Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Adventure Game Engine
Dragon Age in 2013
Die sollen lieber mal endlich Set 3 fertigstellen.
Schokolade +2:
--- Zitat von: killedcat am 2.04.2013 | 19:21 ---Weiß irgendwer etwas über Set 3?
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Ich hatte vor einiger Zeit mal Chuck Norris >;D angeschrieben und nach dem Stand der Dinge bei Set 3 geschrieben. Die Antwort war eher allgemein gehalten, aber es ging in die Richtung, man sei noch beim Austesten einiger neuer Regeln. Irgendwie klang auch an, dass noch die Abnahme durch die Computerspielefuzzis erfolgen müsse. Also irgendwie hab ich das Gefühl, dass sich das Ganze in eine unschöne Richtung entwickelt. Aber he, Duke Nukem kam ja auch irgendwann noch raus.
La Cipolla:
Hier hat jemand was gegen diverse Verschwörungstheorien geschrieben.
Kurzform: Es gab Probleme im Team, die DA verzögert haben.
--- Zitat von: Nikchick ---Ok, so I feel like I need to pop in to say a thing or two. Basically, Will Hindmarch is a really smart and talented guy and I personally absolutely ADORE him so I don't want to seem like we're badmouthing Will or blaming him or anything like that. Will joined the GR team and had some great ideas and plans that we at the company really supported. 2012 turned out to be a hell of a year for Will on a personal level and GR had no problem offering him time and support to deal with all the things that popped up for Will on a personal level even though it was not beneficial for the DA line. Seriously, if we're ever in that position our people come first. Life's too short and sometimes too harsh to stress out about our line of "let's pretend" games when members of the GR family are hurting. At the end of 2012, Will tendered his resignation based on all the things going on in his life, not just personal trials but also personal projects that he wanted to work on and needed to be out from under the weight of our expectations. We respect that and support him.
So, being all supportive and whatnot does mean that we had to suck it up when our planned DA releases and AGE-system stuff didn't come out as planned. I'd like to say "I regret nothing," but as a huge personal fan of DA I really, really, really wish we could have been supportive *and* gotten DA material out in some way.
Jack coming on staff has been a lifesaver and he's going to be a GREAT addition to the DA team (hell, the whole GR team) but we've now also had to pull Pramas off his projects and put him back onto DA to help right the ship. It's all very awkward and very time consuming and, sadly, every day spent trying to "fix" Da means Pramas isn't working on that other thing we had him working on for the year. We're doing the best we can to get everything fixed up and out in a timely manner. In NO WAY are we holding onto the files or planning delays to "feature at GenCon" or anything like that! Holy cats, that's the very last thing we want... it helps us in no way as a company to do that.
At this point, we're doing the best we can to get it all in hand again. I don't regret showing compassion and understanding to our team member who needed support, and I do think that if Will hadn't been hit with personal crises he would have added some AWESOME new material. We're working with what we have. We thank everyone for their patience, we definitely understand the frustrations (seriously, we're really at least as frustrated as the fans!).
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Auf der Green Ronin Page finden sich jetzt übrigens auch Teaser für das neue Set.
Mage "Preview"
So, dann können sie ja jetzt endlich veröffentlichen. ;D
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