in kurz:
- "eigenes" Setting (heißt wahrscheinlich, basiert nicht auf Crossover) mit verschiedenen Kampagnenarten
- Standardkampagne: unsterbliche Charaktere, "Arisen", über die irgendwo so praktisch alles, was nicht selbstverständlich ist, noch im Dunkeln bleibt.

Ich mag die Herangehensweise mit den verschiedenen frameworks. Über die Arisen kann man noch nicht viel sagen, das war ja wirklich fast nur Gelaber, und was der Rest wird, muss man auch abwarten. ^^ Ergo, nicht viel Neues, momentan bräuchte ich dafür immer noch keine Spiellinie. Aber hm. Bis jetzt klingt es irgendwie auch nicht nach Major Template, finde ich. Mal sehen.
Das einzig Interessante bisher (was aber irgendwo zu erwarten war): "They are deathless, but know precious little of life. They are eternal, but must be so in a world that has moved on, and will keep moving on."
Das ist schön. Das gefällt mir.
Hi, gang,
First, I just want to say thanks for the feedback and enthusiasm you’ve shown thus far. Thanks to you, getting the word out on Mummy is starting to look like it might not be the Sisyphean task it otherwise could have been, and that is just as encouraging as it is appreciated.
After theme, the most pivotal element in storytelling (and thus, in Storytelling) is character. Who are these protagonists of ours? Of course, the wise-acre answer to that is, “They’re mummies!” But in this case, that’s not even entirely accurate. Without dropping in elements from any other Storytelling game, the world of Mummy is already chock-full of its own protagonists, antagonists and secondary players. It’s a cohesive, singular vision (or iteration, if you prefer) of the World of Darkness, and the choice of which role a player assumes in the setting depends on which framework the Storyteller establishes at the chronicle’s outset. In the default framework, for example, all the players are roleplaying not only mummies, but a particular category of mummies known colloquially as the “Arisen.”
Put simply, the Arisen are old as dirt. They lived out the meager span of their mortal lives long ago, but as the cliche’ goes, death was only the beginning for them. In the world of Mummy, the Arisen are the beneficiaries and victims of the most powerful magic ever unleashed by mortal hands — a process both sacred and occult that bound each Arisen soul to its own mortal remains… forever. Yes, the Arisen can die, allright, but not for long. It is their burden and their purpose to return, to arise like dark phoenixes from their own ashes to walk the living world once more. Immortality comes at a price, however, and to be Arisen is to strike a balancing act while crossing a tightrope through time, with only the emptiness of space below should one fall. Not only are the demands on such souls high to begin with, but the living world doesn’t make it any easier on them. Their mere presence is a violation to some, an opportunity for others, and along the way many of the souls with whom they interact threaten to push them off the rope, intentionally or otherwise. They are deathless, but know precious little of life. They are eternal, but must be so in a world that has moved on, and will keep moving on.
Until next time…