Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > Ubiquity
[Ubiquity] News
--- Zitat ---Mexico, 1938: The discovery of a mythical tecuanes, a were-jaguar, on the grounds of a henequen plantation in the Yucatan leads a group of adventerers and scientists into the hazardous cave complexes under the jungle in search of its origins.
This adventure is for use with the Ubiquity system that powers Hollow Earth Expedition and other role playing games. The scenario is designed for two to five players, and can be played in about four hours.
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PDF von Black Campbell Entertainment kostet momentan 1.71 €
Quantum Black kickstartern nun ihren ersten Ergänzungsband.
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Bilder sind (mMn) weiterhin zum abgewöhnen, aber die geplanten Regel&Ausrüstungsergänzungen klingen spannend.
--- Zitat ---
* World Building! New information about Quantum Black's divisions and facilities, including new secret bases
* Character Options! Additional character options, featuring an emphasis on characters for the combat-oriented “Spider Teams” who tackle the most dangerous missions. A variety of new Archetypes, Team Roles, Motivations, Talents, and Flaws are presented.
* Rule Enhancements! New rules to allow characters to start with Default Skills, which are basic Skills anyone can be presumed to be able to use without training.
* Vile Foes! Four new Organizations for your teams to battle, ranging from the environmentalist Cthulhu-worshiping Church of the Starry Dawn to the nihilistic Unholy Order of the Infinite Hunger. Meanwhile, two new corporations are introduced to confront your characters. Biosafe Technologies, who wish to twist the very DNA of humanity to serve the Elder Gods, and Wynne Intelligent Systems, a dark doppelganger of Quantum Integrated Technologies. This chapter also includes information on their minions, the cosmic horrors that work with these groups, and a new, never seen before anywhere else, Elder God!
* New Weapons and Gear! New weapons ranging from the Vanquisher shotgun weapon system to the Mjolnir railgun! Plus flamethrowers, flechette weapons, grenade launchers, specialty grenades, net guns, and chemical weapons, such as gases, aerosols, and liquids. What if you’re not that into guns? Well we also have rules for cages, trackers, and ground penetrating radar.
* Drones and Vehicles! We provide you with expanded rules for using vehicles and drones, including jamming and hijacking drones. And you’ll need those rules, because cultists and companies like Wynne Intelligent Systems use drones to battle Quantum Black teams. We also present new vehicles and a wide variety of new drone models, including aquatic drones. We also include a new rules for designing and building drones for your campaign, and rules for modifying drones on the fly while in the field.
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Zurzeit steht das ganze bei 1653 Dollar von 3500 Dollar Ziel. PDF-Level (ohne eventuelle Stretchgoals) sind 12 Dollar/ca.10€
Eigentlich ist das Setting nicht als Parodie gedacht. Zumindest liest sich das Buch nicht so.
Guckt aus wie The Laundry in schlecht.
Das Cover erinnert mich an das gute alte "Brüderkrieg", ein ernst gemeintes Rollenspiel über den amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, für das sie nur einen Zeichner finden konnten der großnasige Comicfiguren drauf hatte :D
Guide to Wicked Science Released
Crackling coils, steaming vats, dismembered corpses, & deformed henchmen. Welcome to wicked science!
From the crazed doctor seeking to build a new and improved human from parts of corpses to the insane engineer who wants to transplant human brains into mechanical constructs, there are plenty of scientists whose work transcends not only mundane science but is utterly immoral.
This supplement explores the world of wicked scientists.
Inside you’ll discover what drives their madness, how to best use the Refuge Resource, learn how wicked scientists use Lair Points to give them an Edge, unearth the various minions at their disposal, and read the background of sample wicked scientists whose dastardly plans the globetrotters must unravel.
Compatible with Hollow Earth Expedition.
Softcover B&W Book
PDF + Softcover B&W Book
Welcome to the TAG@TEN Ubiquity Bundle!
The Ubiquity bundle contains the following books:
All for One: Régime Diabolique - 176 pages
All for One: Adventure Compendium One – Le Mousquetaire Dishonore - 120 pages
Leagues of Adventure - Core Rules - 262 pages
Leagues of Adventure - Plateau of the Ape Men - 44 pages
Leagues of Adventure Weird Science Compendium - 56 pages
Leagues of Gothic Horror: Ministry of Unusual Affairs - 64 pages
Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Apparitions - 64 pages
Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mordavia - 64 pages
Leagues of Cthulhu - 64 pages
Leagues of Gothic Horror Core Setting - 160 pages
Thats a total of 1074 pages of RPG goodness all for $30!
$131.80 $30.00
MMn ein gutes Angebot, wenn man neu in LoA einsteigen will, aber die Zusammenstellung ist etwas obskur.
*edit: gab wohl einen Fehler bei der Liste. Mit LoC und dem LoGH Bänden ist das Bundle nun deutlich besser.
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