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[KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« am: 29.02.2016 | 16:49 »
Hallo zusammen!
Ich poste hier die News zum Kult: Divinity Lost Kickstarter. Keine Diskussion!

Hier der Vollständigkeit halber auch der Link zum Gesichtsbuch. (Die Neuigkeiten dort werde ich aber nicht posten, dafür schaue ich da nicht oft genug rein.)


« Letzte Änderung: 29.02.2016 | 17:36 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #1 am: 29.02.2016 | 16:51 »
Update Nr. 1

25. Feb 2016
Wow! The Illusion is cracking!

Thank you everyone! We reached our funding goal in about 12 minutes, and doubled it in less than 30 minutes. We are all humbled and super-excited by your commitment and dedication to the coolest and most terrifying Horror RPG ever created!

The team is currently busy with adding Stretch Goals, and preparing Add-Ons.

Astaroth, be afraid! 

-The KDL Team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #2 am: 29.02.2016 | 16:52 »
Update Nr. 2

25. Feb 2016
Love and Add-ons

Our trapped souls in Inferno are busy working on updates for the campaign. New Stretch Goals unlocked, and the first batch of Add-Ons is live.

We are also very happy and proud to have be selected as one of Kickstarter's "Project We Love". A true testament on the force and momentum all you guys have contributed to.

Again, thanks, for making this one of the best days in our lives.


-The KDL Design team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #3 am: 29.02.2016 | 16:53 »

Update Nr. 3

25. Feb 2016
8 hours of blood, sweat, and ecstacy

Dear Kultists!

It has been an intense first 8 hours of the campaign, with broken records, scrambling for stretch goals, and bringing updates. As midnight approaches, local time, we are looking through your suggestions, cheers, and feedback.

We are looking at adding an INFERNO + METROPOLIS bundle, as this is something many has asked about. It will be a limited package if it comes. If you already have pledged for either of the Editions, you can easily switch.

We will announce any such new pledge at least a day before, when it concerns a limited edition, to give everyone around the globe the chance to act. Normally we will try to make additions to the pledges around 15.00/3pm Swedish (CET) time (same timeframe as when the campaigned started).

Please spread the word on social media. If you haven't yet, please Join/Like the official KULT: Divinity Lost Facebook group at for news and updates.

If we continue at this pace, I wouldn't be surprised if a certain dark lady would appear on the Stretch Goal list. ;-)



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #4 am: 29.02.2016 | 16:54 »
Update Nr. 4

26. Feb 2016
A legendary day closes to an end

The first 24 hours cycle since launch is complete. Thanks everyone again for this fantastic start! A special thanks goes to Godfather Punk who compiled a big list of questions, and to all who asked in the first place. We will bring a lot of answers within the next few days.

We are also looking at ways to presenting more of the rules crunch, for those interested.

During next week (probably Wednesday) we will add two new Pledge levels:

  • One bundle with INFERNO + METROPOLIS EDITION. This will be a limited pledge.
  • A version of the DIGITAL EDITION, with the ENLIGHTENED Cover art.

Speaking more soon!


-The KDL Team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #5 am: 29.02.2016 | 16:59 »
Update Nr. 5

27. Feb 2016
The World of KULT: Divinity Lost

Dear Kultists,

As most of you know, this is a game first released in 1991 and it have had several different iterations throughout the years since. The version that has been my primary source for inspiration, my dark bible so to speak, is the first (Swedish) edition of Kult. I wanted to go back to the source and the original ideas of authors Michael Petersén, Gunilla Jonsson, and project lead and graphic designer Nils Gulliksson.

The question that I have had in mind when I designed the setting is: “What would Kult had been like if it was released in 2016 instead of 1991?”

(Below is obviously SPOILERS for the mythology in KULT: Divinity Lost)

The premise of the game is the same: Mankind was once gods but our divinity was stolen from us by the Demiurge. He put a veil over our eyes and trapped us in an Illusion - which is the world we see around us everyday. But something happened, the Demiurge has vanished, and the Illusion has started to crumble. The Archons and Death Angels are fighting to control our prison while their servants (Lictors, Seraphs, Nepharites, Razides etc) are plotting and scheming.

Anyone that knows the mythos of Kult will instantly recognize the plot.

  • About 98% of the setting text is new, but has the same themes, sense, and feeling of the first edition of Kult.
  • Contradictions in older versions have been fixed.
  • The Illusion is upheld by religion, laws, and governments, but also our need for entertainment, pleasure, confirmation, and material gain. Desperately we chase Likes on Facebook. We struggle to find the perfect picture for Instagram so that we can prove to others that our lives are awesome. We are slaves to the latest trends, and are kept blind with useless trivia, silly clips of cute kittens, and streamed hardcore porn, all while the Illusion slowly falls apart around us. Tiphareth’s grip has never been stronger.
  • Astaroth’s influence over our world is gained through a slow transformation. The principles of the Death Angels seep in and gains a stronger hold over the Illusion, not by strength of arms or huge armies.
  • The Archons and Death Angels, and the principles they represent, have been expanded and explained so that you can understand their conflicts, common interests, and where they have their strongest influence. This helps the Narrator designing longer campaigns.
  • Information about the different worlds (Elysium, Metropolis, Inferno, Limbo, Gaia, and the Underworld) has been expanded. Each world give the Narrator handy tools, explaining how to use them, as well as describing followers, cults, and creatures connected to these realms.
  • When it comes to creatures, demons, and monsters, there is more focus on them as beings that you can interact with, rather than as monster-of-the-week cannon fodder. The creatures exists in a context, with power struggles, desires, fears, needs, and ambition. The perfect monster in KULT: Divinity Lost is something you fear or respect but is still drawn to, you make deals and pacts with, you want to be like, or want to have sex with. Well… perhaps not the Cairath but… who am I to judge.
  • The world as a whole will be horrifically dark and grotesque. Not turning away from gore, abuse, violence, and sexual themes. But there is also a sublime beauty. The rarest miracle in an ocean of blood. It is a world of fantastic wonders, hidden secrets in the back alleys of the cities, and a place you want to experience and explore. If you know where to look, you may find doorways to other worlds.

- Petter, Mythos Author and Creative Director.

Some Trivia:
  • The chapter about Gaia is written in solitude in a cabin in the cold north of Sweden and influenced by long forest walks at night, meditation, storms, and the movie “Antichrist” by Lars von Trier..
  • The chapter about Passion is influenced by red wine, EBM-music, the writings of Michel Houllebecq, and hardcore pornography..
  • The chapter about Inferno is inspired black metal, occult teachings and rituals, the writings of Clive Barker, visits to abandoned industrial areas, and a summer I worked at an old sanatorium.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #6 am: 29.02.2016 | 17:06 »
Update Nr. 6

27. Feb 2016
Q&A – The first portal

Below are answers to questions brought up from the "Comment" section of the site.

What's the page count going to be for the core book?

We don’t know yet, the game is 9 months away from release. The Swedish manuscript is being translated right now, the final layout hasn’t been decided yet (but you will see an example during the coming week), and all art isn’t delivered yet. If we were to make an educated guess, we would estimate the final page count to land at somewhere between 250 - 325 pages. Again, this is just a guess.

Could we see a sample character sheet please? And maybe some rule excerpts?

Yes, it will arrive some time during the campaign.

Is there any chance you'll release the text of the game, or a part of it, prior to the end of the campaign?

Hopefully, yes.

The brief mention sounds great basically like Powered by Apocalypse but with d10s.

Yes, the rules are in the “Powered by the Apocalypse” family (rules that share certain elements from the RPG “Apocalypse World”. The general way “moves” work, for instance, will be recognizable. We have made extensive redesign on many of the things that didn’t work well with the KULT setting, and for horror in general.
 For instance, in the original AW, the player characters are very much driving the scenario, having a lot of player induced influence on the story. This is changed in KULT: DIVINITY LOST, where the GM/Narrator has much firmer grip on the overall story structure and details, in order to enforce the sense of being “hunted”, “underpowered”, and “fearful” – key elements in creating tension and horror and dread.
Other areas that are redone, and newly designed, are the ways the GM/Narrator interact with the story, how the campaign is set up, how monsters are handled, equipment, combat, mental fatigue, injuries, advantages and disadvantages, dark secrets/pasts – among other things.

What is the Player's Guide, exactly?

Exactly, we don’t know yet. We have a general idea, and it will be easy-to-access info that the players need at character generation and during actual play. Also, equipment stats, condensed versions of basic rules, etc.

Is there a way to figure out just how much I have to add to my pledge for the adds ons since the currency isn't in USD?

The main currency in this Kickstarter campaign is the Swedish “Kr”, as the campaign is started from Sweden. At each Add-On, the equivalent value in other currencies (EURO, USD, GBP) are shown as well, for an approximate reference.

How do we add the 'add-ons' to our orders? There's a couple listed that I want!

During the campaign you add the Add-On funds to your main pledge value. Some time after the campaign, you will be invited to a Pledge Manager (often referred to as a “Backerkit”), where your account will be shown, with your total amount pledged.
Here you will actively be able to select the Add-On items you already paid for, which will be added to you order.

Is it possible to take the supporter pledge and only the bible edition for add-on?

You need to have pledged for a physical Core book to add physical add-ons to your order.

Will the postage cost for add-ons be covered by the original postage paid or will it be extra?

Shipping charges are based on bulk and weight of your final order. The shipping added when a pledge is made covers only the contents of that pledge. Add-Ons may increase the shipping charges. The final shipping charge will be calculated in the Pledge Manager, available after the campaign is finished.

Sweden is outside the EU zone. Will there be a EU friendly solution to avoid extra customs, import and adminstrative charges?

Sweden is part of the EU, and this campaign is EU Friendly.

Regarding the unlocked physical items. Which packages will have these included? I pledged for Death Angel and I'm wondering if I need to Add the unlocked physical items to my package at some point? Or are they included? And if included, which packages get them?

The items listed in a single pledge is part of the package of that pledge. For example, the Death Angel pledge includes the following items:
  • 1x KULT: Divinity Lost Core Book with unique individual Death Angel name embossed.
  • 1x KULT: Divinity Lost Core Book Elysium Edition.
  • Printed Player’s Guide
  • All free stretch goals
  • A PDF version of the game.
  • Player’s Guide in PDF
  • (and some other stuff, not important for this example.)
So with that pledge, you will receive two Core books (one DA, one Elysium), a printed Player’s Guide, a Player’s Guide in PDF, a PDF version of the Core book, and you will get all Stretch goals listed as “Free”.
So, as long as you don’t want to add any additional core book, or any additional Player’s Guide, you don’t need to.

Will the KULT Bible, KULT Screen and similar add-ons be available once the Kickstarter concludes?

At this moment in time, the only confirmed items in this Kickstarter campaign that will be available after it is finished is the ILLUSION EDITION, the ENLIGHTENED EDITION, and the ELYSIUM EDITION.

How do you plan to get people to actually play the new game? It can be a very intimidating cosmology and the original rule system was actually pretty bad. What are you doing to make this version more inviting to actually play? What is different that gets the book off the bookshelf and onto the gaming table more readily?

KULT: DIVINITY LOST has many focused approaches to the game and the game world. During playtests we have found complete newcomers grasping the concepts of the rules, as well as “enough” knowledge of the world, to feel comfortable. We try to avoid “front-loading” players with too much info.
We instead introduce concepts through-out the actual game experience. The way the archetypes are designed gives each player a sense of control and insight to the game world.
And if the GM/Narrator are playing with newcomers that have no idea what KULT: DIVINITY LOST, they can use the option of using “Sleeping” archetypes, that will discover the world of Kult step by step – together with the players themselves.

Will the Archon and Death Angel editions have internal art showing the covers for the others in the sets?

Yes, we intend to have Bastien’s marvelous cover art present in the core rules as well. 

Can we get an explanation for the change of rules? Was there something wrong with the second ed rules, is it a licensing issue or something else?

We felt the original rules did nothing to actually support the fantastic and mind-blowing game world Kult had. It was a decent generic ruleset, typical of an RPG of the time.
The ruleset in KULT: DIVINITY LOST is designed to reinforce, steer, and enhance the Kult game world and the Kult experience. To create a synergy that makes the rules “just work”, and place the story in the center spotlight.

Will there still be a mental balance score?

Not in the sense of a scale from -500 to +500. The way KULT: DIVNINTY LOST approaches the God-origins of mankind requires a more fluid, dynamic way of presenting the Illusion, and the power of see past it.

I'm sure you have some good proofreaders on the project but, as you're promising "early playtest access" for those who have pledged for the higher levels, can you tell us how much time you have in your plan for us to properly read it, nitpick over it and play a few games before sending feedback. I'd prefer a few months of delays than a book with typos or other errors.

At least 3 months. We will hire professional proof readers and editors as well. We envision KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be a premium, luxury item of highest quality, and that includes the text quality.

How do you create your character? I know Kult from previous editions but what's different in this one? Is this a simple reprint?

More previews of the game will be up shortly. No reprint – 99% of the game is newly written.

I presume this has been asked a few times, but I presume add ons are managed in the backerkit as normal?


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #7 am: 29.02.2016 | 17:12 »
Update Nr. 7

28. Feb 2016
Rules of the Game - The moves

The most defining rules concept in KULT: Divinity Lost are the moves.

So what is a move? Mechanically it is a contained rule-description, with "trigger-die roll-outcome". The idea is to present the rules as these contained "boxes" which will give the player or Narrator everything she or he needs, at a quick glance. This also means that a player, especially a newcomer, can easily understand and pick up the rules by having the available moves presented in a quick-sheet, pre-printed on a character sheet, or on easy-to-access cards on the playing table, without the need to try to find the specifics in a big rulebook, in mid-play.

In actual play, a move is something a character do, or perform, in the game world. First, before explaining each mechanic, here is an example of a basic move in KULT: Divinity Lost.


When you investigate something, roll +Intellect. On a success, you get all open clues.
  • (15+) Also ask 2 questions from the list below.
  • (10-14) Ask 1 question, but information comes at a cost. The narrator decides: You need someone or something to get all answers, you have put yourself in danger, or have sacrificed time or resources.
  • (-9) You get to ask 1 question anyway, but you expose yourself to dangers or costs. The narrator make a soft or hard move.
  • How can I find more information about the object of the investigation?
  • What do my gut say about the object of the investigation?
  • What am I not seeing here, that should be here?

The basic moves includes skills and abilities that the characters in KULT: Divinity Lost use when confronted by the world, and to defeat obstacles in their way. All are built in the same way with an activation phrase, roll, and effects.
The activation phrase tell the players what actions in the story that can activate the move. For example, “When you investigate something” means that the player can roll for the move when the character investigates something, and if the narrator agrees that a roll is needed.
Perhaps there is nothing to be found or that clues are so obvious that it isn’t necessary to roll dice, or that the situation does not lend itself for investigation—such as in the middle of a fight. In KULT: Divinity Lost, it is always the Narrator that decides if dice are rolled or not.

In KULT: Divinity Lost you always roll two ten-sided dices and add the results (2D10+X). The roll tell the player what attribute will modify the outcome of the roll. For example Roll +Intellect means that you will modify the outcome of the roll with your modification in Intellect.
The effects explain the possible outcomes of the move if the player roll a success (sum of 15 or higher), a success with a complication (sum between 10 to 14), or fails the roll (sum of or below 9).
Based on the effects the player and narrator get to make choices, and the narrator eventually describes the end results of the move in the story context and how it affects the characters.
There are 11 basic moves that all players can use, which covers most common situations – like persuasion and seduction, to stealth, and combat.

Each player character also have unique moves for Advantages and Disadvantages that the players choose for their characters during character creation, and when the characters realize new abilities in between game sessions.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #8 am: 29.02.2016 | 17:13 »
Update Nr. 8

28. Feb 2016
One thousand souls backing!

Thanks everyone for making the campaign reach this big milestone - 1000 backers is huge! :-)

Here is a denizen from a strange place, ready to give you all hugs!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #9 am: 29.02.2016 | 17:15 »
Update Nr. 9

29. Feb 2016
A million is only the beginning!

Wow. Wow! WOW! One million in funding… Thanks everyone for making this dream come true for real! Reaching a milestone like this in just four days is amazing! Astaroth himself will take notice, for sure.

We are busy with spreading the word – with your great help – and also on preparing more materials from the actual game to show you all. How an archetype looks like. More artwork. A peek on the proposed layout. Some other stuff as well. Please let us know what kind of previews you would like to see during the campaign.

With this milestone, we also have the great privilege to announce new Stretch Goals. Among adding new “Enlightened” level archetypes and new Quick-Play scenarios, we can also proudly present the next major Goal at 1.5mkr – The Black Madonna! Translated to English, and the rules updated to fit KULT: DIVINITY LOST. How cool is that?!

Until next time,


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #10 am: 29.02.2016 | 22:28 »
Der Trailer (von YouTube in HD)
Update Nr. 10

1. März 2016
Horrors in 1080p

Fellow Kultists,

Brief update today - the KULT: DIVINITY LOST trailer is available on Youtube, in beautiful HD 1080p. Please check it out.


« Letzte Änderung: 1.03.2016 | 22:07 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #11 am: 2.03.2016 | 21:25 »
Update Nr. 11

2. März 2016
Interview with Obskures online

Hello Kultists,

Obskures released an interview with us, about KULT: Divinity Lost - please check it out.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #12 am: 2.03.2016 | 21:26 »
Update Nr. 12

2. März 2016
Two new Pledges coming

Hello Kultists!

As mentioned in Update #4 we will add two new Pledges tomorrow THURSDAY March 3rd.

    One bundle with INFERNO + METROPOLIS EDITION. This will be a limited pledge of 50 copies available.
    A version of the DIGITAL EDITION, with the ENLIGHTENED Cover art. This is an unlimited pledge.

They will be added at the same time as the Kickstarter campaign launched, which was:

    15.00 / 3PM CET (Stockholm, Sweden)

Which is the equivalent to the following example time zones around the globe.

    14.00 / 2PM GMT (London, UK)
    09.00 / 9AM EST (New York, USA)
    06.00 / 6AM PST (Los Angeles, USA)
    21.00 / 9PM ICT (Bangkok, Thailand)
    22.00 / 10PM HKT (Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
    23.00 / 11PM JST (Tokyo, Japan)



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #13 am: 3.03.2016 | 18:19 »
Update #13

Mar 3 2016
Playtest Weekend

Hello Kultists!

While the translation from Swedish to English is going on for previews for you guys and gals, we are having continued playtests for select Swedish teams. This weekend, the KULT: DIVINITY LOST team will at a local gaming convention in Stockholm, showing the game, and having drop-in sessions. Our Playtest Kit is shown below.

The playtest kit setup - with archetypes/char sheets, rules, weapons, etc. Note: All layout/art is Work-In-Progress and does not represent final products.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #14 am: 5.03.2016 | 17:17 »
Update #14

Mar 4 2016
The Child of the Night Unlocked

Fellow Kultists,

By reaching 1,2M SEK a new stretch goal is unlocked. The bonus archetype The Child of the Night. It is a new Enlightened-level archetype. They are not entirely human. Warped by a nightmares, madness, or passion, they are creatures that dwell among mankind, but are no longer one of them.

The Enlightened level archetypes are powerful and strange indeed. :-)




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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #15 am: 6.03.2016 | 13:31 »
Night Rant bei YouTube:
Update Nr. 15

5. März 2016
The first Nightly Rant

Our Creative Director Petter ventured into the Swedish night, with distorted thoughts racing through his disturbed mind. A night rant was born!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #16 am: 7.03.2016 | 16:50 »
Update Nr. 16

7. März 2016
The Flesh of Fallen Angels - The Archetypes
My Dear Kultists,

Let’s talk about the archetypes. When I started developing the rules for this game, it was natural for me to use the archetypes from the first edition as inspiration. I didn’t just want the archetypes to provide simplified character generation.

My intention was to use the archetypes as a part of the mechanics to create stories. Instead of viewing the archetypes as just tools for the players, I wanted them to also be tools for the narrator.

For example:

  • If the players choose the criminal, the fixer, and the veteran, you can instantly come up with themes as violence, greed, betrayal, poverty, and survival.
  • If the players choose the careerist, the detective, and the scientist, themes like evil corporations, ambition, conspiracies, unethical experiments and solving mysteries come up.

The archetypes include suggestions for dark secrets and disadvantages for the character the player creates. In KULT: Divinity Lost, the narrator use the dark secrets and disadvantages to create personal horror stories which evolve from the characters.

The characters are haunted by their past and the foul things that are befalling them are often connected to these unsolved events. Each archetype has unique advantages that during character generation only can be chosen for characters of that archetype.

The detective can have superior skills in investigating crime scenes, the seeker can use The Dark Web to find forbidden knowledge, or the avenger can channel her anger to withstand and inflict deadly damage.

I like the simplicity of just having the players look and choose one archetype each and create their character on their own. We will release every archetype as an individual character sheet to download and print out. All rules that the player needs to create a character is printed on every archetype’s sheet. This speeds things up dramatically and makes it easier to introduce new players to the game.

If you are an advanced KULT: Divinity Lost player, you can easily design your own archetype, and use that instead, so you are never “locked in” with the pre-designed archetypes.

Here is a list of the archetypes we include in KULT: Divinity Lost. More will be created to specific official scenarios, supplements and (hopefully) by you, our Kultists, when the game are released.

In the corebook we have three categories of archetypes: the sleepers, the aware, and the enlightened.


These characters have not seen the Truth. They have closed their eyes and hide in a kind of illusion within the Illusion. In their stories, they are often forced to wake up by experiencing terrible events.

The Sleepers

Your past is a hazy fog. The future doesn’t worry you. You live here and now, through the digital box’ infinite supply, the Internet forums, and the apps on your smartphone. Your job is barely okay, but you are careful to post the best pictures to make it seem awesome to others. Everyone else have such nice homes, beautiful partners and children, and fantastic careers, and you don’t want to appear inferior.

After work you tend to watch TV, play a game, or spend time online, until bedtime. You have a workout in the morning, on the lunch break, or on your way home. Everyone else are so perfect, so you endure on the treadmill while you listen to the latest podcast, drink low-carb drinks, and eat prepacked salads.

In one of the life-style blogs you follow daily, they wrote that troublesome things are best to not think about. “Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open”, is painted over your bed, and it makes you happy to think about.

You live your life through a filtered glass where all shadows and shades of grey have disappeared.

You are one of the sleepers. In actual play, choosing a campaign with Sleeper player character is really an easy way introducing newcomers to the world of KULT: Divinity Lost. With the players oblivious to the mythos and the Illusion, they, and their characters, are in for a treat! Sleeper characters that endure the hardship they experience will naturally evolve into becoming Aware.


These character sense something is wrong with the world. They just don’t know what yet. In stories the aware archetypes explore their dark secrets and reveal clues of the true reality. Most campaigns will probably consist of Aware player characters.

The Artist

The Artist lives to create—to give her soul to the art. A hypnotizing painting, music that captures the audience in ecstasy, books that entrance their readers, a models naked flesh. The artists have the ability to appeal to others’ souls and let them see into the artist’s essence. Such a rare gift always comes at a price: the artist herself…

The Criminal

Gangsters, gang members, thieves, dealers, and hitmen. They are all driven by two things: money and a bottomless hole filled with all the misery they have endured in their lives. For a few, crime leads to a life of luxury and respect. But most of them will never get more than a glimpse of fortune before some meaner bastard snatches it.

The Detective

Disillusioned private-eyes in smoky offices still exist. Hardened cops whose hunt for perverted killers consume their lives, crush their families, and throw them into a spiral of darkness and addiction. The detective is driven by a desperate need to find the answers to the mysteries she faces. A search for truth that leads them to lonely and dangerous paths, to secrets best left alone.

The Fixer

The fixer has the contacts and use them to earn easy cash. Drugs, weapons, illegal fights, antiquities, cars, apartments—the fixer can get you anything you want. But everything the fixer sells you comes with strings attached. The fixer makes money regardless of the stakes and the more successful she is the more enemies she gets. In the shadows there are always someone hungry watching you, and who is ready to take your place.

The Prophet

Religion gives power. Priests, ministers, imams, rabbis and sect leaders, they all have power. The prophet can have chosen her God, or she could have been forced in on her path by her family or community as a child. The religious unions offer communion and a sense of a higher purpose. The shadow of the divine often hides power abuse, occultism, twisted traditions, forced marriages, and the worship of false Gods.

The Avenger

The Avenger has been stripped of the things that mattered to her. It could be the avenger’s lover, job, family, humanity, honor, memories, or life goals crushed. No matter what, it can only be repaid with blood. The only thing that remains now is revenge, and the avenger will not let anything stop her, no matter the cost.

The Careerist

Shit runs downwards. The careerist smooches her superiors, and make sure those below her doesn’t stand a chance of advancing. Most of them get stuck in anonymous open-plan cubicle offices, with the same assignments everyday. A few unscrupulous careerists climb the ladder to higher positions, using skill, coercion, seduction, threats, and networking. The careerist can also be an owner of a small company that compete against giants. In a world where nothing stops you from advancing your own career, survival demands that you are willing to do anything.

The Seeker

The seeker is an explorer of the cities; modern, ancient and forgotten myths. They are bloggers, hackers, modern crusaders, and contemporary storytellers. The Internet whispers with hidden voices of lies and conspiracies. In apparently meaningless graffiti in an abandoned subway station, someone has left a cryptic message. If you search deep enough, there is truth buried there, but most of us can’t see through the clouds of useless information. We get lost into the abyss of propaganda, porn, and meaningless entertainment. The seeker knows to use the web, to find the secrets that should have been better left untouched. For the seeker no price is too high to pay to uncover the truth and put it to public view—even if the enemies will come after you.

The Scientist

The scientist explores the unknown, in hope of answers to the universe and life’s mysteries. The research often results in dangerous experiments, where the veil between our and other dimensions temporary tear apart. In psychology, medicine, physics, chemistry, and different pseudoscientific experiments result in horrible outcomes. They call you insane, but you know it is they who refuse to acknowledge the Truth.

The Veteran

The veteran has seen more death than anyone else. She has spent most of her life fighting with weapons in hand, and adrenaline pumping in her veins. Maybe she was an infantry soldier in Afghanistan. Or a SWAT operator in the war against armed drug lords. Or maybe she is one of the unfortunate people whose country have been destroyed by war, and now is a foreigner in a new country, while carrying a broken mind occupied by the dead.


These characters are experienced with the supernatural and have been gifted and cursed by their insight in the Truth. There is one enlightened archetype in the corebook but more will be released in future expansions (and unlocked as Stretch Goals, like the Child of the Night).

The Death Magician

These magicians try to understand and tame the powers of death. Quimbanda and voodoo derive ancient knowledge from African religion. Indian tantrics devote their lives to vamachara as ashen guardians on enormous cremation sites. Traditional magicians study manuscripts in hope of understanding the mystery of life and death. Curious teenagers find websites with simple instructions to get in contact with the dead.

The motives of Death magicians span from altruism to cruel egoism, but regardless of the reasons they always walk on the edge of an invisible abyss. On wrong step and she falls screaming, into the darkness, where the creatures are waiting.
Will it be possible to create characters without archetypes?

Yes. We have rules for free creation of characters, but in my experience, players usually create something that could fit into an archetype anyway. The character creation just takes some more time for the player and the narrator and the end result is the same.


Kind regards,

Robin, Head Writer & Designer

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #17 am: 9.03.2016 | 18:36 »
Update Nr. 17

9. März 2016
The Disciple Unlocked

Ding - new Stretch Goal unlocked.

A new Enlightened-level archetype added to the mix. The Disciple has submitted to a greater power (for instance, an Archon) in return for knowledge, insight, and power. Or maybe for using the illusion against itself.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #18 am: 9.03.2016 | 21:40 »
Update Nr. 18

9. März 2016
The Flow of a Conflict

(Below is a non-edited non-proofed excerpt from KULT: DIVINITY LOST)


The Flow of a Conflict

The story usually determines which of the characters and non-player characters who should act and in what order. During discussions and threats the order doesn’t need to be considered, as events usually occur naturally, while violent conflicts need to be judged by the gamemaster. If a player character initiates a conflict by attacking another person, she is also the one starting the conflict. If the conflict starts with the GM describing how a non-player character is acting, it is the non-player character initiating the conflict.

When the player characters activate rounds, the rounds will create a natural flow during the conflict, with the action swinging back and forth between player characters and non-player characters. There are two primary methods the gamemaster can choose when deciding which player character should be acting.

Fixed order: If it doesn’t matter for the sake of the story the gamemaster may let the players describe the actions of their characters in a fixed order, going around the table.

Letting the story decide: This is often a more flexible and dramatic method. The gamemaster will ask the players what their characters are doing, and then executes the actions depending on what the characters actually do within the story. Someone might fire a gun, which happens immediately. Someone else wants to run away and dive for cover. A third wants to Observe a situation. The gamemaster decides that the shooter will act first, as that action should happen first. Then the character may Observe a situation. Finally she lets the character running for cover roll the dice to find out what happens.

Sometimes the gamemaster wants to create drama by jumping between the various dramatic conflicts within the scene, creating small cliff hangers where the players have to wait for each dramatic turn. A character misses her attack. The gamemaster then describes how her opponent is swinging an axe, before switching to a friend of the character, fighting in the distance, before turning back to the person with the axe. This can be done in order to create tension or by letting the other character influence the situation, giving her a chance to save her friend.


Three player characters, Ashley, Hadi, and John, are inside a deserted bazaar in Istanbul, where they are searching for the basement workshop of Bahadin the clockmaker, while following a lead.

The gamemaster to the players: You are walking slowly through vaulted passages, dimly lit by the moonlight coming through the skylights. The passages are filled with stalls selling spices, clothes and various craft items. Ashley, you discover stairs going down, with a wall clock above. At the same time John and Hadi catch a glimpse of three shapes closing in, further away in the passage. A quick glance behind you reveals two other shapes closing in from the other direction. [The game master announces future problems.]

Played in Fixed order, from player 1 to 3:

The gamemaster asks player 1: “John, what will you do?” [Notice that the gamemaster always talks to the character, not the player.]

Player 1: “I pull out my gun, trying to figure out if they’re a threat or not.”

Gamemaster: “You’re Observing a situation. Roll and add Perception.”

Player 1: “I roll a 12, which means I can ask 1 question from the list. I want to know if there is anything strange going on.”

Gamemaster: “When you focus you can see that the shapes are bent and muscular. They seem to be naked and move in a crouch, almost as if they are running on all four. Take +1 against them.”

Gamemaster to player 2: “You see the shapes closing in. Ashley, what will you do?”

Player 2: “I run down the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. It is dark downstairs; you’ll have to use your cellphone to light your way.”

Player 2: “Sure.”

Gamemaster: “At the end of the stairs you reach a closed door.”

Player 2: “I’ll check if it’s locked.”

Gamemaster: “Yes, it is locked.”

Player 2: “Ok, I bring out my lockpick and try to unlock it.”

Gamemaster: “You are Acting under pressure, and the threat is that the shapes will reach you before you unlock the door.”

Player 2: “15.”

Gamemaster: “You work the lock for a couple of seconds, before the door opens with a click.”

Gamemaster to player 3: “The shapes are closing in. John is looking at them, Ashley is down the stairs. Hadi, what are you doing?”

Player 3: “I pull out my shotgun from my bag and shout in English and Arabic, ‘Stop, or I’ll shoot!’”

Gamemaster: “They continue as if they didn’t understand you or care about your threat. Will you shoot at them?”

Player 3: “Yes, I’ll fire multiple shots at the two shapes closing in from the direction we came from.”

Gamemaster: “You fire the gun with loud bangs and see how both shapes go down. Piercing, inhuman screams echo from them while they’re lying down, twisting on the floor. At the same time the shapes from the other direction are rushing at you.” [The gamemaster knows that the attack did more than enough damage to eliminate them, and choses to let Hadi deal damage as the shapes are not trying to avoid the attack.]

Gamemaster to player 1: “Well, John, what are you doing now?”


Changing to Letting the story decide:

The gamemaster to player 2: “You open the door. Inside is a shop filled with all sorts of clocks, and next to a workbench at the further end you can see a semi-recumbent man, face forward, in a chair, surrounded by clock parts and tools. Where the face of the man should have been, there is only a huge, fleshy wound. Suddenly a gun goes off upstairs.” [The gamemaster describes the environment and emphasizes that Ashley can hear the gunfight on the upper floor.]

Player 2: “I ignore the sounds from the upper floor and examine the man.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. It will take a while. Roll for Investigate something and add Reason.”

Player 2: “17. I find hidden clues and I’d like to know if there’s anything odd about the murder.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. I’ll tell you what you will find in a moment.”

Gamemaster to player 1: “John! When Hadi fired his shotgun the three shapes in front of you are rushing towards you fast. Their movements are bestial and they are growling and screaming in a twisted way. What will you do?” [The gamemaster places John in a tough situation.]

Player 1: “I pull out my pistol and shoot the first one and at the same time I back up towards the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Ok. You are Acting under pressure. The threat is that the beast will reach you before you can stop it.”

Player 1: “Damn! I only rolled a 9.”

Gamemaster: “You fire several shots against the creature, but the shots don’t seem to stop it. It jumps at you forcefully and knocks you to the ground.” [The gamemaster traps John.]

Player 1: “Ok, I...”

Gamemaster: “John, you’ll have to wait a moment, I’m cutting to Hadi now.”

Player 1: “Ok.”

Gamemaster to player 3: “Hadi, you see how John is knocked down with one of the creatures on top. The other two are rushing towards you, but the creature on top of John is about to bite him. What will you do?” [The gamemaster gives Hadi an opportunity to help John.]

Player 3: “I am almost out of ammo. My last shot is fired against the creature attacking John.”

Gamemaster: “Rolls to help with Coolness.”

Player 3: “12, John gets +2.”

Gamemaster: “Your shot throws the creature off John. The other two hurl themselves at you with loud yelps, mouths open and their fingers are bent, claw-like. What will you do?” [Once again the gamemaster knows that the shotgun will do enough damage to neutralize the creature.]

Player 3: “I roll aside, down the stairs.”

Gamemaster: “Roll to Avoid harm.”

Player 3: “11.”

Gamemaster: “When you roll aside one the beasts grabs your shotgun. You lose your grip as you fall down the stairs. You land dazed next to the door to the clock shop.” [The gamemaster takes Hadi’s shotgun and also separates Hadi and Ashley from John.]

The gamemaster to player 1: “John, the beast that was on top of you is lying motionless some distance away. It’s a woman with a large hole in her back from Hadi’s shotgun. Behind you, you can see how two twisted, naked humans are biting each other and trying to tear Hadi’s shotgun from each other, as if it were a piece of flesh. They don’t seem to notice you. What will you do?” [The gamemaster offers an opportunity with or without a cost.]

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #19 am: 10.03.2016 | 08:06 »
Also... ein PbtA-Style Moves System, aber mit realistischen Chancen auch mal konsistent was zu schaffen...?
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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #20 am: 10.03.2016 | 15:25 »
Also... ein PbtA-Style Moves System, aber mit realistischen Chancen auch mal konsistent was zu schaffen...?
Könntest Du das bei Gelegenheit mal genauer erklären? Würde mich echt interessieren, da ich immernoch keine praktischen PbtA Erfahrungen sammeln konnte  :-\
Aber ein Mensch kann niemals ein Tier werden.
Er stürzt am Tier vorüber in einen Abgrund."

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #21 am: 11.03.2016 | 22:03 »
Dickes Update zur Szenario Erstellung.
@ManuFS und Grummelstein: Ich zitiere Eure Fragen mal in den Kult Diksussionfaden, dann können wir da weitere Fragen stellen.

Update Nr. 19

11. März 2016
The Art of Telling Stories

Dear Kultists!


Earlier we have told you that there are tools in KULT: Divinity Lost for helping the gamemaster to tell stories. Today I want to tell you a little more about these tools and how I use them in my stories.

KULT: Divinity Lost have two story modes: the campaign mode and the scenario mode. The campaign mode uses the system of gamemaster tools to play with little or no prepared material, while the scenario mode is stories with some degree of preparation by the gamemaster.


A campaign is built by the characters’ dark secrets and disadvantages. By letting the players be an important part of the creative process, the gamemaster can use their ideas for their characters to create the foundation of the story they will play.

The campaign is created in these steps (you don’t necessarily need to do the steps in this order, but some steps can’t be done if other steps aren’t finished):

  • Choosing the setting for the story.
  • Choosing archetypes for the characters.
  • Choosing dark secrets for the characters.
  • Choosing disadvantages.
  • Creating a plot map.
  • Choosing advantages.
  • Distribute modifications on attributes.
  • Write down important equipment.
  • Present the characters.
  • Establish relations.

Choosing a setting for the story consists of two things: a place and a date. The setting will have big impact on the mood, themes and possible characters in the story. In KULT: Divinity Lost, you can play in a lot of different settings. The default setting is present day, but KULT: Divinity Lost isn’t fixed to this. You can choose any date and place you like.

Some examples of settings in old campaigns I have narrated are:

  • A favela (slum) in Rio de Janeiro, 2014
  • The Arctic science station Revelation, 1982
  • Storsjön campsite, Sweden, summer in 1976
  • London, 1895
  • Detroit, 2015
  • New York, December, 1991

Choosing archetypes for the characters have a heavy impact on the story.

First, it makes a big difference if the characters are sleepers, aware, or enlightened.

Sleepers don’t know anything about the big lie and have suppressed their dark secrets. A campaign with sleepers is going to let the characters understand that there is something wrong with the world at a slow pace, while the characters progress to being aware.

In a campaign with Aware archetypes, the characters know that something is wrong. They will probably be in conflict with the Illusion they live in.

Enlightened archetypes creates characters that are fully aware of the existence of the Illusion. They may not fully understand the Truth, but they have enough insight begin the Awakening. This means that enlightened characters are in conflict with the big dangerous players in the KULT universe, and will bring supernatural events and creatures to the stories. These characters play a dangerous game where one mistake could mean the end. Enlightened characters also struggle with their own humanity and their strings to their former lives. To walk the path of awakening means abandoning the false reality of the humans.

The players’ insight in the Truth of the KULT universe is also a good guideline when you decide which type of archetypes the players should choose from.

- Beginners of KULT could profit of playing sleepers that gain insight as their players do while the story advances. When the characters progress to aware archetypes, their players also know that there something is seriously wrong about the world. If and when they progress to enlightened archetypes, the players have also gained a greater knowledge about the Truth. You could of course let beginners play aware or enlightened archetypes, but that would probably require some explanation about the universe.

- Experienced players that have some knowledge about the Truth in KULT can start playing aware archetypes. They can of course play Sleepers anyway, because it creates a great prologue for the story.

- Players with full insight in the KULT universe can choose enlightened archetypes directly and jump straight into the intrigues of higher powers. We have decided to focus KULT: Divinity Lost mainly on the sleepers and aware characters. A few enlightened archetypes are present and enables an experienced KULT gamemaster to start here right at once. I usually demand greater knowledge about the universe for everyone involved. It may require the gamemaster to create some enlightened archetypes of her own, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

The second thing about archetypes is their impact on the story. In KULT: Divinity Lost, the archetypes influence the story. Even playing the same prepared scenario with two different archetypes will probably create two different stories. The reason is the advantages and themes that every archetypes brings to the game. A story with The Detective will have scenes with investigations, stake-outs and interrogations. A story with The Artist will have art, visions and madness.

Every archetype brings something unique to the table and, instead of ignoring that, KULT: Divinity Lost use it to influence stories.

Choosing dark secrets is the tool the players use to tell the gamemaster what they want the story to be about. In the campaign mode, there are three ways to choose dark secrets for the players: they could choose one dark secret that every character share, choose a theme that they center their characters’ dark secrets around, or choose dark secrets freely and let the gamemaster connect the dots.

If the characters share a dark secret, you get shorter stories with unified characters. An example could be my own first story with an early version of this system, where three childhood friends were haunted by a gruesome crime in their past. They had gone to an abandoned house to steal copper with their grim leader Bobby and one of the characters’ little brother, but something caused Bobby and the little brother to never come back from the house. When the story started, the characters had been out of touch for about ten years, and had more or less suppressed the memories of their dark secret. Then supernatural events and people from the past started to remind them of the dark secret and forced them to investigate what really had happened.

Choosing dark secrets with one common theme means that the players and the gamemaster discuss until they come up with a theme they like. Examples for themes could be:

  • An experiment that went terribly wrong.
  • A trafficking network.
  • A sinister cult.
  • The War in Afghanistan.
  • An mysterious artefact.
  • Demonic possession.

Choosing dark secrets freely doesn’t require any discussion. Every player just choose what she want and then tell what the character knows to the gamemaster. Later, the gamemaster try to flesh out the dark secrets and connect dark secrets on the plot map.

Choosing disadvantages - Every character have two disadvantages at the beginning of a story. Disadvantages are generators of drama and horror in the story. They work as moves but are different in two big ways:

- If a disadvantage is activated, it results in consequences for the character (and usually good story twists for the player).

- It is the gamemaster that gets moves or holds from disadvantages. These are used by the gamemaster to activate the disadvantage in the story. It could be a schizophrenic character that starts to experience hallucinations, a persecuted character that get trapped by her followers or a character with suppressed memories that get flashbacks that creates scenes from her forgotten past.

The disadvantages are great tools for the gamemaster to create horror and suspense and have great impact on a story.

When creating a plot map, the gamemaster writes down the characters and important people, creatures, places, objects, and events connected to the characters. The plot map is used as a tool for the gamemaster to keep track of important things in the story, and connect the characters’ dark secrets and disadvantages with each other and other NPC’s, things or events. As the story unfold the gamemaster expand the plot map as she add new things of interest to the story.


Advantages, attributes, and equipment influence the way the characters handles problems. Advantages are more powerful moves that are unique to each archetype. These moves can have great impact on scenes and will always influence the story when they come into play. Advantages can also be connected to dark secrets and disadvantages. When you roll for an advantage connected to the Soul attribute, it usually have supernatural effects which will bring more supernatural elements into the story. Characters with high Coolness will probably try to sneak, lie, and avoid direct confrontations, while characters with high Charisma try to talk their way out of problems.

The characters’ equipment choices tell the gamemaster about what type of story they want to play. If the players want weapons, armors or other weird or dangerous things, the gamemaster should ask for an explanation and use the answers for her story. If the players say that she bought a gun from a shady guy in the docks, you write the shady guy on your plot map and connect him to something else. When the guy shows up in the story, he already has a connection to the character.

When the players present their characters
, the gamemaster asks question about dark secrets, disadvantages, advantages and important things in the character’s life, in order for the gamemaster to to understand the characters better and get information that the gamemaster could use later on in the story. The other players can also ask each other questions to get to know each other better.

Some questions I usually like to ask are:
  • Who or what do you love most of all?
  • Where do you live? Do you live with someone else? How does your home look like?
  • Where do you like to hang around when you have nothing else to do?
  • Who are your best friends? Don’t you have any? Why not?
  • Have you ever hurt somebody? Do you feel guilty over it?
  • Who do you have sex with? No one? Ok, what do you do when you feel the urge?
  • Who or what do you dislike most of all? Why?

In the establish relations step, the players establish potential relations between the characters and come up with three NPC relations in their character’s life.

Every archetype has different suggestions for relations between characters. For instance, someone have been involved in The Detective’s case, or someone owes the Criminal money. The players are free to make up their own stories about why and how their characters know each other. If they want to be strangers from the start, that’s also OK.

The three NPC relations are of three different types: one neutral, one important, and one vital relation. To hang around a vital and important relation restore Stability to the characters. Is something bad happens to a vital or important relation, the character lose Stability and get stressed.

This mechanic ensure that relations remain important throughout a story, rather than just being names written on the character sheet and forgotten as soon as the play begins. The gamemaster will use the vital and important NPCs in the story to create conflict and drama. Vital and important relations can be friends, lovers, siblings, mentors and children to the characters. Neutral relations are contacts, co-workers, neighbors and other people the character are acquainted to.

When these steps are finished
, the gamemaster have a setting, background story, a plot map, threats that threatens the characters, important NPCs and a good hunch about what the players want for the story. The gamemaster could start playing the story with the players and make preparations between sessions, or she could take some time thinking about the story and preparing before the first meeting. Either way, she has some great tools for her KULT: Divinity Lost campaign.


Scenarios are great when the gamemaster want to play shorter stories or introduce KULT: Divinity Lost to new players. The disadvantage of scenarios is that they require more work from the gamemaster before play can begin.

In the scenario mode, the gamemaster makes preparations of her own and takes more control over the setting, backstory and choices of archetypes. The degree of preparations differs. Sometimes the gamemaster wants to create everything from NPC’s to characters before the story starts. At other times, she just has a great idea for setting and background for a story and give the players some guidelines when they create characters. For example, the gamemaster could tell the player that the story will take place in New York 1991, all the characters will be cops and that she has dark secrets and disadvantages prepared that she will give to the players.

These are the steps for creating a scenario (and most of these are optional for the gamemaster):

  • Come up with an idea for the story.
  • Choose a setting.
  • Come up with a backstory for the scenario.
  • Choose archetypes for the scenario.
  • Choose dark secrets and disadvantages and connect them to the backstory.
  • Flesh out the characters with details and stats.
  • Create threats connected to the backstory and the characters.
  • Create goals and steps to reach them for the threats.
  • Prepare important places and NPCs in the story.
  • Think about when the scenario should end.

After these steps are completed (or any subset of them), the gamemaster should have story prepared.


Dear regards,

Robin Liljenberg, head writer and designer


Trivia of The Week

When Robin finished his first KULT campaign in the late 90s, the players were so attached to their characters that they couldn’t bear to just put them in a box somewhere. Instead they put the character sheets on fire and spread the ashes one night over the black waters of Svartån (which roughly translates to “The Black River” in English).   

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #22 am: 16.03.2016 | 21:44 »
Night Rant II über die 'Principles' (Archonten und Todesengel), die unsere Illusion aufrecht erhalten.

Update Nr. 20

16. März 2016
Nightly Rant, part II

Our Creative Director Petter ventured into the Swedish night, battling snow and cold, with distorted thoughts racing through his disturbed mind. A new nightly rant has arrived!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #23 am: 19.03.2016 | 21:40 »
Update Nr. 21

19. März 2016
Nightly Rant, part III

Our Creative Director Petter wandered into the Swedish night, climbing the lower levels of an abandoned citadel, contemplating dark secrets. A new nightly rant has arrived, which ties in with this update:

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #24 am: 21.03.2016 | 01:18 »

Diskussion hier!
Update Nr. 22

20. März 2016
First Look - The Detective (Aware archetype)

Dear Kultists!

Here follows a preview on one of KULT: DIVINITY LOST's Aware archetypes - The Detective. Some of the info will be quite easy to follow, other parts will need understanding of the basic rules. Those of you familiar with PbtA type games will probably recognize parts.

Without further ado - directly from the mouth and mind of our Graphics Designer Dan Algstrand:

"The archetype design borrows a lot, naturally, from AW’s playbooks.

I wanted to fit everything onto one double-sided sheet, to make it easy to print yourself, and easy to reference at the table. The format is 280 x 210 mm, the common area of the US Letter and the A4 formats. This makes it possible to print the archetype at 100% scale regardless of whether you print on US Letter or A4.

The design is simple, and mostly black-and-white. Again to make it easier to print at home, and easier to read in a dimly lit gaming room. The typeface is the same I’m going to use in the book, chosen for legibility while at the same time being a bit quirky and odd.

Also: Keep in mind that this is an early preview. The design may, and probably will, change.

Link to The Detective: