Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Pathfinder/3.x/D20

Die Deutschen im Bab5 Rollenspiel

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Vor kurzem ist für Babylon 5 d20 das Earth Alliance Fact Book erschienen. In diesem Buch hat man auch die Möglichkeit einem menschlichen Charakter eine Nationalität zu verpassen. Auch die Deutschen finden hier auf einer Seite Erwähnung.
Ich zitiere jetzt einfach mal die besten Stellen und lasse es mal gänzlich unkommentiert:

--- Zitat ---The nation-state known as Germany is one of the most militaristic countries to ever march troops across a border. When its citizens were not fighting in wars as mercenaries or raiding their neighbours for their own uses, they were setting out to conquer other nations wholesale. WWI and WWII were both dominated by hunge and powerful German armies [...]

Although Germany possesses a wide variety of different types of people, the vast majority of the population is engaged in the manufacturing trade or in the military in one form or another. There are more Germans in the EarthForce Army than [...] The German people are highly industrious and make very skilled worker, but are not particulary adept at any other profession [...]

Germany's capital, Berlin, is one of the largest industrial cities in Europe. The city was divided in half for most of the Cold War, and still bears some of those scars even today. Some of the worst slums in the Union are located in East Berlin, [...]

Austria and Hungary, two neighbouring states, have always had close ties with Germany. Prior to WWII, they were on-again, off-again portions of the  overall German nation. Austria - Hungary was at one time a single country, but eventually divided over religious and some other matters. Both Austria and Hungary were among the soviet satellite states during the Cold War.

Bonus language: Hungarian, German.
Racial Feats: Militaristic, Industrious
Roleplaying Suggestions: Germans tend to be direct and to the point about everything. Their demeanour as their language itself is perceived as gruff and harsh. perhaps not surprisingly, they can also be extremely passionate in their beliefs and actions. Their skills in industry and battle are also a matter of great pride. A German will readily fight, for what he believes in, or to defend himself against an insult, real or imagined. They make excellent allies and implacable enemies.
Names: Guether, Adolf, Wilhelm, Brunhilde, Elsa, Gretchen.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ich weiß nicht so recht: LoL oder  :'( ?

Jawohl, mein Psi Cop!  >:(

oder wie immer die da heißen.  :P

uaaaaah, wassn sch...... :P alleine schon die NAMEN.... wer hat das denn verbrochen? kann ja nurn AMI gewesen sein! ;D

Bad Horse:
Österreich war Teil der Sowjetrepublik? Irgendwie kenn ich das anders...

Und Xuxi: Das spielt ein paar Jahre in der Zukunft! Da sind solche Namen wieder modern!!!  ;)


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