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Fallout-Anleihen und Fanmaterial
« am: 29.12.2015 | 17:56 »
Als neugebackener Fan von Apocalypse World und alteingesessener Fallout-Freund habe ich mir mal ein paar Gedanken gemacht zu Fallout-Anleihen in Apocalypse World. Eine genaue Entsprechung klappt ja nicht so (z.B. wegen dem Psychic Maelstorm und den ganzen damit zusammenhängenden Sachen).
Jedenfalls wollte ich die Sachen mal mit euch teilen, Anregungen und Kommentare dazu sind gern gesehen aber kein muss. Das ganze ist auch noch ein Work in Progress, also seid bitte nicht zu hart ^^

laser weapons (usually somewhat pricey)

laser pistol   2-harm close/far hi-tech
laser rifle   3-harm far hi-tech
autolaser   2-harm close autofire hi-tech)

plasma weapons (these are really costly, both to aquire and to maintain)

plasma pistol   3-harm close hi-tech
plasma rifle   4-harm close hi-tech

fallout-specific heavy weapons

gatling      4-harm close braced area messy
lasergatling   4-harm close/far braced area messy hi-tech
plasmacaster   5-harm close/far braced messy hi-tech
fat man nuke launcher   10-harm far braced area messy nuclear

Power armor works like a vehicle in that it has it's own damage track and can protect the guy or gal wearing it. It is unlike a vehicle in that it is slow, cumbersome and not very good for travelling at all. Powerarmor also amplifies strength, so you do +1 harm in melee and can wield normally braced weapons on the go.
Powerarmor also has some more stats, but these only come into play with a custom move named "hell-stomping juggernaut" and works analogous to no-shit driver
Since there is little space inside such a suit, you can wear no more than 1-armor inside of it and only store relatively small weapons inside.

Once your armor has taken 5 or more harm, it becomes inoperable and you are out of action, unless you exit the suit (which might be a tad bit hazardous in circumstances that destroyed your walking tank suit).

Scavenged Powerarmor (power 1, looks 1, 2-armor, weakness 1)
This suit has seen better times, having been used much and repaired with whatever junk was at hand. It has probably seen the deaths of several wearers and been scavenged from smoking battlefields over and again. It's probably got some history to tell.
The scavenged metal doesn't protect as well as the original composite plating and the nuclear powerplant is probably dead and gone, long replaced with a motorcycle engine guzzling gasoline and belching thick black smoke.
Suits like this are precious, but can be found in the wastes sometimes.

Standard power armor (power 2, looks 0, 3-armor, weakness 1)
A working-condition pre-war suit. It has rather bland looks, not as much spirit as a scavenged suit with history. It is undoubtedly more effective though. Includes a nuclear fusion powerplant, capable of running the armor far longer than mechanical stresses allow for.
These suits are very costly if found and extremely rare. Don't count on just buying one, no matter how rich you are.

Advanced enclave armor (power 2, looks 1, 4-armor, weakness 1)
Super-high advanced suit developed and built by the enclave after the war. Extremely rare.

Notes on foes

These are basically fuck-ugly humans. They are immune to radiation but just as squishy as normal humans.
If you want and the MC allows it, you may play as a ghoul. They are pretty unsuitable for playbooks depending on looks and sexappeal though, like the battlebabe or maybe the skinner.

Feral Ghouls
Ghouls with radiation degraded brains. They are usually aggressive, hitting you with claws and teeth for 2-harm. They also expose you to radiation (as part of the standard harm) so healing it may be more complicated than normal, requiring some radaway or such.
They often appear as a pack. Sometimes they still wear some armor.

These fuckers are big tough meanies. They do more harm than normal in melee (+1 harm) and they can wield heavy weapons on the go (-braced)
They are also much tougher than humans, requiring some 2 harm to be seriously hurt and usually at least 4 harm to be taken out. Also, even their bare skin works as armor, so they have +1 armor compared to what you would expect based on what they are wearing.
Gangs of supermutants can take roughly twice as much harm as normal gangs.
Most supermutants are also really stupid.

Their bites do some 2-harm. They are a little less tough than humans, so 2 harm takes them out pretty nicely. Also, dogs can form independent, feral packs but can also serve human (or other) masters. Packs of stray dogs might even take on lone or wounded humans as prey.
Some people fashion armor for their war-dogs, but that usually covers only part of the body and is not enough to stop high-powered bullets, so  Armor-1.

Big fucking mutated bears. They are fierce predators and not averse to attacking humans. They usually do 3-harm, have 1-armor and can take 4-harm before they keel over. A pack of these critters (rare thankfully) can take roughly twice as much harm as a normal gang.
They can even be domesticated, although difficult.

Left over from a supersoldier project, these fuckers are big, fast and mean. They usually hunt alone but are strong enough to tackle a guy in powerarmor. They can also be pretty stealthy.
Their attacks are 4-harm close messy
Being huge monsters with really tough skin, they have some 3 armor and can take 4-5 harm before being stopped.
Normal deathclaws are of animal intelligence. A vicious, cunning predatory animal.
Legends abound of a breed more intelligent and capable of speech.

Some kind of mutated lobster or crab. They hide in brackish water and muck and jump anything remotely edible that comes close. Usually they get some fish or maybe a radstag that wants to drink, but they aren't picky.
Their sharp pincers do some 2-harm and their hard shell gives them 2 armor. 2 to 3 harm take them out.
While good at jumping unsuspecting prey they are not fast runners by any means, so if you survive the initial pounce you can conceivably just run away.
They are also quite tasty (lobster, right?) and their shell can be scavenged to built somewhat decent armor.

Besucht meine Spielkiste - Allerlei buntes RPG Material, eigene Systeme (Q-Sys, FAF) und vieles mehr

Offline Tyloniakles

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Re: Fallout-Anleihen und Fanmaterial
« Antwort #1 am: 30.12.2015 | 20:01 »
Mit "Broken World" wurde eine Fallout-Homage mit PbtA gekickstartet, allerdings ist das Spiel noch überfällig.