost Calendar: Great for tracking the passage of time. Each month is presented on a single page, and includes the dates for all the holy days and major festivals, as well as the season in which it falls and seasonal activity notes.

Hellfrost Region Guides: Each region in the Gazetteer is expanded upon in a region guide. There's also guides to the underearth, nautical adventures, Godsheim, (heaven), and the Abyss (hell). Larger ones also expand upon the entry for one of the major deities, looking at their clerics and important rituals. There's a full table of contents thread at the top of this forum.

You don't have to buy them all (though you're welcome to). They're written so you just grab the ones you want for the areas in which your campaign is taking place.

Note that they don't repeat the basic Gazetteer information.

Hellfrost Adventures: There's a range of scenarios available. These carry an alphanumeric code. The letter indicates the character Rank the adventure is suited for (N for Novice, S or Seasoned, etc.), while the number is the release order. Adventures come with all the maps and monter stats you need, plus full color Figure Flats in the PDFs.

Print compendiums are also available. These bundle four of the PDF adventures together in a digest-sized format, but don't have the Figure Flats.

Hellfrost Encounters: This tome contains 50 detailed encounters. All the background, maps, stats, tactics, and terain notes you need are included on a single spread, so there's no need to flip the page once play begins. Ideal as random encounters or the starting scenes to a longer adventure. Also included are tables to help you design military based encounters, such as those you'll find in Vestmark-Orcmark.

Resource Management: Rules for governing a Resource, be that a noble's estates, a temple, or a mercenary outfit. Very handy for nobles and heroes with the Rich Edge. These rules appear in the Hellfrost Expansion.

Creature Guides: These detail one specific race. They include cultural notes, military tactics, and stats for the race (some collated from existing materials, others brand new).

Heroes & Villains: 31 detailed NPCs built as starting Novice characters. Ideal for new players, short campaigns, convention games, or turning into higher Rank NPCs.

GM's Screen: Collects and collates all the main tables from the core books. This product does not include the table from the core SW rules.

Freebies: There is a lot of free material available from the download section of the website. Some of it is optional, some of it is core expansion material. Each document tells you where it stands in terms of being official or not.
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