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Die unfasslichen Abenteuer des Freiherrn von Münchhausen (S. 9)

--- Zitat ---Wenn Eure Gesellschaft aus weniger als fünf Edelleuten besteht, gönnt dennoch jedem Teilnehmer fünf Münzen. Wenn Ihr hingegen mehr als zwanzig seid, dann denkt nicht einmal daran, ein Spiel wie dieses anzugehen; stattdessen rate ich Euch, Eure Mittel zusammenzulegen, einige Söldlinge anzuwerben und über eine Invasion Belgiens nachzudenken.
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Fate Adversary Toolkit, engl. Fassung, S. 72 (aus dem "80s Action"-Abschnitt unter "Using this Spread", 3. Absatz):

--- Zitat ---If a particular type of SERPENT filler is proving particularly fun for your players -- either because it's challenging them in interesting ways, or they're just really digging the experience of punching out this particular bad guy -- then keep bringing it back. Even if that means there are armored bears in Paris. Especially if that means there are armored bears in Paris.
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Night's Black Agents (Tools/Special Weapons, S. 106)

--- Zitat ---Super-Soaker: Even the most powerful air-pumped squirt gun only shoots out to Close range. Refilling it in combat is essentially impossible unless the combat includes a few minutes of down time. Unless the agents have actually killed a vampire this way, the Director may require a Difficulty 4 Stability test to bring a squirt gun to a firefight.

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--- Zitat ---Je genauer du dich an deine Rolle hältst, umso größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass du unglaublich viel Spaß hast und rein gar nichts gebacken kriegst.
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Das Land Og

--- Zitat ---Kobolds are, as we mentioned earlier, damn tasty and quite handy in the kitchen, which makes them welcome both in and around any cooking fire.
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Kobolds Ate My Baby

--- Zitat ---Leap  off  buildings,  sword-fight  across  treetops,  pry  artifacts  from  deathtrap-laden  temples,  have  running  gun-battles  through  the  Underworld  in  a  desperate  race  to  keep  history  itself  from  being  rewritten.  Discover  your  sworn  enemy  is  your  long-lost  sister,  swear  vengeance  for  the  fallen  noodle-boy  caught  in  the  crossfire,  kill  a  lot  of  kill-worthy  dudes  to both save the world and earn one more bounty so you can buy that nightclub singer some new corneas ... KI-YAAAH!
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Feng Shui 2

--- Zitat ---Put simply, in this game the GM is the “Master” and the players take on the role of his maids. If you think this isn’t the kind of game you’d like to play, you’re probably right. Still, we hope you’ll enjoy reading the book.
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Maid The RPG

You haven't killed, yet. - Masks


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