Autor Thema: [Bhaloidam] Na, das schaut mal spannend aus...  (Gelesen 635 mal)

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[Bhaloidam] Na, das schaut mal spannend aus...
« am: 21.02.2013 | 10:56 »

ich bin gestern über Bhaloidam gestolpert. Und das Ding sieht wirklich... abgefahren aus. Kein Charakterbogen, sondern ein Spielbrett mit Tokens, angeblich stark auf Beziehungen basierend und das Regelwerk kommt als (kruder) 3D-Computer-Comic...

Bhaloidam is an independently-published tabletop storytelling platform that is used for the spinning of collaborative and character-driven storyworlds. In some ways, it is similar to RPGs such as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Burning Wheel, and Fate. However, it differs from traditional RPGs in many significant ways as well.

The most obvious difference is that Bhaloidam uses individual gameboards called Lifewheels instead of character sheets. Spinners (players) place and move stacks of tokens on the Lifewheels to track their influence on the storyworld. Stacks never contain more than three tokens, meaning the comparative math needed to play is easily visualized and comprehended.
Using colorful iconography, the Lifewheel depicts every single rule you need in order to play Bhaloidam. It may seem daunting at first, but once you grasp the core gameplay, it will become one of the most fluid and adaptable storytelling platforms you'll ever use.

Das Ding ist derzeit im Beta-Stadium und steht als freier Download auf der Seite. Ich dachte ich teils mal mit.
»Gute Geschichten sind so gut aufgebaut, daß Lehrer natürlich denken, sie seien vorher geplant,
aber jede Geschichte hätte auch in eine Million andere Richtungen gehen können.«

– Keith Johnstone, Theaterspiele


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Re: [Bhaloidam] Na, das schaut mal spannend aus...
« Antwort #1 am: 21.02.2013 | 23:11 »
Small correction - it's not in beta. The handbook will grow and change, but the rules will stay the same.

I'm also currently working on cleaning up and releasing the handbook source file so that it can be easily translated.

I hope you enjoy it!