Autor Thema: Kickstarter: The Last Days of Anglekite, a Chaos World (Dungeon World)  (Gelesen 1942 mal)

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Offline Tyloniakles

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The Last Days of Anglekite is a Dying Earth-style weird fantasy setting for Dungeon World in which you play members of the Anglekite Adventurer's Guild, the last line of defense for a dying world threatened by catastrophic powers. The Last Days of Anglekite has everything you need to play out an epic struggle to save a world at the end of its time, drawing from weird sword and sorcery tales and over-the-top fantasy by authors like Jack Vance, Clark Ashton Smith, and Michael Moorcock.

The Last Days of Anglekite started as a PDF-only reward for backers of the Kristacon NYC event in April of 2013, a short Dungeon World scenario based on the adventure that Brendan Conway put together for the convention. But when Brendan turned in a 40,000 word document, it was the beginning of something greater (something that needed plenty of editing!) and we decided to make The Last Days of Anglekite a standalone project. Through the efforts of Brendan, Mark Diaz Truman, Juan Ochoa, John Adamus, and Nathan Paoletta, it’s finally ready as a fantastic, fully laid-out setting book full of art, monsters, compendium classes, magic items, fronts, dangers, and madness.

The Last Days of Anglekite uses the Dungeon World system. You can read more about the system, and you can even find the free SRD online. Dungeon World is Powered by the Apocalypse, and gives you all the tools you need to play fast and fun adventures in fantasy settings all your own. It uses a simple system: you roll 2d6 and add a stat. On a 10+, you’ll get a full success. On a 7-9, you’ll get a success, but with some cost or complications attached. On a 6 or less, the GM gets to say how things go wrong. The system is clean and effective without being reductive or limiting. As the Dungeon World designers say, “It’s an old school game with new school rules.”

The Last Days of Anglekite takes the system into the realm of weird, epic fantasy. The Last Days of Anglekite has the monsters, magical items, compendium classes, and fronts you need to play a full campaign of Dungeon World in a world built on top of the ruins of countless civilizations. The setting is ready to pick up and play, filled with all the toys that will customize your game of Dungeon World into something strange and fantastic. And if you want to use The Last Days of Anglekite for another game or system, you can adapt or transfer any element of the setting with ease.

Das Projekt ist bereits nach wenigen Stunden erfolgreich gefunded und hat auch schon das erste Stretch goal genommen (ein weiteres Setting). Schaut nach einem Highlight aus :)

Offline Azzu

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Das sieht tatsächlich ansprechend aus. Aber Mark Diaz Truman soll erstmal Urban Shadows fertig machen, bevor er die nächste Apokalypse kickstartet, der Schlumpf!

Offline Viral

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hat es denn schonmal jemand gespielt .... ich hab mal vor Jahren das Dying Earth Rollenspiel ausprobiert, aber fand die Regeln gingen am Stil der Bücher vorbei und empfand sie als zu kompliziiert.

Offline Don Kamillo

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Habe angefangen, die Kampagne zu leiten und es lief gut, wird auch fortgeführt, aber erst kommendes Jahr. Es geht schnell zur Sache und eskaliert. Das muss man auch wollen, wenn man eine Kampagne in 8-10 Sitzungen durchkriegen will. Wir haben 3x gespielt und man sieht, was passiert und wohin es führen kann/soll/möchte...
Awesomeness ist eine Krankheit, bei mir chronisch!
"I greet you as guests and so will not crush the life from you and devour your souls with peals of laugther. No, instead, I will make some tea." - Toll the hounds - page 282 )
Der Don zockt gerade: nWoD Crossover, D&D5e Trollödnis Sandbox, D&D 5 Planescape, D&D5e Wildemount, D&D5e Moonshaes, D&D 5e Monsterhunter