Durch einen Motivationsschub angesichts der bevorstehenden Runde, hatte ich mal Lust, selbst Datafiles zu erstellen. Und da ich sicher nicht einen ganzen Thread alleine füllen kann, mache ich den hier mal als Sammelthread für alle handgemachten Charaktere, Events, Milestones und Sonstiges auf

Na gut, im engeren Sinne sind diese Datafiles nicht für
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, aber was soll's...
Secret Six

In and very much out of costume.Be warned: There be spoilers. I tried not to spoil too much, but it’s kind of hard when you are writing Datafiles. If haven’t read Secret Six yet, go and do it. It’s disturbing and touching all at the same time. Gail Simone does an awesome job of making you care about really, really bad people.
The new and improved Secret Six are a group of minor supervillains. They started as a team opposing Lex Luthor’s (one Lex Luthor) Secret Society of Supervillains during the Villains United event, but later work as mercenaries.
As a team, they are a kind of a living contradiction. They aren’t as evil as most supervillain teams, but they aren’t good guys either. Oh, they can do horrible, horrible things, but they can also swing around and to the right thing. Or at least try to do the right thing and get punched in the face repeatedly because of it.
Because the Secret Six are constant underdogs. They aren’t on par with a lot of heroes and they aren’t the equal of the more powerful supervillains. Mostly, they end up somewhere between a rock and a hard place.
They also tend to fight among each other a lot and have their own share of backstabbing, but somehow they always bounce back to being something like friends. If one of them is hurt by an outside force or if someone tries to pressure them into a certain course of action, you bet they will stand together and fight, even if it’s a lost cause.
The Six have seen many different compositions over their short run, with Scandal Savage, Catman, Deadshot and Ragdoll being the only constant members (barring the times one of them goes over the edge and leaves). Other members include Knockout, Black Alice, Bane and the banshee Jeanette. Short term members include Cheshire, a Parademon, the Mad Hatter, Harley Quinn, Giganta, Dwarfstar and King Shark.
Their headquarter is the House of Secrets, a strange and probably interdimensional place. Scandal calls it a “house of victims”, which means that it will kick the Six out if they ever become too powerful.
Stories about the Secret Six will often turn into gut wrenching drama. There is hardly ever a truly good ending for them. Terrible struggles, cruelty, hard choices and wrong decisions, interspersed with sudden moments of kindness and humor, make a good Secret Six story.
Team MilestonesUnderdogs1 XP: When someone (including you) mocks your team or you mention how much your current mission is out of your league.
3 XP: When you defeat a considerable stronger enemy.
10 XP: When you realize you can’t win and either decide to go out in a blaze of glory or just lie down and die (yeah… right…).
Together, but Separate1 XP: When you fight with another member of the team.
3 XP: When you forgive a teammate for hurting or betraying you or the team.
10 XP: When you betray your team for your own interests or give up something important for your team.
Stuck in the Middle1 XP: When a hero or villain tries to bring you to their side or you are tempted to align yourself with another group than the Six.
3 XP: When working for one fraction causes trouble with another fraction or somebody tries to force you to work for them.
10 XP: When you switch sides in the middle of a conflict or turn against your employer and decide not to fight for any side but your own.
Datafiles:Scandal Savage
As her name implies, Scandal is the daughter of major league immortal supervillain Vandal Savage. Her mother was the only woman Savage ever really loved, and so designed Scandal as his one true heir.
To make her his living legacy, Vandal subjected his daughter to an inhuman training regiment. Which, naturally, did not exactly inspire her to love her father. She distanced herself from Vandal, but he still tries to force her to continue his lineage. There is just a little problem: Not only is Scandal a lesbian and not in much danger of being knocked up by some random guy, but she also is not interested in having a child and putting it through Vandal’s torturous upbringing.
In the Secret Six, Scandal acts as a leader, organizing the mercenaries’ jobs and resources and providing tactics. Even though she can seem cold and calculating, she also has quite a temperament and likes to live her life to the fullest.
In a sense, she is also the heart of the team. She keeps the Six together and sees everyone as her friend. Yes, even Deadshot and Ragdoll.
Scandal’s love life is rather complicated, but she will (literally) go to hell and back for her lovers. She was in a relationship with the New Goddess Knockout and later dates a stripper.
After he joins the team, Bane acts as something of a very weird father figure to her.
Scandal had no choice but to become a world class fighter. She uses the wrist-mounted “Laminas Pesar” (Lamentation Blades) in combat. Additionally, she has to a lesser extent the same healing powers as her father.
Affiliations:Solo D6 Buddy D8 Team D10
Distinctions:Savage Blood
Cool-headed Leader…
…with a Wild Side.
Power Sets:Vandal Savage’s OffspringSuperhuman Stamina D10
Enhanced Reflexes D8
Enhanced Durability D8
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma or complications from age, disease or poison.
SFX: Near Immortality. Spend 1 PP to recover your physical stress and step back your physical trauma by –1.
SFX: Focus. If your pool includes a Vandal Savage’s Offspring power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one stepped-up die.
Limit: I’m not my Father’s Daughter. When you are forcefully reminded of your legacy, step up mental or emotional stress to gain 1 PP.
My Father’s Gifts:Lamentation Blades: Weapon D8
SFX: Deadly Blades. Add a d6 to your attack action pool and step back the highest die in pool. Step up physical stress inflicted.
SFX: Savage Anger. Step up or double Weapon for one action. If the action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Lamentation Blades and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.
Specialities:Acrobatic Expert D8
Business Master D10
Combat Master D10
Covert Expert D8
Crime Expert D8
Menace Expert D8
Milestones:A Savage Legacy:1 XP When you mention how your upbringing and your connection to your father alludes to the current situation.
3 XP When your Superhuman Stamina prevents you from being taken out or you kill someone with the Lamentation Blades.
10 XP When you either kill or join your father.
Deadly Romance:1 XP When you quarrel or fight with your lover or profess your love for her.
3 XP When kill for your lover or follow your lover into a dangerous situation.
10 XP When you either betray your teammates for your lover or when you decide to let your lover go (or even kill her) to avoid hurting your teammates.
Catman (Thomas Blake)
Most supervillains don’t get a happy start and Thomas Blake is no exception. His father was a millionaire with a liking for big game hunting. And he was not a very nice man. He was constantly abusing his wife and when twelve year old Thomas decided to step in, well, things got messy. He accidentally killed his own mother and subsequently shot and killed his father.
It isn’t surprising he went on to become a supervillain. First, a burglar in the vein of Catwoman, then an enemy of Batman. And if you think “Catman” kind of sounds like the stupid little brother of Batman and Catwoman, you would be partially right.
Everything went down from there on. Catman became “the last rung on an already short ladder”, the essential Z-lister. He put on weight and dyed his hair black to “look tougher”.
Then he was supposed dead, eaten by Monsieur Mallah.
He resurfaced much later in Africa as a new man, having turned his back to the whole super-thing and living with a pride of lions. He was approached to join Lex Luthor’s Secret Society of Supervillains. He declined. Catman, a total joke villain, the bottom of the bottom, turned Lex Luthor down.
As retaliation, his pride was slaughtered and Catman joined the Secret Six to oppose Luthor and take his own revenge.
Catman is one of the Six’ more ethical members, always fluctuating between anti-villain and anti-hero. He sometimes acts a field leader to the Six and is probably (and somewhat surprisingly) closest to Deadshot.
Thomas Blake is one of the world’s best hunters and trackers, as well as an excellent fighter. He prefers knives and claw-like weapons, such as knuckle blades.
The origin of his more exceptional powers, such as his sense of smell or his rapport with big cats, are unclear. He claims his costume comes from a south sea cat cult and is the reason for his healing powers, but it is unclear whether or not he was lying.
Affiliations:Solo D8 Buddy D6 Team D10
Distinctions:Part of a Pride
Relentless Hunter
No longer a Joke
Power Sets:Cat PowersSpeed D6
Enhanced Reflexes D8
Enhanced Senses D8
Cat Control D8
SFX: Caught your Scent. Spend 1 PP or use an effect die to create a On your Tail complication for a target. You may track that target until the complication is removed.
SFX: Pounce. On a successful reaction against a physical attack, inflict physical stress with your effect die at no PP cost. Spend 1 PP to step it up.
SFX: Berserk. Add a doom die to your next attack action. After your action, step up the doom die and return it to the doom pool.
SFX: Big Cat. When creating a Cat Control-related assets, add d6 and step up your effect die.
Limit: My Pride. When someone you consider to be part of your pride (no matter whether lions or people) is hurt or killed, step up mental or emotional stress to gain 1 PP.
A Lion in Men’s ClothingEnhanced Stamina D8
Weapon D8
SFX: Nine Lives: Spend 1 PP to recover your physical stress or step back physical trauma.
Limit: Gear: Shutdown a A Lion in Men’s Clothing Power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. doom pool to recover.
Specialities:Acrobatic Master D10
Combat Master D10
Covert Master D10
Menace Expert D8
Milestones:Neither Hero nor Villain…1 XP When you insist you aren’t a hero or lecture a hero on their wrongdoings.
3 XP When you stop someone from killing an innocent or doing something horrific.
10 XP When you either cross the moral horizon and do something truly evil or cut ties to your villainous past and become a hero.
…and neither Man nor Animal.1 XP When you fight or act like an animal.
3 XP When you first use your Berserk SFX in a scene or when you are the reason a big cat is hurt or killed.
10 XP When you either leave the human world to live in the wilderness or form a deep relationship with another human, bringing you closer to their world.