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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #75 am: 13.08.2015 | 08:37 »
Ich hab mir einen dreiseitigen in Querformat gemacht und was höheres kommt mir definitiv nicht ins Haus.

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #76 am: 14.08.2015 | 09:28 »
13th Age Monthly: 7 Icon Campaign

Zitat von: Rob Heinsoo
Last week I put the finishing design touches on the next issue of the 13th Age Monthly, due out at the end of August.

7 Icon Campaign is a change of pace for us, and it was great fun to create. It started as a thought experiment: Jonathan wondered how it would work to compress our game's 13 icons into 7. The experiment was a success, and it led to his new campaign. If you already know the 13th Age icons, you can probably figure out who has been combined with who by inspecting Lee's wonderful cover above.

7 Icon Campaign is based on Jonathan's original campaign notes, and the questionnaires that he handed out to us players before we created our characters. I've elaborated on the original notes with a mix of feats, talents, and spells. They're inspired by the new composite icons but will work fine in any 13th Age game. In just under 6K words, there's a new racial feat for dwarves, a feat for either clerics or wizards, a new necromancer spell, and one new talent apiece for the bard, sorcerer, and paladin. My favorite is probably the necromancer spell, but you may be a nicer person than me and have other preferences.

You can wait until some time in September to buy the single issue, or pick up a subscription to the full year of 13 issues in the Pelgrane store. Or you can take advantage of the sale that Drive-Thru RPG is running until August 19th, and subscribe at $3 off the usual price, so it's only $21.95.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #77 am: 1.09.2015 | 10:44 »

Zitat von: Pelgrane Press

13th Age Monthly & Organized Play
The big news is the start new season of the Organized Play. In short, the first year’s 13 adventures are free and will remain free, as are the next three. The other nine adventures will be available as part of the 13th Age Monthly.

The 13th Age GM’s Screen is a go! We hope to have it out by the end of the year. Written by Cal Moore and Wade Rockett, it will feature art of the original 13th Age pair: Lee Moyer and Aaron McConnell.

Battle Scenes
Battle Scenes is being broken into manageable, icon-featured chunks, starting with High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons which will feature Archmage, High Druid, Orc Lord, Prince of Shadows, The Three.

Magic Circles and Dread Massacres
We’ve commisioned a book of followers for these five icons, Magic Circles and Dread Massacres.

Book of Class Expansions
We are also working the first book of class expansions which incorporate a Bestiary-like take on each class, a sprinkling of icon involvement, suggested builds, working well with others, tactics and multiclass mash-ups. We suggest organisations they could be part of, class-specific items and new talents, feats and spells.


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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #78 am: 23.09.2015 | 11:53 »
Wie sieht es eigentlich mit weiteren deutschen Veröffentlichungen aus? Gibt es da schon Pläne?

Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #79 am: 28.09.2015 | 16:57 »
Mittlerweile gibt es zwei neue 3PP-Abenteuer:

Reviews lassen aber offenbar noch auf sich warten.
Dafür kündigen DASTOW in ihrem Werk eine Erweiterungsreihe für die Klassen des Grundregelwerks an ("The Escalated ... Barbarian" und ähnliche Geschichten).
« Letzte Änderung: 28.09.2015 | 17:08 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #80 am: 2.10.2015 | 10:25 »
The Forgotten Monk

A Man Without A Past
A novel of the 13th Age
Cipher is a monk: a master of the Deadly Arts, able to dismantle enemies using his bare hands. He is immune to lies, and can see volumes of information in the smallest detail.
Unfortunately, that’s all he knows. His real name, his history – all stolen by an unknown foe.
Without memory or purpose, Cipher can only follow his instinct to find bad people, and hit them until they stop doing bad things. Joining a crime-fighting cavalry unit in a remote corner of the Dragon Empire, he finds himself allied with a singing orc, an indecisive elf, and a flying carpet that doesn’t like heights. Together they’ll take on a crazy halfling death cultist, a love-maddened alchemist, a charming drunkard dog-thief, a blinded arch-demon in chains, and the bizarre Mantischorgoth.
The Forgotten Monk is high fantasy and high adventure, woven into a story of strong friendships, deadly hatreds, ingenious criminal mysteries and baffling affairs of the heart.
Download Chapter One in PDF format.
When you pre-order The Forgotten Monk, you get the EPUB, AZW3 and PDF version.

Kroma Draconics

Start with anthropology fieldwork among the redscale barbarians of the Red Wastes. No, cancel that: the redscale dragonics ate the researchers. Restart with a dig into the myths and aspirations of dragonics influenced by chromatic dragons and the Three. The dig is dicey, but we expect to find monster stats, hierarchy options, adventure hooks, and player character options including feats, talents, and maneuvers.
Kroma Draconics is the ninth installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription. It will be available to buy in the webstore in October. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #81 am: 28.10.2015 | 07:53 »
Ich hab mir einen dreiseitigen in Querformat gemacht und was höheres kommt mir definitiv nicht ins Haus.

Der GM-Screen kommt ja jetzt zusammen mit einem Resource Book und einer großen Karte des Dragon Empires heraus. Da muss man als Portrait-Verächter ja noch ein zweites Mal überlegen.

The 13th Age GM’s Screen and Resource Book features incredible new art from 13th Age lead artists Aaron McConnell and Lee Moyer, a 32 page resource book, and a fold out map of the Dragon Empire.

The screen is three-ply and portrait-oriented, with the essential information a GM needs to run the game presented in an easy to reference layout.

The resource book includes advice, guidance and rules for:
•Using icon relationship rolls, with variations on the icon roll mechanic and examples of how benefits and complications can work in play
•Creating 13th Age adventures on the spot, with zero preparation
•Running montages (introduced in Organized Play, and expanded here)
•Incorporating terrain into battles, including creating environments and locations for different tiers of play
•Building better battles
•Helping players craft useful and interesting backgrounds, with advice on handling backgrounds that seem too powerful or too weak
•Creating memorable NPCs, with a sampling of icon-related NPCs—each with a brief description, Three Things that bring them to life in player’s minds, and suggested monster roles and initiative to guide GMs in building them out using the DIY monster rules
•And more!

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #82 am: 3.11.2015 | 08:46 »

Preorder ist jetzt möglich.

Außerdem ist das neue 13th Age monthly raus: Echo&Gauntlet

Start with a nasty magical strike force that works for the Crusader. Continue in a supernatural landscape that speeds their magic. Finish with campaign hooks, the implications of a ruined world that exists alongside the world, and a possible origin story for the Crusader.

Echo & Gauntlet is the tenth installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription. It will be available to buy in the webstore in November. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #83 am: 26.11.2015 | 09:32 »
13th Age Organized Play: November 2015 Update

Download Into The Underworld

The second adventure in Season 2 just went out to 13th Age Alliance GMs! Into The Underworld is a 1st level 13th Age adventure in four two-hour sessions, taking PCs into the realms below the Dragon Empire to investigate a fallen meteorite. But first they must face new enemies, as well as some familiar foes with new twists. Along the way they will encounter gods, strange subterranean seas, and the ever-present threat from the Star-Masks.

Into The Underworld includes a fun random encounter table for the underworld with a collapsed mine, a lost tomb (with optional trap), a slippery rock bridge over a torrent of water, and abominations spawned by a newborn living dungeon.

Into The Underworld Monster Preview: Khavlings

Need a 1st level battle with a monster that will really, really annoy the PCs? Meet the khavlings, an irritating sort of kobold/halfling. (Download Into The Underworld to get their spellcasting artillery, the khavling filth wizard.)


These creatures are hunch-backed scrawny menaces that can be found lurking in small gangs in sewers and back alleys of large cities, and sometimes in large semi-nomadic tribes in the underworld. Khavlings have a low animal cunning, an ability to use language (though they prefer to use insults), and a predilection for violence and vandalism.

Khavling Shiv

Khavlings can pass as halflings or short humans when in dark alleys or with their hoods up. They lurk near the dwelling places of more successful humanoids, stealing and committing petty acts of vandalism and violence.

3rd level mook [HUMANOID]

Rusty shiv +8 vs. AC—4 damage
Escalating violence: Provided the target was hit by a khavling last round, add the escalation die to the khavling’s damage.

R: Thrown rubble +8 vs. AC—6 damage
Parting shot: If the khavlings run away from the battle each can make this attack as they leave.

Nastier specials

Touch of khav: Enemies that roll a natural 1 or 2 with a melee attack against the khavling take poison damage equal to the escalation die value.
Violent mind: Enemies that make an attack vs MD against the khavling and miss take psychic damage equal to the escalation die value.

AC 18
PD 16          HP 6
MD 10

Mook: Kill one khavling shiv mook for every 6 damage you deal to the mob.

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #84 am: 1.12.2015 | 11:36 »
Das neue 13th Age monthly ist raus.

A megalith is just a set of standing stones—unless they’re actually members of an ancient stone race, reawakening in the 13th age! This full 13th Age Bestiary-style writeup has heroic, ambiguous, and villainous options that should fit into most any campaign.

The Waking Stones is the eleventh installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription, and is available to download for subscribers now. It will be available to buy in the webstore in December. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #85 am: 5.01.2016 | 09:33 »

Simple new mechanics for player characters who want a castle, tavern, sacred grove to call home and build stories around. Includes rules for the obligations that can make or break your base, examples to suit many different campaigns, and new magic items  for characters who want to put down roots.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #86 am: 7.01.2016 | 03:45 »
Zitat von: View from the Pelgrane's Nest December 2015
The GMs Screen and Resource Book is off the presses and will be shipped out at the end of January. (...)

The first Battle Scenes book High Magic and Low Cunning is ready for layout now, and the next book is underway. It will be on pre-order in January or February 2016.

Gareth Hanrahan has delivered the first draft of the Book of Demons, and I’ve playtested the Demonologist –  a character which makes pacts with demons and gives them offerings. Each pact is either disfavoured, neutral or favoured at any one time, and it’s important to the demonologist to give offerings to prevent the creatures breaking free and wreaking havoc.

Here is an example of a spell from the Pact of Cruelty:

Tormenting Chains

Ranged Spell

Once per battle

Targets: 1 nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs PD

Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence damage

Special: You may maintain this spell by expending a quick action every round. As long as you maintain the spell, the target takes 1d8+Intelligence damage whenever it makes an attack or move action. The target may break free of the spell by making a hard save (16+). This damage counts as ongoing damage.

Miss: 3d8 + Intelligence damage

3rd level spell: 4d8 damage (2d8 damage if the target struggles)

5th level spell: 6d8 damage (3d8 damage if the target struggles)

7th level spell: 8d10 damage (5d8 damage if the target struggles)

9th level spell: 10d10 damage (7d8 damage if the target struggles)
« Letzte Änderung: 7.01.2016 | 03:49 von Lasercleric »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #87 am: 12.01.2016 | 08:52 »
Rob Heinsoo bloggt über die kommenden Veröffentlichungen für 13th Age.
Maps & More - Making maps for a living
Mein Arbeits- und Hobbyblog

Der Ringkrieg - Eine Fan-Webseite zum Brettspiel
Rezension, Videos, Strategie-Tipps, Bildergalerie, FAQ und mehr

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #88 am: 1.02.2016 | 18:23 »
« Letzte Änderung: 1.02.2016 | 18:32 von Ginster »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #89 am: 4.02.2016 | 10:19 »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #90 am: 4.02.2016 | 11:01 »
High Magic & Low Cunning Preview.

Das ist Battle 3 aus den Orc Lord Szenen (Adventurer Tier). Battle 1 gibt es auch als Preview direkt by Pelgrane. Battle 2 müsste es auch noch irgendwo geben, aber ich habe es noch nicht gesehen.
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Offline Lasercleric

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #91 am: 18.02.2016 | 09:29 »
High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons
kann gepreordert werden.
Kann nun von den Vorbestellern heruntergeladen werden (genauer gesagt seit zwei Tagen). Das Map Folio sieht schon einmal bezaubernd aus.

Applaus für Uthoroc, der einige Maps beigesteuert hat. :pray:

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #92 am: 18.02.2016 | 14:06 »
Hier sind nochmal alle drei Preview-Battles zum herunterladen:

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #93 am: 8.03.2016 | 22:08 »

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #94 am: 13.04.2016 | 19:16 »
Das SRD enthält jetzt (endlich) auch 13 True Ways und das Bestiary.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #95 am: 25.04.2016 | 12:09 »
Die Kickstarterkampagne von Campaign Coins für die Icon Tokens und Münzen des Dragon Empire hat sich ein bisschen verzögert, erste Vorschaubilder sehen aber ganz nett aus.

Der Sorcerer lernt das Beschwören von Monstern:

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #97 am: 26.06.2016 | 10:31 »

...hat ein neues Abenteuer gebracht:

Swords Against the Dead

You suffer the rudest of awakenings when zombies crash through the walls of the inn, and battle is joined. But where do these shambling menaces arise – the misnamed Isle of Sanctuary, the strangely silent tower of Xuthana, or the Cliff Graves of the Demon Coast? And who or what raised this army of restless undead?
Swords Against the Dead is a quick-start adventure for 13th Age, the d20 fantasy game of battle, treasure and epic story telling. Grab a pregenerated character, decide your One Unique Thing, and get ready to fight for your life!

13th Age Alliance

...hat einen neuen Arc, in dem die aus der vorherigen Staffel bekannten, mysteriösen Starmasks weiterhin eine zentrale Rolle spielen.


Part 1: For months, strange meteorites have rained down on the Dragon Empire, bringing strange creatures known as star-masks: parasites that latch onto the faces of other beings and take over their minds and bodies. Now the Dwarf King has announced that he’s retrieved an intact meteorite and is willing to sell it to the highest bidder. Whoever uncovers the secrets of the star-masks will gain great power, so every icon has sent a delegation to bid for the meteorite—and your party is one of them.

Part 2: The dwarven city of Frostfire has a problem—raids by the Orc Lord have caused the Dwarf King to withdraw his troops from the area, and criminal gangs and cults are taking advantage of the opportunity. The Dwarf King has agreed to trade the meteorite that holds the key to stopping the pernicious star-mask menace, but only if the adventurers help restore the rule of law.

13th Age Monthly

...hat uns in der Zwischenzeit weitere Ausgaben beschert:

Coin Tricks

There are few things a sword-and-spell-slinging adventurer loves more than a full coin purse — so why not take advantage of it? Coin Tricks by Rob Heinsoo and Lynne Hardy turns the one thing that all PCs will literally die to obtain into a rich source of plot hooks and monsters. It includes:
Coin zombies, who make up for their slowness by using adventurers’ greed to ensnare them.
Coins found in living dungeons that appear to be from alternate versions of the Empire.
Ghoul-stamped coins, the mutilated currency of the undead.
Rules for Tower Thump, the dwarves’ favorite coin-based drinking game.
Normal-seeming gold coins that are also bat-winged demons devoted to chaos and destruction.


In the Dragon Empire, the imperial city of Axis is the hub of civilization—but even there, the barbaric spectacle of bloody arena combat draws cheering crowds. Who among the gladiators will ascend to fame and glory today, and who will fall?
Here you’ll find notes on gladiatorial armor, dragon patrons, crest-taking, staged holy wars, Dragon Empire gladiators as they compare to Roman Empire gladiators, the Lich King’s arenas, and other surprises involving war sports. By Rob Heinsoo.

13th Sage

...bringt uns schließlich einen besseren Array für Ability Scores:

New Alternative Array Ability Scores

by Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo
When creating characters in a d20-rolling RPG, some of us will always want to roll ability scores. Others hate the randomness, or the risk of rolling up a less-then-competent characters, and opt for point-buy systems. In our games, we let players choose the method they like. When we make our own characters, Rob has always opted for rolling ability scores while Jonathan uses the point-buy system from the core rulebook.
But while we were creating 13th Age in Glorantha, Jonathan came up with an alternative we both like. It creates more diverse characters, it’s simple, and it’s what we have been using lately and suggesting to our players.
Assign these six scores to your abilities: 17, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10.
This alternative array is better than the point-buy arrays on page 309 of 13th Age, but it’s better on the bottom end. Low scores usually get ignored with point-buy systems; but a bit more emphasis on the low end of the scores helps characters in 13th Age because skill checks call on many different abilities, and your defenses are based on multiple ability scores.
Try it, and see if you like the results!

Offline Ginster

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #98 am: 5.07.2016 | 18:12 »
Temple of the Sun Cabal

To save the world, sometimes you gotta save a vampire—especially when they have information you need, but they’ve been captured by the not-so-friendly neighborhood sun cult. Getting to their island temple won’t be easy, though. Will you choose the Path of Battle, the Path of Cunning, or the (suspiciously named) Path of Welcome? This adventure for four to six 5th level characters can be run as a standalone session, or as a way to introduce the Wild Garden dungeon from 13 True Ways into your campaign. It includes an improved version of the hydra from the 13th Age core book, a different take on harpies, a wild and watery skill challenge, and some potential recurring villains for your campaign. By Wade Rockett.
Temple of the Sun Cabal is the sixth installment of the second 13th Age Monthly subscription. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.

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Re: [13th Age] Nachrichten
« Antwort #99 am: 1.08.2016 | 11:26 »
Shades of Fey (13th Age monthly)

Who are the fey, if they aren’t principally connected to the Elf Queen? Here are ten intriguing alternatives with consequences for story and mechanics, similar to what was done for devils in 13 True Ways. Also includes a double handful of fey monsters with different attributes depending on which name they are using, and at least one player character surprise.

Shades of Fey is the seventh installment of the second 13th Age Monthly subscription. When you subscribe to 13th Age Monthly, you will get all issues of the subscription to date.