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Dark Eras
« am: 16.05.2014 | 23:11 »
Blogpost zu Geist im Dark Eras Buch. Wenn sie jeder Linie sowas Abgefahrenes verpassen, wow. O_o

Seeing as how Geist is on sale this week, I thought this would be an opportune time to announce the era (as in, Dark Eras) that we chose for Geist: The Sin-Eaters:

God’s Own Country frames the experience of playing Sin-Eaters in New Zealand of the 1950s, a time of post-war prosperity and growth, concealing a maelstrom of spiritual and supernatural unrest beneath. For almost two hundred years, the rich sacred traditions of the indigenous M?ori people have been forcibly integrated with European beliefs and cultures. As a result, the cycle of life and death has been disrupted; the cenotes and gates to the Underworld are choked with restless dead, angry ancestors, and belligerent spirits; the Gauntlet is weak, and powerful nature spirits that feed on this unrest and conflict are growing in strength. This Dark Era brings its own Themes and Moods to complement or build on those of the core Geist: The Sin-Eaters.

God’s Own Country is written by Cam Banks (whom you might know from games like Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Smallville, and Serenity, though this is his first foray into writing for the World of Darkness), and developed by Michelle Lyons-McFarland (whom you might know as editing a surreal amount of our World of Darkness stuff over the last few years, writing and editing for everyone from WotC to FASA to Green Ronin to Growling Door Games, and as the mad genius behind the temporal-rift craziness in the Seattle Appendix of Demon: The Descent).

(Astute reader might note two facts: One, that Michelle is my wife, and that biases me, and two, Growling Door Games is our company, and obviously she’s written for her own company. These facts are true, but ultimately they have nothing to do with ghosts or geists, so move along.)

So: Go buy Geist, so you can fully appreciate Dark Eras.

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Re: Dark Eras
« Antwort #1 am: 22.06.2014 | 11:58 »
Na das ist mal ein Setting, welches man snicht sofort auf dem Schirm hat! Finde ich interessant und freue mich drauf. :)
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