Autor Thema: [Fiasco] Game of Thrones inspieriertes Playset - Kritik erwünscht  (Gelesen 974 mal)

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


  • Gast
Hallo allerseits!

Wie geht's?  ;)

Ich bin ein großer Fan von Fiasco und habe mich endlich mal daran gemacht, mir selbst ein Playset zu überlegen. Da ich eindeutig ein "Newbie" bin und meiner Runde das Playset noch nicht präsentieren möchte (wer möchte schon wissen, wie die Wurst gemacht wird?), würde es mich freuen, wenn ich hier bei euch etwas Feedback zum Roh-Entwurf für dieses Playset bekommen könnte. Brutale Ehrlichkeit ist sehr erwünschr!  ;D

Nun gut, ohne viele weitere Worte, hier mein "Game of Ice & Fire"-Playset:

The King is dead and suddenly the carefully held status quo is breaking down. Who will be king? Who will rule? Who will survive?

1 Family
  1 Cousins
  2 Husband and Wife
  3 Parent and child
  4 (Step) Siblings
  5 Uncle/aunt and nephew/niece
  6 Bastard child and family member

2 Bound by Duty
  1 Liege lord and vassal
  2 Sworn to the same master
  3 To be wed in arranged marriage
  4 Council members
  5 Master and servant
  6 Members of the same order

3 Lust & Love
  1 Unresolved sexual tension
  2 Unrequited Love
  3 Star crossed lovers
  4 Incestuous relationship
  5 Secret Affair
  6 Former lovers

4 Secrets
  1 Public allies, private enemies
  2 Public enemies, private allies
  3 He owes you his life
  4 He owes you his position
  5 You know his dark secret
  6 Keepers of an ugly truth

5 Friendship
  1 Blood brothers
  2 Brothers-in-arms
  3 Childhood friends
  4 Mutual respect
  5 Mutually assured destruction
  6 The enemy of your enemy
6 Revenge
  1 Hostage and guardian
  2 Age-old feud
  3 Victor and loser in a battle/fight
  4 He killed your friend/relative
  5 On different sides during the rebellion
  6 Bitter rivals

1 To get revenge
  1 … on someone who faulted you
  2 … on the one who murdered him
  3 … on them for not respecting you
  4 … on a family member
  5 … on a hereditary enemy
  6 ... for what happened during the rebellion
2 To protect
  1 … your life
  2 … your fortune
  3 … your honor
  4 … your home/family
  5 … someone else
  6 … the "Kingdom"
3 To get power
  1 … by taking the Throne
  2 … by being the one behind the Throne
  3 … by using your (female) wiles
  4 … by killing them
  5 … by making a bargain (with the devil)
  6 … by knowing their secrets
4 To lay with
  1 … your one true love
  2 … the one true love of your enemy
  3 … someone to produce an heir
  4 … someone who'll understand
  5 … the one you desire the most
  6 … someone to prove something
5 To get rich
  1 … by getting your own estate
  2 … by playing the game
  3 … by escalating the conflict
  4 … by selling them out
  5 … by winning this war
  6 … by backing the right horse

6 To find
  1 … a way out
  2 ... support for your cause
  3 … the truth
  4 … redemption
  5 … respect
  6 … something or someone you lost

1 Travel
  1 The King's road
  2 The Inn at the Roadside
  3 On board of a ship
  4 A carawan/delegation train
  5 A hunting party
  6 Almost there…
2 Around the Battle Field
  1 The defense works
  2 An army camp
  3 A ransacked castle/village
  4 Amidst the chaos of battle
  5 Trapped in the castle tower
  6 The eve before the attack

3 The Royal Keep
  1 The Gardens
  2 The Royal Apartments
  3 The Throne Room
  4 The council chambers
  5 A wedding feast
  6 A secret passageway

4 The High City
  1 The tourney grounds
  2 The Lord Chancellor's Tower
  3 The Tower of the King's Guard
  4 A public execution
  5 The High Cathedral
  6 The High Markets

5 The Lower City
  1 A hideout
  2 The dungeon
  3 A brothel
  4 The sewers
  5 In the shadow of the night outside the walls
  6 The Spymaster's Quarters

6 The Great Houses
  1 The Hall of Giants
  2 The eerie Mountain Fortress
  3 The Two Castles
  4 The Rock of the Golden Lion
  5 The Hold of the Winter Wolf
  6 The Fort of the Black Order
1 Information
  1 His last will
  2 An intercepted message
  3 (Forged) incriminating letters
  4 A book on the great families
  5 An encrypted message
  6 A sealed pardon
2 War
  1 A hundred barrels of alchemist's fire
  2 A banner of soldiers
  3 A fleet of ships
  4 A band of sellswords of questionable loyalty
  5 A company of elite slave fighters
  6 A handful of your own men amongst the enemy
3 Deadly
   1 A dire wolf
   2 A swift and deadly poison
   3 A unique weapon left by the killer
   4 A dirk made of obsidian
   5 A shadow creature awaiting your order
   6 Your words
4 Personal
   1 A disguise to hide your gender
   2 A lock of hair
   3 The family sword (of your enemy)
   4 A gift from a late relative or friend
   5 The headman's sword
   6 An iron coin
5 Valuable
   1 Three petrified dragon eggs
   2 A letter of credit from the Adamantine Bank
   3 A letter of debt
   4 A signet ring
   5 A chest of gold
   6 A golden crown

 6 Tools
   1 A hostage
   2 A witness
   3 A group of musicians
   4 An assassin
   5 A fool
   6 A fanatic


  • Gast
Mir gefällt es und ich würde das in der Form probespielen. allerdings könnte man hier und da noch mehr auf Konflikt setzen. "6 Bastard child and family member" unter Relationships würde ich z.B. zu "Bastard child and parent" machen. Gerade bei den Needs habe ich ein paar Einträge gesehen, die etwas mehr "Wumms" haben dürfen.


  • Gast
Mir gefällt es und ich würde das in der Form probespielen. allerdings könnte man hier und da noch mehr auf Konflikt setzen. "6 Bastard child and family member" unter Relationships würde ich z.B. zu "Bastard child and parent" machen.
Guter Punkt: "Bastard child and parent/parent's spouse" wäre wohl besser, danke! Ich gehe auch noch mal durch die anderen Punkte.

Gerade bei den Needs habe ich ein paar Einträge gesehen, die etwas mehr "Wumms" haben dürfen.
Hast du da Vorschläge - ich bin da vermutlich etwas betriebsblind...


  • Gast
Hmmm, ich weiß, es ist ne weile her, aber hat vielleicht doch noch jemand Anmerkungen oder Ideen?