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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #75 am: 12.04.2017 | 18:36 »
Update Nr. 63

11. Apr 2017

Easter Rituals

Fellow Kultist. 
Here are three of the archetypes that were unlocked in the final phases of the Kickstarter. The Agent, The Cursed, and The Doll

The core KULT: Divinity Lost team, Robin, Petter, and Marco, will spend this Easter at GothCon - Sweden's biggest role playing convention, in Gothenburg. So if you are in the neighbourhood, stop by our store and say hello! At GothCon, we are also hosting one of the most popular official scenaro - Oakwood Heights.

In other news I have just gotten several tracks from the Dark Ambient project (The KDL Soundtrack) and it sounds truly foreboding and chilling. Hope to share more of that with you soon. 

/Petter, mythos writer and creative director.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #76 am: 19.04.2017 | 23:29 »
Update Nr. 64

19. Apr 2017

That what Drives You to Your Doom


We are back after being submerged at GothCon, with previews of KULT: Divinity Lost, as well as organizing the official KDL scenario Oakwood Heights. Many were called, few survived! Oakwood Heights will now go into translation and will after that be released as a free Quick Play Scenario online, for everyone to use and abuse.

We wish to thank you all for the over 100 feedback comments received on the Advantages document. We really appreciate it, and our master text documents have been updated based on the feedback given, and are now going to our editor. Your suggestions have made the descriptions better, more clear, and given us a fresh view on some rules that we hadn't seen before (mostly due to tunnel vision). Again, thanks for that.

We intend to have all of the core rulebook shown, with a new feedback round, once the texts reach beta stage (which will be when they are edited and put into layout).

The next text ready for feedback, comments, and scrutiny is the Disadvantages. Same caveats as before - the material is in the first pass of translation, but hasn’t been through editing by our editor, so expect some strangeness. Any kind of feedback is appreciated - from wording, or poorly explained rules, to names, and mechanics.

Link is here:

Until the next time!




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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #77 am: 29.04.2017 | 14:08 »
Update Nr. 65

29. Apr 2017

The Man Behind it All - An interview with Nils Gulliksson

There would never have been a Kult if it wasn’t for Nils Gulliksson. As the lead artist at Target Games, he was the one that pitched the dark, modern, horror game to the studio. Michael Petersen and Gunilla Jonsson wrote the game and added their own ideas but Nils stayed on board as project lead, together with Johan Anglemark. He is also the man behind Kults distinct visual style.


Nils "Nisse" Gulliksson


In Sweden he is well known for his illustrations for RPG's like "Drakar och Demoner" (Dragons and Demons), "Mutant", "Kult", and "Mutant Chronicles". He is now on a book-signing tour for his new artbook with his collected fantasy illustrations.

We did catch up with him on GothCon to squeeze out some Kult-lore.





When I was working with the horror RPG "Chock" (a Swedish translation of the RPG Chill) I felt frustrated with the classic concept where the players were a group of investigators working for a secret organization fighting evil. It felt so predictable. So, when we had a pitch meeting for new games I dug up one of my ideas. I wanted something modern and gritty. Where the players weren’t fighting for “goodness” or to “save the world” and where you could stop a creature with pure violence and not just obscure magic rituals. No more Lovecraftian horrors with tentacles and giant monsters, neither castles in the countryside with a vampire in a coffin. This game should be something more up close and personal. It should be in our world. In our big cities.


Many sources. Both Stephen King and Dean Koontz, James Herbert and of course Clive Barker – but when it comes to Barker I am more into his ideas rather than his stories. I also took a lot of inspiration from comics such as Neil Gaimans Sandman albums which had great stories and magnificent covers by Dave McKean. I was also very much inspired by artists like Bill Sienkiewicz and Duncan Fegredos comic Kid Eternity. There is actually one specific cover artwork by Manuel Sanjulian that inspired me a lot. It is the cover for The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker. It was a lot of characters, they were twisting and taking different shapes. The whole image was vague and unsettling. I drew a lot from that artwork when I pictured Kult in my mind.


It should fit the theme of the game. Very urban, hints of sexuality, symbols and hidden meanings. So, I went with collages as the general art style. Images should blend into one another and sort of drown in darkness. The goal was to create a feeling and mood rather than a specific scene.


It feels great! From what I have seen it seems very interesting and fresh and the new cover artwork is absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to see what you have done with it. …

If you want to check out Nils art book you can find a link for it here.


Art by Manuel Sanjulian


Art by Dave McKean from Sandman


Art by David Grove


Art by Duncan Fegredo [Kid Eternity]


Art by Duncan Fegredo [Kid Eternity]

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #78 am: 8.05.2017 | 17:27 »
Update Nr. 66

8. Mai 2017

Never forget our Guardians fear us!

Dear Kultists!

The last couple of weeks have been busy with logistics and planning. As with any massive Kickstarter campaign, with many different items and different tiers, and with a worldwide audience, it is very important for us to make sure the right things gets delivered to the right person. We believe we are in a good place for this now. 

We will start manufacturing of add-on items before the end of this month. When it comes to “The Big Three”, as we call it (“The Core rulebook”, “The Black Madonna”, and “Taroticum and other Tales”) we are now looking at starting printing in August. 

The individual status of these are that translation of the Core Rulebook is finished in nine days time. Our editor will then do a first editing pass, and after that we will present the materials to the community for additional proofing and feedback, and then it will be finalized. So expect to see a lot more materials like the Advantages and Disadvantages coming online in June. 

The Black Madonna is fully translated and with first pass editing done. Based on playtest feedback we will enhance some parts of the original campaign, to streamline the experience. We are also finishing up NPC stats, to follow the KULT: Divinity Lost standard, rather than the original ruleset from ‘91. A new chapter is added to present the world of 1991 (which is when the campaign takes place) as what was current affairs back when the campaign was released is now 25 years ago, is now considered “ancient history” accoriding to some playtesters, for easy access into this grand adventure.

Taroticum and other Tales is finished and is being polished. The various scenarios are quite different from each other but they all catch the unique KULT feeling and mood. It will be very interesting to hearing your feedback on the scenarios, once released, as our future plans include doing more books like this, with the focus on mostly shorter quick play scenario style adventures.

One question for you guys - during the original Kickstarter campaign, the digital PDF version of the Quick play scenarios, we didn’t include the Taroticum adventure - it was only present in the printed book. We are considering changing this approach, and add it to the PDF version also, but are interested in your feedback, as this is a change from what was previously communicated. 

The web forums are also being finalized. We are missing some texts and moving the development base to our live site. More info to follow. 

We get questions about the when the Pledge Manager will close. We don’t have an exact date set yet, but a general target range is late June to July.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #79 am: 8.05.2017 | 17:36 »
Süß, dass man 1991 erklären muss. :)
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Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #80 am: 13.05.2017 | 23:15 »
Süß, dass man 1991 erklären muss. :)
Meine Gedanken. Auf Facebook kam eben dieser Auszug. Einige Fehler sind noch drin, besonders das wiedervereinigte Deutschland wird mMn zu oberflächlich dargestellt, aber grundsätzlich finde ich das gar nicht schlecht.
Dear Kultists.
We are just about to send The Black Madonna on its final round of editing on Monday evening (the 15th of May).

We have polished and streamlined the campaign and updated some aspects of it but we realized that we need an introduction to the world of 1991. Something that sets the tone of the era.

So here is the general introduction for the GM. This has not been edited yet and are in many ways "raw". But it would be great to have some insights from you and if you think that some things are lacking that defines the era.

If you have any comments, please write them in the document.


Trotzdem: Wer sich berufen fühlt, kann da gerne noch etwas hinzufügen.


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #81 am: 23.05.2017 | 23:03 »
Falls es jemanden interessiert: Ich habe den Charakterbogen und die Spieler-Moves für meine Runde übersetzt. Ich poste einfach mal die Links hier. Falls das gegen die Forenregeln verstößt, einfach löschen, dann müsst Ihr mir halt ne PN schicken.


Den Move "Sieh' durch den Schleier" habe ich extra nicht in das Dokument aufgenommen, weil meine Spieler noch unbeleckt sind und ich sie im Dunkeln über die Natur des Settings lassen möchte.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #82 am: 23.05.2017 | 23:28 »
Großartig! :d

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #83 am: 24.05.2017 | 16:20 »
Aber ein Mensch kann niemals ein Tier werden.
Er stürzt am Tier vorüber in einen Abgrund."

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #84 am: 13.06.2017 | 23:25 »

Update Nr. 68

13. Jun 2017

The Rusty Locks Crumble With Each Strike

Dear Kultists, 

It is time for a status update! First, thanks for your feedback on whether to include Taroticum in the PDF version of Quick Play Scenario book. Our take is that an overwhelming majority felt this is a good idea, so that will happen. 

The forum is ready to launch - the thing currently holding us back is how to administrate the Collector’s Forums part, and is something we need a few more days on. I have set next Monday as the final deadline, but it may be launched earlier (me being an eternally damned optimist!). 

The Black Madonna is delivered from editing and we intend to present you guys with materials from the book, to have a “community proofing” round for those interested, before final proofing and layout. 

The Core Rules are currently in editing. We intend to also have the Core Rules publicly presented as with The Black Madonna above. 

The free to download Quick Play Scenario Oakwood Heights are moving into layout, and then be publicly available. 

So many things are progressing nicely, but still plenty of details left. Thank you all for your patience. 



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #85 am: 1.08.2017 | 20:02 »
Oh ha, das letzte Update habe ich vergessen aufzuführen.
Update Nr. 69

3. Jul 2017
Gather around in the Halls of Echoes

Dear Kultists!

The KULT: Divinity Lost Forums are online. We made a soft launch about a week ago, to make sure any kinks were fixed before "official announcement". If you are interested in discussions with your fellow KDL fans or with us, the developers of the game, please join us at
Please note that the Collector's Forum section will go online next week, as it requires us to do manual authorizations. More info about this will be shared at the same time.

In the Beta section of the forums, you can find the first batch of backer preview materials for public feedback - from The Black Madonna.

Also, we wish to confirm that announcements and news update will come online as Kickstarter updates as before, and we see the Forum and Facebook pages as mirrors of the Kickstarter news. Kickstarter should be the primary place for backer updates.


-The KDL Team

Update Nr. 70

31. Jul 2017

First, we are truly sorry for the delay on this project. We are gamers too and have waited for many games ourselves. We know how frustrating it is to be kept waiting for something one has been looking forward to. We thank you for your great patience and support.

The project has taken longer than anticipated and we wished for. There are multiple factors to this delay, and many of them have been highlighted here on Kickstarter before. The most significant factor is that the team underestimated the overwhelming response to the Kickstarter and the overhead and time it consumed.

Nevertheless, this project is moving forward. Critical parts are now completed: translations for Core Rule Book and the Black Madonna are now done and we have also secured almost all artwork (Tarot Deck illustrations are still to be delivered by the artist).

Reinforcing the team and improving communications

We are now reinforcing the KDL team with dedicated capabilities from Helmgast’s other product lines. Paul, from Helmgast’s management team, will assist with project management and communication as well as parts of the production. Shirley, who handles logistics and customer relations for some other product lines within Helmgast, will also help out with communication and production of some of the add-ons. Anton, who has vast experience of printing and production of “gadgets” (such as dices and card decks) will also dedicate time to KDL to assist the team. Other people from Helmgast will also assist with their respective expertise, such as graphic design, print production etc.  Marco will transition back to the core production team, and focus less on communication and customer support, and work together with Petter and Robin to fine-tune the final bits of KULT.

Apart from being able to ramp up the completion of KDL with these added resources, our communication efforts will be significantly improved, with weekly updates and better details on progress from now on.

Our Art Director completed the basic design and layout templates for KDL prior to the summer. You have already seen a preview of this in the Quick-Start Rules. From mid-August, he will start final layout of the texts and artworks that are done. First up is Oakwood Heights. Priority thereafter is of course the Core Rule Book, and making a first beta pdf available to backers.

We know you want to see more stuff. As soon as we have material to display, you’ll be the first to get to know about and see it! The coming days we will update you on the status of the KDL products in greater detail. More chapters of The Black Madonna will be added for public review on our forum page later this week.


It’s apparent that we are unfortunately not in a mode where we are able to release KULT: Divinity Lost late summer. With the new personnel resources dedicated to this project, we are now looking at a release in December 2017 at the latest (we are of course doing what we can to achieve speedier release). PDFs (both beta and final) will of course be distributed prior to that. With more detailed updates, we hope to restore confidence and also make it possible for you to more closely follow progress.

Again, we are truly sorry for what may be up to a 12 months delay in the end – but we will always prioritize quality to give you the KDL you’ll all been waiting too long for now.


the reinforced KDL team (Petter, Robin, Marco, Paul, Shirley, Anton)

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #86 am: 4.08.2017 | 00:42 »
Und das nächste Update:
Update Nr. 71

3. Aug 2017
Kultists - prepare to be enlightened!

Maybe not enlightened in the KULT: Divinity Lost mythos sense unfortunately, but at least by getting some more information on where we are with this project. Presenting you with the first draft of our "Tracker":

From now on we will update this weekly and post on Kickstarter. Sometimes as regular comments with brief information and the latest updated Tracker and in between, the Tracker will be included in updates like these with more information on progress of a certain piece, samples or other stuff that have progressed sufficiently to be presented.

Next week's Tracker update will present you with details on the planned release of the much anticipated beta material to the Core Rule Book, the Black Madonna and Taroticum and Other Tales.

Thanks for all your love, patience and support!
/the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #87 am: 19.08.2017 | 19:03 »
Kaum ist man mal im Urlaub, kommen gleich drei Updates:

Das erste Update (Nr 72) Der Update-Tracker wurde aktualisiert und Infos über die anstehende Arbeit (Core Rulebook, Black Madonna Scenario und die anderen Scenarios (Taroticum and other Tales). Eine Rückmeldung, dass Feddback angenommen werde, man aber nicht auf alle antworten könne. Das Quickplay Sceanrio Oakwoods Heights soll bald erscheinen.
Update #72

Aug 12 2017


Dear Kultists,

It’s time for another update from the KDL team. Since the latest update things have moved along. Updated Tracker available here: Tracker (we have not changed status for layout from “pending” since it has just commenced as per below - let us get back on that in following updates).

Our Art Director is back from vacation and has commenced layout production. Our artist for the Tarot Deck, Axel Torvenius, has started production and we will show some of the art in a later update. Further editing and translations have been made during the week.

The Core Rulebook is next priority. The plan is to release material to you as follows:

  • Core Rule Book - will be published at the KDL Forum as beta releases (text files without any layout). We will publish them in small batches so that there is time to read and comment on them - starting later in August. The Mythos chapters will be published in the Collector's forum only, which will be opened shortly.
  • Black Madonna - we will continue to release the remaining chapters for public feedback. Once your comments and feedback have been evaluated, layout of the Black Madonna will be completed.
  • Taroticum and Other Tales - when the layout is completed, each Quickplay Scenario will be published. The scenario Oakwood Heights will be the first to be released.

What about backer’s feed-back and comments?

We are eternally thankful to you who take time to care-take for KULT: Divinity Lost by commenting and giving us feedback - making this a truly awesome experience and game in the end!

Comments and feedback are to be made in the documents that are published on the forum. These are then being collected in a structured manner and processed. All will be read, but unfortunately we will not be able to get back to you on all specific questions and ideas.

Oakwood Heights

Finally, presenting you with a short introduction to Oakwood Heights - the Quickplay Scenario first in line for release: "It is a grey and cold winter’s day in Detroit, as members of the public prosecutor’s office and police force shepherd the accused Franklin Mills around his crime scenes, located throughout the city. The objective is to attain clarity of what happened on that fateful day back in August, the motive behind the cruel murders, the child who disappeared, and whether Franklin Mills really lost his memory."

Zug Island

Die Autorin Jaqueline Jax Bryk und ihre zwei Quick Play Scenarios, die sie für Kult schreibt, werden vorgestellt.
Update #73

Aug 15 2017

Meet Jax!

Greetings Kultists.

Meet yet one more of our writers for the Quick Play Scenarios.
Jacqueline "Jax" Bryk is a freelance writer and game designer from Delaware. Though she's only 24, she's no stranger to the industry, having won the Golden Cobra Award for Most Convention-Ready Design and being a featured guest at BreakoutCon 2017. Apart from Helmgast AB, Jacqueline has written for Onyx Path Publishing, Growling Door Games, Galileo Games, and Damocles Thread Development. In her spare time, she likes to yell at games like Civilization V and Crusader Kings II, model for photographers and visual artists, avoid arguments about politics, and attempt recipes she saw on Iron Chef America once.

You can see her love of cooking on display in her scenario, "La Cena", a family tragedy of dreams, expectations, and rage, set in Cold War era Miami. Her second scenario, "And The Rockets Red Glare", examines the plight of political interns, and asks how far one would go to to get what they want. Both will be available with KULT: Divinity Lost.

Update 74: Das Kult Collectors Forum wurde eingerichtet. (Mal sehen, was da so toll dran sein wird... Ich werde berichten.) Infos über die letzte Redaktionssitzung: Insgesamt sei alles im grünen Bereich, zentrales Ziel sei es, die Core Rules als Beta im Collectors Forum zu veröffentlichen.
Update #74

Aug 18 2017

Behold the Kult Collector's Forum and sneak peek of Oakwood Heights

Collector's Forum now open

The Kult Collector's Forum is now open! The forum is exclusive to backers on any of the Collector’s Edition levels. The Kult Collector’s Forum will get access to exclusive items and some material and previews will be published there earlier than in the open forums.

The Kult Collector’s Forum is part of the KULT:Divinity Lost Forum. If you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level and want access to the forum, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the KDL Forum ( - if you have not created a user, please do so first
  • Once you are logged in, click on your username in the top right hand corner of the KDL Forum
  • Click “User Control Panel” in the drop down menu
  • Click tab “Usergroups”
  • Select user group “Collectors” and click “Submit”
  • Once verified that you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level, you will be granted access to the Kult Collector’s Forum.


The core team met up end of last week and over the weekend and made some good progress. Our Art Director have commenced work and Oakwood Heights will soon be released - giving you a taste of the KDL design. Other items are also progressing nicely - text writing, editing, proofing etc. We have also moved forward on some admin points (such as the important part of arranging for the massive packing and shipping upon release of the game). More details on this and an updated Tracker to follow in our next update.

Our main focus now is releasing the Core Rule Book as beta text. We will also present you with more of the beautiful (and sometimes horrific...) artwork coming weeks, as well as introducing some of our core artists throughout the fall. 

Oakwood Heights
Finally, we are happy to announce that Oakwood Heights will soon be released as pdf to backers! Here's a sneak peek of the layout and illustrations for you.

Oakwood Heights - coming quickplay scenario for KULT:Divinity Lost

Wishing you all a nice week-end and we'll catch up next week for yet another update and of course - more material from KDL!

/the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #88 am: 26.08.2017 | 00:52 »
Das One Shot Szenario "Oakwood Heights" steht bereit. Es lässt sich mit den Quickstart Rules spielen.
Wer keine Zeit zum selber spielen hat, kann dem Podcast Red Moon folgen, die derzeit das Szenario "The Black Madonna" spielen.

Update #75

Aug 25 2017

Oakwood Heights now available for download!

Greetings Kultists 

Hope you have a nice weekend, and if you don’t have any plans, why not play Oakwood Heights? This is the first quick play scenario for KULT: Divinity Lost, written by one of the lead writers, Petter Nallo. It is a scenario for up to five people (one game master and four players) that takes place in Detroit. The four player characters are all Sleepers, which makes it easy for newcomers of KULT: Divinity Lost to pick up and play. The scenario is meant to be experienced during a single evening. Please, try it out and let us know what you think.

Link for the scenario:

If you don’t have the Quick Start Rules you can find them here:

If you don’t have time to play this weekend but still hungers for some Kult, we again really recommend Red Moon Roleplaying and their ongoing high-production podcast. Right now they are playing The Black Madonna - the upcoming grand KULT: Divinity Lost Campaign. Warning! It includes lots of spoilers of course. Here is the link to their facebook page: 

You'll get a new update on where we are mid-next week. We'll also start posting material for review on the KDL forum ( in a few day's time. Some material will be exclusive for you who are in the Collector's Forum - see latest update if you haven't registered for that yet!

/The KDL Team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #89 am: 3.09.2017 | 17:52 »
Im Update wird zum einen über den Fortschritt der Bücher gesrieben und zum anderen über die Veröffentlichung der Mythos Kapitel im Collectors Forum. (Letztere gefallen mir persönlich ausgesprochen gut. Sie bringen das Feeling der Welt in Kult sehr gut rüber. Ansonsten gibt es in dem Forum nicht so viel zu lesen.) Schließlich wurden die Player Moves aus den Core Rules veröffentlicht. Das ist besonders nützlich für die Quickstart Rules.

Update Nr. 76

3. Sep 2017
Weekly update and Player Moves for download!

Fellow Kultists,

It’s time for an update on status. The updated Tracker is found here:

Last week saw the release of quickplay scenario Oakwood Heights. Our Creative Director Petter Nallo began the release of some chapters from the Mythos section of the Core Rule Book. These were released exclusively for backers with access to the Collector’s Forum section of the KDL Forum (see previous update for information on the Collector’s Forum and who has access). Petter is wrapping up some further Mythos chapters and our Head Writer Robin Liljenberg is wrapping other chapters from the Core Rule Book, so expect to see more of these being released coming weeks - both in the KDL forum as well as in the Collector’s Forum section.

As you’ve seen from the Tracker, the Black Madonna texts are well-progressed. The plan is to release those chapters which have not been released once we’ve published the above-mentioned Core Rule Book chapters.

For those of you who are, or about to be, using the Quick start rules, we’ve pulled out the Player Moves from the Core Rule Book into this pdf: Enjoy!

We’ll be back next week with another update and of course, new material for release!

the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #90 am: 3.09.2017 | 17:53 »
Erwähnte ich schon, dass ich das Artwork saugeil finde?

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #91 am: 12.09.2017 | 18:52 »
Neues Update:

Update Nr. 77

10. Sep 2017
Metropolis - the dark, eternal city just beyond the veil


Another week has pasted with several items progressing nicely.

Core Rule Book
- more of the final outstanding items in the rules have been concluded on. From next week we'll focus our efforts on finalising these chapters so we can release them to you at the KDL forum as beta text. Meanwhile, a much anticipated chapter from the Mythos & Lore section of the Core Rule Book was released earlier this week - Metropolis - the dark, eternal city just beyond the veil of the illusion. The chapter is available for backers with access to the Collector's Forum on the KDL forum. Some of the artwork Metropolis artwork is seen below.

Black Madonna
- the chapters which have not been released at the KDL Forum have entered into the stage of final editing. One step closer to release - we'll update you on when these are available for your review.

All the best,
the KDL team

« Letzte Änderung: 13.09.2017 | 21:19 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #92 am: 17.09.2017 | 22:09 »
Und ein weiteres Wochenupdate:
Im (Collectors-)Forum wurde die Kapitel "Beyond Passion" veröffentlich, das aber nur für bestimmte Backer lesbar ist. Allerdings wurde die Einleitung angehängt.
Weiterhin wurde noch ein Kapitel zum Szenario "Black Madonna" und das erste Regel Kapitel "Setting up a story" veröffentlicht.


Update Nr. 78

17. Sep 2017
Moving towards inferno!



As announced in the previous update, we have during the week released a new chapter from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book. The chapter, called "Beyond Passion" is mainly written by KDL's Creative Director Petter, with some help from a social worker who has worked with victims of sex trafficking. As reality is often worse than you first imagine it, the social worker's input added another layer to this chapter. As with all chapters from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book, this has been released for those with access to the Collector's Forum section of the KDL forum ( An extract from the chapter's intro is found at the end of this update.

KDL's Head Writer Robin published the chapter "Setting up a story" from the GM chapters of the Core Rule Book. The chapter is available at the KDL forum and is the first of several GM chapters that give the GM the tools to play KDL with the approach of play to find out instead of prepared scenarios. This chapter gives tips on how the GM can utilize the players imagination in the character creation process to create fantastic KULT stories.

Furthermore, Marco who is part of the core KDL team, released another two chapters from the scenario the Black Madonna. As previously, both these chapters were released at the KDL forum.

What's next?

Robin is currently wrapping up the final outstanding items in the rules section of the Core Rule Book - so you can anticipate to see these chapters being published through out the rest of September. First chapter up is called "Character Traits" - dealing with the characters' dark secrets, disadvantages and advantages. Simultaneously we will also present KDL's archetypes and the artwork that goes with them.

Until next time!
/the KDL team


Intro to the mythos chapter "Beyond Passion":

"We all hunger to conquer and be conquered, to yield to our desires, lose control, and be transported to a place which exclusively revolves around pleasure. Passion is not love, but rather the selfish craving for satisfaction, which is the origin of our very existence. It controls everything we do and everything we are. Our self-serving nature was no secret until we were jailed into reality. When we were gods, our desires knew no limits. We devoured everything we came across and tossed the leftovers aside. Pain and pleasure were one and the same. We were each other's rulers, and we were each other's slaves. We allowed ourselves to be skinned alive in ecstasy, only to be reborn into a new body to continue our pleasures anew. We were beautiful and complete–not burdened with feelings of guilt, hesitation, or sympathy. Now, our diminished and captive senses cause us to fear the drives once embodied within us, and find it hard to accept and understand them. In contrast to death, which is a lie, madness, which is an attempt to escape, and our dreams, which are an expression of our soul, sexuality is greater than us. Passion is the safest and also the most dangerous escape into true reality. It can return a shard of our lost divinity and remind us of what we once were, but requires major sacrifices."

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #93 am: 25.09.2017 | 00:16 »
Update: Einige Regeln wurden im Kultforum veröffentlicht. Im Collectors Forum weitere Mythos Kapitel.
Kommende Woche soll ein neues Statusupdate folgen. Weiterhin werden einige Interviews mit Autoren, Zeichnern usw. veröffentlicht.

Update #79

Sep 24 2017

Gates to Metropolis are opening


The past week have seen a number of chapters from the Core Rule Book being published at the KDL forum ( Chapters with the aware and sleeping archetypes as well as a chapter called character traits with all dark secrets, advantages and disadvantages were published. Another chapter from the Mythos section, the Underworld, was published in the Collector's Forum together with the Archons and Death Angels, providing an overview of the powers that control our world and the principles that ensnare us. Log on to the forum today to get a sneak peek of the material and don't miss out on the opportunity to influence the game by directly adding comments to the beta material. We're reading all of your comments and suggestions! A big thank you to those who have contributed and given us feedback, love and suggestions for improvements. We're eternally grateful for your contribution - turning KDL into an even better experience!

Next week we will update the Tracker and give you some more details on where we are and how well progressed the various products are. We are also completing a series of interviews with our artists, writers and other contributors. The interviews will be published together with our regular updates to give you some more flavor and insights into KULT: Divinity Lost.

Until next time!

/the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #94 am: 3.10.2017 | 17:38 »
Update: Ich hatte ja letztens das Artwork so gelobt. Jetzt ist eine kurze Selbstvorstellung des Künstlers (Martin Tomalak) zu lesen. Er arbeitet wohl u.a. für CD Projekt Red (Witcher PC Serie). Ansonsten wurden im Kult Forum das letzte Kapitel zu Black Madonna sowie zwei weitere Regelkapitel veröffentlicht.


Update #80

Oct 1 2017
Meet Marcin Tomalak - KDL's lead artist

Dear Kultists,

Let us peek behind the veil on some of the art for KULT: Divinity Lost. Below is an interview with our lead artist, Marcin Tomalak, and some of his beautiful artwork! However, first, an update on progress.

The past week

This week the last chapters of the Black Madonna were published at the KDL forum ( As we are progressing on the final pieces of text (translations and editing) for the Core Rule Book, our Art Director is meanwhile working hard on the Black Madonna. The layout just looks great, and we will present you with some sneak peeks in due course.

As regards the Core Rule Book, two further chapters were presented at the KDL Collector's Forum this week - the Illusion and Elysium.

Too come

With these chapters published, we just have a few chapters from the mythos section of the Core Rule Book left. The Tracker is being updated and we will publish it the coming days. More interviews with the various artists will also be released - like us on Facebook ( to get notified when these interviews are published (they will be published in these weekly Kickstarter updates too of course).

Until the next update - enjoy the interview with Marcin below!

/the KDL team

Interview with Marcin Tomalak

Hello Kultists. I’m Marcin, concept artist and illustrator currently working in the video games industry.

Since I can remember I’ve been in love with all kind of classic movies, especially legendary sci-fi/fantasy ones like Alien, Blade Runner, Terminator and Star Wars. Gritty visions of used, rusty and industrial worlds always resonate with me in terms of how believable they seem. Feeling that particular imaginary universe exists beyond the realms of what we see on the screen moves my imagination and inspires me to create and explore my own ideas. I always come back to works of artists and designers responsible for those classic movies - Syd Mead, HR Giger and Ron Cobb just to name a few. Before KULT I’ve been working in Atomic Jelly indie game studio on an interesting and crazy original game inspired by “Once Upon a Time... Life”. Right now I’m working as a concept artist in CD Projekt RED.

I had heard about KULT here and there on some fantasy conventions and from my friends, but before I’ve met Petter and Robin on Polcon in Poland I’ve never had a chance to know it better. When they introduced the world of KULT on the stage I was totally excited by it. The grotesque and horror, the deep lore, the history. It was like getting the best inspirations from Hellraiser and Matrix and mixing it with an unique flavour.

When working for KULT I was mostly aiming for realistic and moody style. Sometimes it proved to be quite challenging considering the fact that a lot of the paintings were grotesque and unsettling. One of my big inspirations for illustrating KULT was polish surrealist master painter Zdzisław Beksiński - few of the artworks I’ve created are direct homages to his masterpieces. I hope that my KULT artworks serve as a alluring invitation for both the GM and the players to explore the dark world of Metropolis.


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #95 am: 5.10.2017 | 23:22 »
Und zack, kommt das nächste Update: Der Tracker hat ein Update zum aktuellen Stand des Fortschrittes.
Black Madonna scheint nun fertig geschrieben und so gut wie fertig lektoriert und gelayoutet zu sein, auch das Core Rule Book steht kurz vor Abschluss. Dann stehen jetzt die Scenarios an. Ansonsten warten sie gerade auf die Bilder für's Taroticum und für einige Archetypen. Auch andere Dinge, wie SL-Schirm, Poster wurden wohl an andere Mitarbeiter ausgelagert und gedeihen gut.

Update Nr. 81

5. Okt 2017
News from the other side

Citizens of Elysium,

The team has taken inspiration from the chapter on madness and is working with bestial frenzy. During the coming two weeks, Head Writer Robin will publish at least another five chapters from the Core Rule Book at the KDL Forum and Creative Director Petter, aka Mr Night Rant (see the three Night Rant clips at Youtube if you’ve missed them:, will release the final four chapters of the mythos section at the Collector’s Forum in the same time frame.

With the release of the above chapters and all chapters of the Black Madonna having been released, the core writers will turn their focus to Taroticum & Other Tales and give the six scenarios (in addition to already released Oakwood Heights) to complete this book, the rusty love and treatment they deserve.

We are expecting delivery of some artwork in the near future. Mainly for the Tarot Deck, but also some new updated archetype artwork (a few of the draft artwork for archetypes we had in mind will be replaced).

We’ll continue with our series of presenting the artists to you together with some samples of their artwork.

What about layout then? Our Art Director has been working in the shadows. As material have been finalised for the Core Rule Book, his focus has been on the Black Madonna. That will now shift towards the Core Rule Book as almost all chapters are more or less done in terms of writing, translations and editing. Below is a sample of some of the layout completed for the Black Madonna.

Other ancillary items are also progressing (posters, Narrator Screen etc). Many of these are handled by others than the core team members to free up as much time as possible for completion of the main books. The updated Tracker gives you more details on progress.

In our next update you’ll be able to read more about Italian illustrator Daniel Comerci, on of our artists whose stunning art we quickly embraced. He will present himself together with some of his artwork.

Until next time,
Petter, Robin & Marco

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #96 am: 15.10.2017 | 21:04 »
Neuigkeiten: Weitere Seiten des Core Rulebook wurden veröffentlicht. (Welche genau kann ich jetzt nicht sagen.) Weiterhin noch eine Selbstdarstellung des Zeichners Daniel Comerci.

Update Nr. 82

15. Okt 2017
Time to meet Daniel Comerci!

Dear kultists,

More chapters from the Core Rulebook have been released at the KDL Forum the past week - and more are to come. While the writers, art director, translators and editors complete there work, below are a few lines from amazing Italian artist Daniel Comerci together with some samples of his artwork produced for KULT: Divinity Lost.

Daniel Comerci

 Hi, my name is Daniel Comerci and I'm an italian freelance illustrator/designer. I'm working in rpg, miniature and videogame industry for years now, and worked in the past on both mainstream and indie projects.

I'm also an rpg author in a creative duo ( and a long time rpg player.As an artist I'm very interested and oriented toward everything obscure, twisted and deep, so I knew of the Kult universe many years before this new edition. I've loved the setting and his sense of loss, sin and despair, so It's needless to say how I was truly amazed to be part of that, and how the realization of each artwork was a really satisfying process for me.

Petter (KDL*s Creative Director) has been a great art director on this job, he always gave me maximum freedom and always allowed me to put my personal view on the images. During my collaboration I painted several creatures and entities of the Kult universe, and I would say you can expect "a magnificent decay" from them, as well as body fluids, sex, and rage of course.

I always tried to keep each artwork on the line between pure gory evil and a sense of beauty, of desire, and the biggest hope I have is that you'll enjoy them as much as me, that they can inspire you and your friends during play arousing your deepest corners.


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #97 am: 23.10.2017 | 00:09 »
Und wieder ein Update:
Update Nr. 83

22. Okt 2017
The man behind the archetypes!


It's time for another presentation of one of our illustrators. Ander Plana who made the archetypes and some creatures have written a few words below and some of his stunning character design is also presented.

On the production side things are progressing. More chapters have been released at the KDL forum, leaving us with only a handful non-published chapters. Ancillary items such as dices, postcards and posters have been ordered so we have it ready for you when books arrive to our storage. Next week a more detailed update will be published together with an updated Tracker.
Say hello to Ander Plana!

My name is Ander Plana and I live and work in Bilbao, Northern Spain. I'm an Art School graduate and work in a local newspaper as a graphic designer and lay-out artist. I love drawing and try to do it whenever I had the chance. I've been doing commissions for a while now, mainly for RPGs and boardgames but also some book covers and videogame concept art.

I remember Kult from back in 1994 when it was published in Spain. I recall looking at the art and reading through the setting at the local games shop but I never had the chance to play it. It's so cool to take part in the reboot of such a classic.

I've been doing illustrations for the archetypes and creatures and I'm really glad for that as I think character design is my strong point (sadly, the art of scene composition is lost for me) and I love adding little details on the characters that tell a story. It's been surprisingly easy to work on this project mostly thanks to the wonderful initial briefings and posterior feedback I've received. I just only had to retouch some monsters that weren't disgusting enough... and I assure you they were hideous from the start!


The Broken

The Occultist

The Seeker

The Avenger

The Artist

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #98 am: 30.10.2017 | 22:01 »
Ein Update, dass das Update noch dauert.

Update #84

Oct 30 2017
Voices trapped in Gaia

Dear Humans,

Quick update from me, as resident Updater Paul is currently lost in the Swedish woods with no Internet connection - Helmgast and the KDL team has been away for a conference weekend, discussing and planning the last stretch before launch and also looking beyond. Once Paul has found his way back in a couple of days, a much fuller update and news will be presented.



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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #99 am: 31.10.2017 | 09:08 »
Irgendwie habe ich mittlerweile das Interesse und die Begeisterung für das Game fast komplett verloren. Schade eigentlich.