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AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« am: 4.11.2014 | 09:29 »
AMA Mike Mearls

Hab's noch nicht gelesen, stehen aber sicher auch ein paar interessante Dinge drin.
Playing: D&D 5E
Hosting: Old School Essentials, Dungeon World
Reading: So tief die Schwere See, Mothership

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Re: AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« Antwort #1 am: 4.11.2014 | 12:01 »
Nutzen wir den Thread doch mal um die fuer einen selbst interessanten Fragen (und Antworten) zu wiederholen:
2: Is system bloat a thing that you guys are considering for future 5E products? It seems 3E/3.5E hit critical mass and became almost unmanageable to run.

[–]mikemearlsHead of D&D R&D 46 points 13 hours ago
    System bloat is a big concern. It's one of the things that forces us into a new edition and makes the game hard to get into. We're looking at keeping our new mechanics to a minimum and having clear guidelines on the best way to incorporate new material into your campaign.

For instance, one guidelines we're looking at is for DMs to restrict characters to one additional book beyond the PHB when making characters. That keeps things manageable while allowing each campaign to have a distinct flavor.

Das zusammen mit der Aussage zu den Kampagnenbaenden:
I'll give you an example of a theoretical expansion.

Let's say we wanted to do psionics. We'd tie that to a campaign you can play, maybe one centered on mind flayers or a similar foe.

The psionic sourcebook would be the player's companion to the DM's mind flayer campaign. The sourcebook would have all the info for creating psionic characters, along with world material for players who are creating characters for the mind flayer campaign. The player's book might also have a chapter written from an in-world perspective on psionics and psionic monsters, the kind of information that a character might have access to or have heard.

You can expect us to do one or two such products a year, to give people enough time to play through a campaign without overwhelming them with new options.
sieht doch schonmal gut aus.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re: AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« Antwort #2 am: 4.11.2014 | 12:06 »
Mike Mearls zu Einflüssen der 5E:

Zitat von: Mike Mearls
For influences: * 3e's core mechanics, and the concept of unifying things across the board * 4e's approach to a core math foundation, and emphasis on giving every class something cool and unique (might sounds weird to people due to AEDU, but dud classes were a big issue in 3e that 4e really curtailed) * 1e's emphasis on the DM as arbiter and referee, taking priority over the system * 2e's emphasis on roleplaying and storytelling, along with the 2e DMG's presentation of options and variants for the DM
The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... yeah, makes perfect sense.

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Re: AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« Antwort #3 am: 5.11.2014 | 10:35 »
Sehr interessant bezüglich des sogenannten "System Bloats":

System bloat is a big concern. It's one of the things that forces us into a new edition and makes the game hard to get into. We're looking at keeping our new mechanics to a minimum and having clear guidelines on the best way to incorporate new material into your campaign.
For instance, one guidelines we're looking at is for DMs to restrict characters to one additional book beyond the PHB when making characters. That keeps things manageable while allowing each campaign to have a distinct flavor.

Anregend fand ich diese Idee, ich hoffe, es gibt irgendwann gute Regeln für Alternative Rewards dafür (vielleicht im nächsten DMG?):

I touched on this earlier, but I'll go into more detail here - I'd love get rid of XP and maybe even level benefits and replace it with a system of rewards based on your deeds.
I love how in Elder Scrolls games my character improves at the things I do. If I sneak a lot, I get better at sneaking. I'm not sure there's an elegant way to make that work on a tabletop, but I think it would be cool.
For more noteworthy stuff, I imagine a system that gives you special abilities based on deeds you complete in game. Let's say your fighter manages to wrestle and kill a stone giant. That might earn you big bonus to all checks made for wrestling and a special ability when fighting giants.

Das hier fände ich auch extremst cool als Optionalregel:

At one point, each martial weapon had a special maneuver built into it. It was a cool idea, but it proved too complex at the table.
"Du wirst direkt in diesem Moment von einer Zilliarde grünkarierter Kakerlakeneinhörner in Tweedanzügen umzingelt, die mit Fallschirmen aus gebeiztem Vanillepudding aus der nächstgelegenen Dattelpalme springen und dich zu ihrer Avonberaterin krönen - und die Krone ist aus Dr. Frankensteins bösartig mutiertem Killernougat! Streich dir 78000 Hirnschadenspunkte ab und mach sofort eine Jodelimprovisation!"

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Re: AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« Antwort #4 am: 5.11.2014 | 10:44 »
Hm.. Das mit den Deeds erinnert mich an die Story Feats aus Pathfinder: Du wählst das Feat aus, gibst deine angestrebte Story dem SL bekannt und fängst an in die Richtung zu spielen. Sobald du die Story abgeschlossen hast: Story-basierter Bonus.
Wenn wir einander in der Dunkelheit festhalten .. dann geht die Dunkelheit dadurch nicht vorbei
I can hardly wait | It's been so long | I've lost my taste | Say angel come | Say lick my face | Let fall your dress | I'll play the part | I'll open this mouth wide | Eat your heart

Offline Thandbar

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Re: AMA mit Mike Mearls auf Reddit
« Antwort #5 am: 5.11.2014 | 10:55 »
Klingt auch interessant. Wobei ich hoffe, dass sie es, wenn sie es tatsächlich einmal umsetzen sollten, in der 5E nicht an die Feat/Attributsboni-Ökonomie koppeln.
"Du wirst direkt in diesem Moment von einer Zilliarde grünkarierter Kakerlakeneinhörner in Tweedanzügen umzingelt, die mit Fallschirmen aus gebeiztem Vanillepudding aus der nächstgelegenen Dattelpalme springen und dich zu ihrer Avonberaterin krönen - und die Krone ist aus Dr. Frankensteins bösartig mutiertem Killernougat! Streich dir 78000 Hirnschadenspunkte ab und mach sofort eine Jodelimprovisation!"