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[Pathfinder] Mutige Helden für "Red Hand of Doom" gesucht!


Hiermit biete ich an, das Abenteuer "Red Hand of Doom" im Rahmen einer Play-by-Post Forenrunde für 4-5 Spieler zu leiten. Spielsystem ist Pathfinder, weil der Zugriff auf Materialien dank des PRDs denkbar einfach (und kostenlos) is. Das Abenteuer wurde von mir ziemlich detailliert auf Pathfinder konvertiert, so dass es hier keine Probleme mit Unterschieden der Systeme geben sollte. Als Setting schlage ich die Forgotten Realms (D&D 3rd Edition) vor, Startpunkt ist die Metropolis Sheirtalar in Lapaliiya, was den Rahmen des Abenteuers in den warmen Süden versetzt (weniger nordischer Alltag, dafür mehr "1001 Nacht"). Hinweis: ich benutze englisches Regelmaterial, wer deutsches Pathfinder benutzt ist natürlich trotzdem herzlich willkommen!

Worum geht es bei "Red Hand of Doom"?

Die Charaktere werden in Red Hand of Doom in einem abgelegenen Landstrich mit einer fortwährend eskalierenden Situation konfrontiert, und was mit ein paar simplen Überfällen auf der Landstrasse begann könnte sehr bald das Ende für die verstreuten Siedlungen des Tals bedeuten. Der Zeitpunkt und die Art und Weise, wie die Helden auf die Situation reagieren, prägt den Fortschritt des Abenteuers maßgeblich.
Da der Schauplatz des Abenteuers etwas abseits liegt und relativ viel Wildnis beinhaltet, ist es vorteilhaft wenn ein oder zwei Charaktere ein bißchen Wildniskunde machen können. Nichtsdestotrotz begegnet man natürlich auch anderen Leuten oder besucht die Orte des Tals, weshalb auch Charakte mit sozialen Kompetenzen glänzen können. Ansonsten finden alle Charakterkonzepte und Klassen hier Potential, mit Ausnahme vielleicht vom fallenentschärfenden Schurken - Fallen gibt es nicht so wirklich viele in "Red Hand of Doom".

Normalerweise startet "Red Hand of Doom" auf Level 5, ich würde auf Level 3 mit einem Startabenteuer beginnen wollen damit sich die Gruppe (und der Plot) etwas einspielen kann. Die Charaktere müssen sich nicht zwangsläufig kennen (gehen tut das natürlich trotzdem) und generell gruppenwillig- und tauglich sein, ansonsten sind die Gründe für euren Aufenthalt in Sheirtalar aber erstmal die euren (s. Story Feat). Details zum Spielstart folgen wenn sich genug Interessenten finden.


* Startlevel: Level 3.
* Quellmaterialien: das offizielle PRD (von Paizo), zusätzliche Inhalte (auch D&D 3rd) gerne nach Absprache.
* Völker: Genasi werden durch die elementaren Völker aus dem ARG ersetzt, ansonsten geht alles was in die Realms passt!
* Attribute: 20-Point Buy (hier gibts einen guten Calculator dafür).
* Hitpoints: PFS-Standard (max. hp auf Level 1, danach aufgerundeter Durschnitts-HD).
* Story Feat: jeder Charakter bekommt einen Story Feat als Bonus auf Level 1.
* Traits: nein.
* Startgold: Standard (Durchschnittswert pro Klasse).
* Favored Enemies: Humanoid (goblinoid), Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoids, oder Dragons sind alles Empfehlungen.
* Companions: Animal Companions/Familiare können aus allen Bestiaries frei gewählt werden. Keine Kohorten oder dergleichen (kein Leadership).
Ein paar Details zum Setting von realmshelps.net.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)The Lapal League is a confederation of city-states along the southeastern shore of the Shining Sea. Loosely ruled by the Overking of Sheirtalar, these small realms are sometimes known as the Cities of the Seabreeze, though that phrase technically also includes Narubel, Tashluta, Ormpur, and the ruins of Procalith. Lapaliiya stretches from the eastern end of the Delphin Mountains to the Sheir Peninsula, and from the shores of the Shining Sea to the northern edge of the Mhair Jungles, the Great Wall of Halruaa, the western edge of the Bandit Wastes, and the peaks of the Dun Hills.

The inhabitants of Lapaliiya are zealous warriors and industrious merchants who place tremendous value on personal honor and propriety. Duels and feuds over slights that folk of other lands might readily dismiss are common. Almost all positions of power are dominated by Tashalans, despite their minority status in the country as a whole.

Ophiophobia is common here. Serpentfolk are slain on sight if they reveal themselves as such, and overt dealings with them are punishable by death. Nevertheless, the serpentfolk wield considerable influence in Lapaliiya, and officials routinely overlook suspicious dealings involving persons with significant political strength.

Each city-state in the Lapal League has a civic deity, and its citizens discourage all other faiths. Conflict (whether overt political disagreements or covert skullduggery) occurs more frequently within the confederation than with its neighbors. Clerics and monks enjoy positions of respect and authority in Lapaliiya, while arcane spellcasters are viewed with some suspicion - an attitude that dates back to the Rage of Wizards (1142 DR). The dark god of Lapaliiyan myth is Amphisbaena the World Serpent, who has wrapped the world in his coils and is slowly crushing it into pulp as he devours himself.

In centuries past, Lapaliiya was a nation only in name, ruled by an essentially powerless Grand Council made up of the satraps of the five most powerful city-states. The union of the ruling houses of Sheirtalar and Lushpool in the Year of Glad Tidings (1147 DR), occurring as it did in the immediate aftermath of the Rage of Wizards, led to the installation of a ruler - the Overking of Lapaliiya. In addition to ruling the cities of Sheirtalar and (through the heir to the throne) Lushpool, the overking theoretically governs all of Lapaliiya with the consent of the Grand Council, which can vote yea or nay but not initiate its own decrees. In practice, however, the overking must still secure unanimous consent from the representatives of Sammaresh, Ithmong, Lushpool, Sheirtalar, and Uzurr, which usually means negotiating with the reigning Shoonsar of Ithmong and the satraps of Lushpool.
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)The Shaar is a vast, rolling grassland running from the Shining Sea to the distant lands of the east. Civilization has almost no hold on the area. Nomadic humans (the dozen or so tribes of the Shaaryan) and non-humans such as centaurs, gnolls and wemics populate the Shaar. The wemics hunt, the Shaaryan humans herd rothé and horses, and the gnolls raid. The land supports its native grasses splendidly but is ill suited for agriculture - it's not a desert, but the land bakes by day and freezes by night.

The Shaaryan humans seldom stray in large numbers from their ancestral plains, largely because their treasured horses do not do well outside the Shaar. Shaaryan horses are stronger and faster than horses from other regions of Faerûn, as long as they roam their native grasslands. The great horses grow sick and die if they do not eat the grasses that thrive only on the wide plains of the Shaar. The Shaaryan understand this, and few of them leave their native culture behind to travel Faerûn.

The dozen or so nomad tribes known collectively as the Shaaryan have never been unified, though they share a common culture and way of life. Outsiders find it difficult to tell members of one tribe from the others, but the nomads can tell each apart instantly from clues of dress, accent, color of mount, and make of weapons.

Several of the tribes allow female warriors to ride as equals among the men, and a few have female chiefs. Chiefs are generally elected by secret votes among the elders, but two tribes have would-be dynasties of powerful charismatic families that attempt to keep a lock on power.

Traditionally, raiding parties of twenty or fewer warriors do not constitute an act of war against another Shaaryan tribe. Larger raiding parties amount to declarations of war, a risky proposition since tribes that declare war are generally not allowed to participate in the intertribal councils until they have made reparations or otherwise ceased their aggressions.

The wemics sometimes join in the Shaaryan councils. More often their chiefs pursue their own savage goals without caring for the human nomads' traditions and protocols.
(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)The Shining City by the Sea (population 52,135) sits at the head of Sheir Bay on the northern end of the much larger Talar Bay, which is located at the foot of the Sheir peninsula. The land slopes sharply down to meet the waters, allowing those arriving on ships to see almost all the city at once. The city’s apt nickname arises from the fact that most of the prominent buildings are domed and leafed in silver and gold.

Sheirtalar is the capital of Lapaliiya and the largest and most powerful of the confederated city-states. Its ruler is the Overking of Lapaliiya, Shaliim Wyrmslayer. The Domed Palace of the Overking, the most prominent of Sheirtalar’s landmarks, sits atop a granite outcropping in the upper third of the city. The Gilt House of Gleaming Coins, the temple dedicated to Waukeen, the city’s civic deity, is also incredibly opulent. Because most trade goods exiting the Shaar for western Faerûn pass through this port, it has become one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the South.
Los, mutige Helden, die Welt rettet sich nicht von allein!

EDIT: Habe mal eine kleine Info zum Abenteuer eingefügt, für alle die es nicht kennen.

Evtl haette ich noch etwas Zeit uebrig. Ich kenne nur D&D3 und waere dan wohl ein Hexenmeister.


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