Posting von Shane Hensley aus dem RPG.NET:
"Hi all,
Shane with Pinnacle here. I don't post a lot on RPG.NET but since most of you have been very kind and supportive I wanted to say a few quick words. Most any other information we give out in the future will be on our own forums--thanks for understanding.

So first off, it is
a line, not a single book. We hope to explore many corners of the Rifts universe, and should have plenty of time and space to do it.
We aren't talking about the rules development at this time, but since Savage Worlds (in our obviously biased opinion) handles everything from gritty cop stories to four-color superheroes, we're feeling very good about Rifts' development.
Third, I love Fate, M&M, and many of the other systems you guys and gals advocated. Those are all AWESOME and we gamers are truly blessed to have so many amazing choices these days. I truly play and run everything, though of course Savage Worlds is my favorite.
We're very happy to be working with Kevin Siembieda. He's been gracious, encouraging, and awesome from the start.
Finally, we're happy to be working with Sean Patrick Fannon and Ross Watson on this. Sean got the ball rolling, Ross handles most of the project management, and the two of them together are creating something I think Rifts fans will find both familiar and different enough to open up new tales and adventures. Savage Worlds fans who haven't experienced Rifts will get to walk in one of the most rich, detailed, and over-the-top settings ever released. So we think this is a win-win and can't wait to show you our work.
All the best to everyone.

I'll just add that I really appreciate the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the support, but now I need to put my head back down and finish the design and writing of this thing you're all wanting to see. We know how important it is to stay connected with you, and we'll be sharing more information down the road, I promise. There are quite a few more bricks to lay on this road before we start rolling traffic down it, though.
So lock that drum feed into your rail gun, call up those eldritch forces from the nearby ley line, and get ready for the great adventures to come!"