Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > OD&D/AD&D/Klone & OSR
[Blood & Treasure] Kennt das jemand?
D. M_Athair:
Die neue Version ist da.
Wird aber noch ein bißchen dauern, bis ich sie anschaffen werde.
Danke für die Erinnerung! habe die alte gerade auf meiner Platte wiedergefunden und dann gesehen das es eine neue Version gibt. Mal reinschauen ob es was für BtW zu klauen gibt.
Es gibt ein Blogpost mit den Änderungen von der ersten zur zweiten Version: Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes - First to Second Edition
--- Zitat ---I have a few minutes today, so I want to get a post out on the changes from the first to the second edition of Blood & Treasure. I won't swear that this is exhaustive, but it's pretty close to it.
* Messed with multi-classing a little on races, tried to relate them a bit more closely to their original incarnations
* Classes each have their own XP chart now, and some were re-calibrated
* Assassins don't cast spells anymore, but can cast spells from scrolls at high levels
* Got rid of bard, paladin and ranger spell lists - they now cast off the magic-user, cleric and druid lists respectively
* Added some abilities to classes around 6th level to make the game a bit more distinctive and to hit some fantasy tropes missing in the original:
* Assassins can brew their own poisons
* Bards can carouse their way to valuable rumors … but may end up in the stocks or making enemies
* Clerics can temporarily convert sentient creatures to their own alignment – not always easy, and doesn’t necessarily last long, but I thought it might be a fun non-combat way to get through encounters
* Druids can harness greater bits of power by sacrificing the despoilers of the natural world
* Fighters can subdue monsters and use them as mounts (as in every cool 70s rock album cover and van art ever produced)
* Magic-users get access to little bits of arcane knowledge, ranging from something as simple as making phosphorous to making hot air balloons or understanding the healing arts
* Paladins gain chivalric badges that give them access to royal and ecclesiastic courts and tournaments (a minor bonus, but the paladin already has some pretty cool abilities)
* Rangers can pick up a loyal hunting beast (again, inspired by many pieces of fantasy art –particularly this one
* Thieves can assemble teams of rogues for capers – bypasses the normal henchman rules … but can the thief trust these guys?
* Changed the way a fighter's multiple attacks worked, since lots of folks thought it was too powerful; also beefed up the barbarian a bit, as well as the sorcerer (see below)
* Got rid of the basic/advanced/expanded concept to make B&T more its own game than a reference to old games, but I did keep the idea of basic and advanced spells; to learn or prepare advanced spells classes have to make a quick roll under their Int or Wis minus the spell level; specialists get free access to certain advanced spells, but treat others as though they were a higher level
* Made some big changes to the sorcerer to keep it from being just a variant magic-user - they can now sense magic and do impromptu casting of spells they don't know (with dire circumstances for failure); they might also choose bloodlines, and might be related to other magical creatures (got this idea from Bewitched I'm proud to say)
* Changed some of the class variants, added a few - the monk has a ninja and ronin variant for example
* Tweaked the equipment charts - more weapons because I like cool weapon names, got rid of some 3E alchemy I never liked
* Worked on the adept spell list to better reflect its origins
* Tried to streamline rules wherever I could; fixed errors in time and movement, changed reaction rolls a bit (simpler, based on alignment), made task checks easier (roll 1d20, 18 or over to succeed, add bonuses, add level if "skilled")
* Changed saving throws so that it's now just one number, but you get a bonus to save vs. stuff that takes your character out of play (death, paralyzation, polymorph), magic from magic items (wands, etc.) and spellcasters get a bonus vs. spells - so a little like the old D&D saving throw categories, but streamlined
* Different disease system - I think better – focused on the effects and overcoming them
* Added a table of the mass of different materials - helps when adventurers want to pick up a golden idol and carry out of a dungeon and you need to figure out how heavy it is
* Got rid of a few spells (not many) and streamlined the rest when possible; I also got rid of 0-level spells, bumping them up to 1st level (sometimes with modification) - I never liked the 0-level thing
* Redid the treasure tables (I'm still not satisfied completely - I think I'll add some alternate scheme in Esoterica Exhumed)
* Streamlined the magic items, especially weapons and armor, and added some items that might be familiar from movies and cartoons; also added some sci-fi items as optional magic items for those who enjoy that – includes a mutation chart (for the mutagen capsules)
* The appendices cover inspirations, conversions (other systems, and notes like these for 1st to 2nd edition, though not super extensive), a couple additional "specialty mages" to show how one can devise their own lists of advanced spells, did some racial classes for folks who like them, made a list of all the spell components and foci for quick reference, and then made a quick reference chart of common dice rolls in the game
That's all that comes immediately to mind. I'm working diligently on the Monsters book now. Stay tuned, true believers!
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Edit: Also ich muss sagen, die Cover gefielen mir bei der ersten Ausgabe besser ::) ;D
D. M_Athair:
Danke für das Zitat.
--- Zitat von: Mofte am 28.09.2016 | 12:20 ---Edit: Also ich muss sagen, die Cover gefielen mir bei der ersten Ausgabe besser ::) ;D
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Ging mir auch so. Andererseits entwickeln die Neuen auch ihren eigenen Charme - wenn man den Sprung geschafft hat, sie zu akzeptieren.
--- Zitat von: Contains Diseases am 28.09.2016 | 15:16 ---Ging mir auch so. Andererseits entwickeln die Neuen auch ihren eigenen Charme - wenn man den Sprung geschafft hat, sie zu akzeptieren.
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Ist halt schon ziemlich comichaft und überzeichnet, gerade auch die weiblichen Charaktere total adäquat gekleidet für einen Dungeon ::)
Naja, aber das ist ja auch nicht der Kern der Sache. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich mich mit der ersten Version noch nicht sonderlich stark auseinander gesetzt habe, die Änderungen klingen für mich deshalb erstmal durchweg gut.
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