On page 47 of this product the cannons section of the artillery reference chart is cut off. Also on page 48 three-quarters plate, cuiress plate and the buckler are listed, yet stats are not presented for any of them on page 49 under the armor reference chart.
Quarter cannon (16 lb)
Range: 150/300/600
Damage: 4d8
ROF: 1
Cost*: 4,000
Weight: 3500
Line: 3
Notes: AP 6, HW, 6 actions to reload
Half cannon (25 lb)
Range: 180/360/720
Damage: 5d8
ROF: 1
Cost*: 5,000
Weight: 7000
Nptes: 4 AP 8, HW, 8 actions to reload
Cannon (50 lb)
Range: 220/440/880
Damage: 4d10
ROF: 1
Cost*: 10,000
Weight: 9000
Line: 5
Notes: AP 12, HW, 10 actions to reload
Double cannon (100 lb)
Range: 220/440/880
Damage: 5d10
ROF: 1
Cost*: 18,000
Weight: 18,000
Line: 7
Damage: AP 20, HW, 20 actions to reload
* Cost includes carriage. Reduce prices by one-third for artillery without a carriage.
Explosives Reference ChartGrenade: Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d6 ROF 1, Cost 4, Weight 0.5, Notes Small Burst Template
Powder horn or flask: Range 3/6/12, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, Cost 2, Weight 1, Notes Small Burst Template
Armor Reference ChartPlate, cuirass: Armor +3, Weight 20, Cost 60, Covers torso
Plate, three-quarters: Armor +3, Weight 40*, Cost 100*, Covers torso, 75% vs. limb shots
Shield, buckler: Weight 2, Cost 20, +1 Parry
* Includes metal gauntlets in price and weight.
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