Hab gerade Antwort bekommen. Deutsch wird mit in der Liste der Übersetzungen sein!

Ansonsten, war meine Frage wohl ein kleiner UPS-Moment. Da ist ihnen was aufgegangen...
In which five languages are you planning to release the corebook? And will every backer have the choice or get every version?
Hi Tim! That's a really good question that I wish we'd thought to be more specific about in the text to avoid confusion.
The print and PDF editions of the corebook will be in English. If we meet the translation stretch goal, the PDF edition will also be released in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and German, and backers will be able to choose which language they'd like to receive through a Kickstarter survey as we get close to production.
Unfortunately, we don't have plans at this time to release translations of the print edition; doing short runs of print books is very expensive. But of course if we blew by our stretch goals and there were enough interest, we'd be thrilled to look into it.
Let me know if you have any other questions, and thanks for your interest!
Ich werde noch etwas warten, aber wenn das in Richtung der 50K geht, dann werde ich mir auf alle Fälle die PDFs sichern... obwohl ich kein PDF-Fan bin. Und vorher versuch ich noch an die Bücher zu kommen, aber die scheinen alle out-of-print zu sein.