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[White Wolf] Neuer Lizenznehmer für White Wolf P&P: Onyx Path Publishing

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Wer per Twitter UpToDate bleiben möchte sollte ggf. @TheOnyxPath mit aufnehmen.
Ansonsten sprechen sie dort nicht nur von einer neuen Edition Exalted sondern auch von einer neuen Edition SCION:
Von vor drei Stunden:

--- Zitat ---The Onyx Path ‏@TheOnyxPath
@delibriand The new WoD is doing quite well, thank you! Exalted and Scion definitely could use new editions. We're very excited.
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Mr. Ohnesorge:

--- Zitat von: Teylen am 18.08.2012 | 00:03 ---
Twitter hat es Gerüchteweise das OPP nicht die Rechte an den beiden Minds Eye Theater Sachen hat.Wäre die Frage, wenn's wahr ist, wer kriegt (will?) den das, und wieso wollte es OPP nicht bzw. wieso haben die es sich entgehen lassen?
Kleines Update: Mike hat die Information von Richard Thomas. Stimmt also wahrscheinlich.

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Variante 3: es wurde ihnen gar nicht erst angeboten.


--- Zitat von: Grinder am 18.08.2012 | 11:26 ---Variante 3: es wurde ihnen gar nicht erst angeboten.

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Das bezweifele ich etwas.
Also das es nicht angeboten wurden bzw. sie nicht darum gekämpft haben. Immerhin haben sie passionierte LIVE Rollenspieler im Team und soweit eigentlich fast die gesamte White Wolf Besatzung. Ich denke eher das sie dort von einem dritten Beteiligten überboten wurden. Als wilder Tipp in's Leere, könnte vielleicht von Shane DeFreest übernommen worden sein,..


--- Zitat von: IanWatson ---
--- Zitat von: jesusjohn ---I've been away fro a while, mainly due to the end of the old world of darkness happening at the same time as work commitments.

Now Geist has got me back into rpging again(I have been playing for a while, i believe i bought the first copy of vampire 1st into the UK), anyway to cut a long story short, does WW still actually publish books? will there be anything new for Geist and does WW still exist or has the ccp layoffs killed my beloved company? (I play a lot of EVE online, so it isn't a dig at ccp).

I genuinely would like to know whats happened to ww.

Cheers in advance
--- Ende Zitat ---

White Wolf as a distinct company hasn't existed since 2006 (before Geist was published, by the way).

White Wolf merged with CCP to create a new company, also called CCP. For illustrative purposes, I will instead call the new company "WCP" to show it's a merged company, because just calling it CCP confuses people sometimes.

WCP owned the intellectual properties of both CCP and WW. It continued to use the CCP brand on their EVE stuff, and continued to use the WW brand on their tabletop RPG stuff, but it was all the same company. EVE still chugged along, RPG books continued to be produced.

For a long time, the publishing arm of WCP (CCP Transmedia, which I'll call WCP Transmedia) was just Rich Thomas and Eddy Webb. Anyone else (including former WW staff who were now working full-time on the World of Darkness MMO) worked on RPG products as freelancers.

Last October, WCP laid off 20% of its workforce, most of that from the Atlanta offices, where WCP Transmedia was headquartered. This included a lot of former WW staffers, although WCP Transmedia itself was not directly affected, since Rich and Eddy still had jobs.

However, this affected how they were able to do business, and they really weren't in a great place to be able to continue publishing.

So Rich started up his own company, Onyx Path Publishing (OPP), to develop and publish White Wolf-branded properties, which WCP is licensing to him. Eddy Webb is still with WCP, but one of his duties is on the WCP approval panel which checks OPP's releases. WCP has a vested interest in making sure that OPP is treating their properties well, after all, so there's some oversight.

We've got all the same authors, artists, developers, editors and other freelancers that we had before, but now we're not attached to a big lumbering corporation. Nothing against WCP, but it's a business reality that in a lot of ways the corporate structure held us back. We can now more or less do what we want. So we're doing more releases, more frequently, new editions... we're doing a lot of awesome stuff.

Rich also acquired the rights (full ownership, not a license) for Scion and the Trinity Universe, and we plan to bring those back, too.

Then there's our creator-owned properties like Russell Bailey's Cavaliers of Mars.

It's a very exciting time to be a White Wolf fan. We're in a better position now than we have been in years.

Seriously, check out our release schedule. It's the best one in years.

* Were you a fan of the Classic World of Darkness? Last year we released a 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, and are doing the same thing with Werewolf: The Apocalypse this year. These are supplemented by additional CWoD releases.

* New edition of Exalted. Fun fact: it's the first true "third edition" we've done.

* New WoD game next month: Mummy: The Curse.

* New WoD game next year: Demon: The ???

* The God-Machine Chronicle for WoD and The Strix Chronicle/Sexmurder for VTR, which will contain setting elements and mechanics updates "which would not be out of place in a second edition".

* New Scion.

* New Trinity Universe.

There's every reason to be excited.

Keep an eye on, like us on Facebook, add us on G+, follow us on Twitter. The future is bright, and you're invited.
--- Ende Zitat ---


(Richard Thomas, Mark Rein-Hagen Shane DeFreest und Criss Walker)

Lebt der Mark-Rein-Dot-Hangen also doch noch und ist nicht irgendwo in Osteuropa verschollen?


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