Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Earthdawn

FASA kündigt 4.te Edition als Kickstarter an

<< < (13/23) > >>

Mr. Ohnesorge:
Ich finde die Pledge Level blöd - die haben nichts mit dem eigentlichen KS-Ziel zu tun. Besser wären z.B. fullcolor oder more artwork oder sowas.

Ich glaube wenn die 100.000 geknackt werden pledge ich noch schnell für ein Hardcover.


--- Zitat von: Grinder am 20.01.2014 | 00:06 ---Ich finde die Pledge Level blöd - die haben nichts mit dem eigentlichen KS-Ziel zu tun. Besser wären z.B. fullcolor oder more artwork oder sowas.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Sehe ich genauso.

50$ für ein s/w Buch im A5 Format. Nein danke. Und dann noch ziemlich sicher ein ungetesteter rush-job (geht gar nicht anders bei dem Zeitrahmen und all den anderen Bücher die gleichzeitig entwickelt werden).

Warum nicht bessere production values? Warum nicht darauf konzentrieren die besten core books abzuliefern die möglich sind?

Der lead designer:

--- Zitat ---Creator FASA Corporation 2 days ago 

Andrew here. Given that we have 338 backers at the time of this writing, ourz initial print run for the hardcopy books is going to be 1000 copies of each title per cover option (soft/hard). At that size of a print run, the overhead is huge. To go to full color interiors at that scale of printing would take everything in the KS so far plus a hefty chunk more, leaving nothing for shipping, distribution, or paying the artists and writers who created the books. We'd need to go to a print run of 5000 or more to get the price breaks we'd need in order to survive, at which point we'd need ten times as many backers as we currently have, to ensure that we sold enough copies of each book to justify such a large print run. But what about demand printing, you ask? Does anybody remember Lulu, the POD service that ED Classic used? Remember how expensive the books were? Single copies are very pricey indeed. The fewer copies you make at a time, the more it costs per book. Also, with POD, we'd still have to pay for layout and setup, and have enough let over to pay the writers and artists. Speaking of artists, did you know that a full color full page illustration can cost anywhere from $250 to $1000 or more to commission? To do one section of 8 color plates (you have to work in multiples of 4 or 8 in publishing because of the way the printing machinery works), four pages front and back, would run a minimum of $2000 for the original artwork, and potentially $8000 or higher, depending on the artist(s) used. If we spend $2000 on artwork for one book, we have to make back that much in profit to balance the equation, which means we have to make $2000 after the costs of layout, printing, distribution, and shipping are covered, just to pay one artist, never mind the writers and the other artists who did the black and white illos for the text pages.

We're reconsidering the options, but please keep in mind the harsh realities of publishing and distribution when making suggestions. I realize you're all trying to help make this a better product and product line. We all want ED4 to be awe-inspiring. Unfortunately, the hard truth of it is that it takes seriously large amounts of money to put out a full color book with a sewn binding and hard covers. This is why those coffee-table art books have cover prices of $100 or more. We have to keep the game affordable for the average gamer, and that means holding down production costs in order to deliver the content. We're going to have to settle for the game world and the game mechanics being awesome, in perhaps a less awesome package than we would really like to have. Unless someone wants to pledge enough to cover the printing costs for a 5000 copy full color run? I'd build a shrine to such a person with my own hands.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Einfach nur enttäuschend. Die besorgen sich über KS das Geld um den gleichen Kaffee jetzt zum 6. Mal aufzulegen (bisher: 1E, 1EC, 2E, 3E, 3ER). Und die Leute pledgen auch noch...

Nicht auszumalen, was die einsammeln könnten, wenn sie es richtig angegangen wären... Leute ohne Vision. Einfach schade.

Ich wette, ED 4E wird ED 3E in allen relevanten Belangen unterlegen sein.


--- Zitat von: Samael am 20.01.2014 | 06:45 ---PS
Ich wette, ED 3E wird ED 4E in allen relevanten Belangen unterlegen sein.
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Den Satz kann man in beide Richtungen lesen. Da fehlen die Artikel um die Lesrichtung deutlich zu machen.

Der Nârr:
Den Kickstarter finde ich peinlich und mangels Vertrauen in die Firma werde ich den Teufel tun und da auch nur einen Cent pledgen. Mir fehlt in dem Kickstarter einfach alles, inkl. Referenzen. So ist das einfach nur ein Haufen hohler Versprechungen vor nicht ordentlich zugezogenen Vorhängen.


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