Autor Thema: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves  (Gelesen 1672 mal)

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Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« am: 30.08.2014 | 11:27 »
Hier ein paar Racial Moves von mir:

Dark Elf

Fighter: When you ambush your prey from the shadows, take +1d6 damage forward.

Thief: The effects of your poisons are doubled.

Cleric: Darkness and Shadow are the domains of your deity. When you stand in the shadows you can manipulate and form them into cloaks of darkness or even light cover against attacks.

Ranger: Add venomous to the strengths of your animal companion  


Fighter: You signature weapon is imbedded into your arm and loses 2 weight.
To disarm you, someone would have to dis-arm you.

Paladin: Your Body is made off especially strong plates. You start the game with a 3 armor, 2 weight natural armor but can’t wear armor above that. Your natural armor can’t be removed.

Ranger: Your animal companion was created just like you. Due to it’s superior programming it get’s an additional strength

Thief:  Your eye lenses are special made to provide excellent view even in total darkness. You can’t be blinded or hindered in any way by darkness. 

Artificer: You can use your own lifespark to power your gadgets. You may take 1d4 of damage instead of spending a Charge. One of your Gadget’s might be imbedded into your body, your choice


Fighter: When you roll a 10+ on Hack and Slash and you choose to deal extra Damage, deal an additional +1d4 damage

Rogue: When you are wielding a Mace, club, blackjack or similar weapon and you Backstab an enemy you may roll +STR (you may start with such a weapon on character creation)

Ranger: If you Hunt and Track  an Enemy you have wounded and you roll a 6 or lower, treat it as a 7 instead

Cleric: Your deity demands blood, when you butcher a powerful enemy of your faith after a one on one duel, immediately gain a boon from your deity


Fighter: When you are drunk or when using your horns to gore at something, you can Hack and Slash using CON.
Cleric: When you engage in destructive revelry and everyone involved praises your deity for it, you gain a boon from them. 


Bard: When you enter a place where dragonkind once lived, your call, you may ask the GM how they were ousted

Wizard: Being in the presence of a Dragon is enough to count as being in a place of power for you.
« Letzte Änderung: 30.08.2014 | 11:52 von Praion »
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Re: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« Antwort #1 am: 6.10.2014 | 15:22 »
Feine sache, hat jmd eine idee für einen Kender/Thief move? (Ja, die aus Dragnlance, siehe Tolpan Barfuß)

Offline Praion

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Re: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« Antwort #2 am: 6.10.2014 | 16:27 »
Wenn du in einer Siedlung warst, fülle dein Dungeon Gear wieder auf 5 auf. Jedoch ist es voll von seltsamen Zeug und wenn du etwas bestimmtes haben willst wird der SL ein "ja, das hast du aber..." hinzufügen.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« Antwort #3 am: 2.01.2015 | 11:51 »
Sollte das nicht von einem Wurf abhängig sein? 1 - 6 nicht vorhanden,  7 - 9 vorhanden aber ......., 10 - 12 vorhanden ?
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Offline Praion

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Re: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« Antwort #4 am: 2.01.2015 | 12:26 »
Racial Moves geben dir eigentlich immer nur direkt etwas, sei es eine Modifikation oder etwas das einfach wahr ist. Sie geben (eigentlich) nie einen extra Move der mit Würfeln zu tun hat.
Außerde ist Dungeon Gear wieder auf 5 setzen nicht so OP das man da nen Riegel vorschieben muss.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

Offline Edward Fu

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Re: Neue Dungeon World Racial Moves
« Antwort #5 am: 2.01.2015 | 12:30 »
Ok, danke.
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