Erzählt mir von Amethyst Apoteosis! Wie ist es, was kann es, was braucht es?

Which side will you choose? Which weapons will you wield? Earth is torn between the order of science and the chaos of fantasy. These two worlds cannot mix. Venture into lands once claimed by skyscrapers and factories, now overrun by elves, goblins, and dragons. Choose your path and commit to the quest. Monsters will hunt you; machines will track you. No gods will help you; no prophecies will choose you. The fate of the world rests with you.
The critically acclaimed Amethyst setting, now for The 13th Age Roleplaying Game.
This rulebook includes:
--Eleven playable species, twenty-one icon-like affiliations, over forty backgrounds.
--Eight new classes, over 270 feats.
--Players can now select legends to expand their characters at high levels.
--High-tech equipment from revolvers to railcannons, pickup trucks to powered armor.
--Over thirty new monsters.
--New rules including vehicles and ranged combat which can be added to any game.