Autor Thema: Conspiracy X 2.0 - Neues Regelwerk oder nur Unisystem?  (Gelesen 1008 mal)

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Ich hab nun so langsam mitbekommen, daß offensichtlich eine neue Edition von Con X geplant ist, was mich doch etwas wurmt, da ich mir gerade die Sachen von dem "alten" Con X besorge und auch teilweise erworben habe.

Nun stellt sich mir aber die Frage, ob es sich hierbei um ein ganz neues Regelwerk handelt oder nur um eine Übersetzung der Con X-Regeln ins Unisystem.
Weiß da jemand mehr?

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Conspiracy X 2.0 - Neues Regelwerk oder nur Unisystem?
« Antwort #1 am: 14.02.2004 | 01:34 »
Da zitiere ich doch mal ein paar Fragen mit den Antworten des Line Developers:

1. how far are you guys through in the writing of conx 2.0?
1) Core Book is just about done, an then it's playtesting. Corebook is the hardest one as it defines the rest of them... hopefully the rest should follow fairly easily after that... (fingers crossed)...

2. what is the ETA on conx 2.0?
2) No idea. We're not saying so no-one will complain if it's late, or anything crops up to get in the way. As soon as we can, that's all I can say...

3. what kinds of new things will it add to the unisystem? (like Angel added the organization structure to the system)
3) If you've never played ConX, and you're a pure Unisystem person, then it'll bring a lot of new Qs & Ds, a full and extensive organization creation system (the one in Angel was losely based on the original ConX), aliens, government cover-ups, high speed martial arts mayhem, supernatural weirdness, powerful psychics and dangerous rituals. much will the new conx integrate into the other unisystem rpgs?(like how armageddon is based in the witchcraft universe and buffy & angel are tied)
4) It really is its own universe, but ideas will be presented to cover including elements of WitchCraft and Armageddon into ConX. Atlanteans are different in both games, but what if they were the same? Things like that... it'll all be compatible though...

5. will the existing suppliments be reprinted 'unisystem' for conx 2.0?
5) Yes. They're to be collected into useful tomes... First up will be the "Extraterrestrials Sourcebook", collecting the 3 alien races books, converted and re-jigged a bit for Unisystem. Then there'll be a "Paranormal Sourcebook" which will cover the Psychics book and Magic book... A 4th book is also planned, then we'll be on all new territory... shhhhhh, don't tell anyone though...

Dave (DFC)
Line Developer - Conspiracy X 2.0
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."