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Kreative 13th Age Glorantha-Fans können sich freuen. Das Material ist jetzt für das Jonstown Compendium nutzbar.

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Mr. Ohnesorge:
Neues vom Online-Gencon-Panel:

I attended the Pelgrane Press virtual panel about their latest and upcoming products. Here's the information that I jotted down about 13th Age.

According to Cat Tobin, they've really started to ratchet up the range of 13th Age products available. There are a load of soon-to-come-out 13th Age products, too.

Rob Heinsoo enjoys having a 13th Age development team. It wasn't working all that well to be the line developer, and editing books, and art direction, and sometimes writing them. J-M DeFoggi has been doing development, and Trisha DeFoggi is a fantastic editor. People could be forgiven for thinking the publishing schedule was slow, but thanks to the new additions, there's lots coming out soon.

The books other people are most likely to write for are the mosaic books. The idea is that instead of Rob being the gatekeeper of the very small amount of backstory that the 13th Age world has, the individual writers get to tell us about the location, even if the descriptions conflict.

There are six books steaming toward completion:

-Drakkenhall: City of Monsters. This is the first mosaic book. Rob is assigning art next week. It's expected to be finished with editing in two months.
-The book after that is another mosaic about the Koru Behemoths.
-Icon Followers. People always ask for more NPCs who are the type of people you would find in the Dragon Empire instead of monsters. That's the focus of this book, but it will also include interesting systems like, "Why aren't the NPCs using the magic items against you that you're about to gain?"
-Elven Towers. This adventure is going to layout.
-Crown of Axis. This is a 1st-level adventure, and is coming out soon.
-Dragons of the Pyre. Gareth Hanrahan's 10-level campaign where the PCs are dragons. The adventurer tier portion is done and in playtesting. Unfortunately, COVID has caused some re-prioritization, so it's unclear when Gar will get around to finishing it.

Klingt schon mal sehr cool.
Auf Drakkenhall freu ich mich besonders - und auf die Behemots.

Das hingegen

--- Zitat ----Dragons of the Pyre. Gareth Hanrahan's 10-level campaign where the PCs are dragons. The adventurer tier portion is done and in playtesting. Unfortunately, COVID has caused some re-prioritization, so it's unclear when Gar will get around to finishing it.
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find ich so unnötig wie eine Analöffnung am Ellbogen...

Warum so abwertend kommentieren? Ist ja okay, wenn es einen nicht interessiert, aber bisher war alles, was ich von Gareth gelesen habe, wirklich gut.

Gesendet von meinem Pixel 3a mit Tapatalk


--- Zitat ---Warum so abwertend kommentieren?
--- Ende Zitat ---
Der Spruch ist aus Kill Bill.  ;)

Und Drachen-SCs find ich extrem entbehrlich, egal wie gut geschrieben das sein mag.


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