Kaum ist man mal im Urlaub, kommen gleich drei Updates:
Das erste Update (Nr 72) Der Update-Tracker wurde aktualisiert und Infos über die anstehende Arbeit (Core Rulebook, Black Madonna Scenario und die anderen Scenarios (Taroticum and other Tales). Eine Rückmeldung, dass Feddback angenommen werde, man aber nicht auf alle antworten könne. Das Quickplay Sceanrio Oakwoods Heights soll bald erscheinen.
Update #72
Aug 12 2017
Dear Kultists,
It’s time for another update from the KDL team. Since the latest update things have moved along. Updated Tracker available here: Tracker (we have not changed status for layout from “pending” since it has just commenced as per below - let us get back on that in following updates).
Our Art Director is back from vacation and has commenced layout production. Our artist for the Tarot Deck, Axel Torvenius, has started production and we will show some of the art in a later update. Further editing and translations have been made during the week.
The Core Rulebook is next priority. The plan is to release material to you as follows:
- Core Rule Book - will be published at the KDL Forum as beta releases (text files without any layout). We will publish them in small batches so that there is time to read and comment on them - starting later in August. The Mythos chapters will be published in the Collector's forum only, which will be opened shortly.
- Black Madonna - we will continue to release the remaining chapters for public feedback. Once your comments and feedback have been evaluated, layout of the Black Madonna will be completed.
- Taroticum and Other Tales - when the layout is completed, each Quickplay Scenario will be published. The scenario Oakwood Heights will be the first to be released.
What about backer’s feed-back and comments?
We are eternally thankful to you who take time to care-take for KULT: Divinity Lost by commenting and giving us feedback - making this a truly awesome experience and game in the end!
Comments and feedback are to be made in the documents that are published on the forum. These are then being collected in a structured manner and processed. All will be read, but unfortunately we will not be able to get back to you on all specific questions and ideas.
Oakwood Heights
Finally, presenting you with a short introduction to Oakwood Heights - the Quickplay Scenario first in line for release: "It is a grey and cold winter’s day in Detroit, as members of the public prosecutor’s office and police force shepherd the accused Franklin Mills around his crime scenes, located throughout the city. The objective is to attain clarity of what happened on that fateful day back in August, the motive behind the cruel murders, the child who disappeared, and whether Franklin Mills really lost his memory."

Zug Island
Die Autorin Jaqueline Jax Bryk und ihre zwei Quick Play Scenarios, die sie für Kult schreibt, werden vorgestellt.
Update #73
Aug 15 2017
Meet Jax!
Greetings Kultists.
Meet yet one more of our writers for the Quick Play Scenarios.
Jacqueline "Jax" Bryk is a freelance writer and game designer from Delaware. Though she's only 24, she's no stranger to the industry, having won the Golden Cobra Award for Most Convention-Ready Design and being a featured guest at BreakoutCon 2017. Apart from Helmgast AB, Jacqueline has written for Onyx Path Publishing, Growling Door Games, Galileo Games, and Damocles Thread Development. In her spare time, she likes to yell at games like Civilization V and Crusader Kings II, model for photographers and visual artists, avoid arguments about politics, and attempt recipes she saw on Iron Chef America once.
You can see her love of cooking on display in her scenario, "La Cena", a family tragedy of dreams, expectations, and rage, set in Cold War era Miami. Her second scenario, "And The Rockets Red Glare", examines the plight of political interns, and asks how far one would go to to get what they want. Both will be available with KULT: Divinity Lost.

Update 74: Das Kult Collectors Forum wurde eingerichtet. (Mal sehen, was da so toll dran sein wird... Ich werde berichten.) Infos über die letzte Redaktionssitzung: Insgesamt sei alles im grünen Bereich, zentrales Ziel sei es, die Core Rules als Beta im Collectors Forum zu veröffentlichen.
Update #74
Aug 18 2017
Behold the Kult Collector's Forum and sneak peek of Oakwood Heights
Collector's Forum now open
The Kult Collector's Forum is now open! The forum is exclusive to backers on any of the Collector’s Edition levels. The Kult Collector’s Forum will get access to exclusive items and some material and previews will be published there earlier than in the open forums.
The Kult Collector’s Forum is part of the KULT:Divinity Lost Forum. If you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level and want access to the forum, follow these steps:
- Log in to the KDL Forum (forum.kultdivinitylost.com) - if you have not created a user, please do so first
- Once you are logged in, click on your username in the top right hand corner of the KDL Forum
- Click “User Control Panel” in the drop down menu
- Click tab “Usergroups”
- Select user group “Collectors” and click “Submit”
- Once verified that you are a backer on a Collector’s Edition level, you will be granted access to the Kult Collector’s Forum.
The core team met up end of last week and over the weekend and made some good progress. Our Art Director have commenced work and Oakwood Heights will soon be released - giving you a taste of the KDL design. Other items are also progressing nicely - text writing, editing, proofing etc. We have also moved forward on some admin points (such as the important part of arranging for the massive packing and shipping upon release of the game). More details on this and an updated Tracker to follow in our next update.
Our main focus now is releasing the Core Rule Book as beta text. We will also present you with more of the beautiful (and sometimes horrific...) artwork coming weeks, as well as introducing some of our core artists throughout the fall.
Oakwood Heights
Finally, we are happy to announce that Oakwood Heights will soon be released as pdf to backers! Here's a sneak peek of the layout and illustrations for you.

Oakwood Heights - coming quickplay scenario for KULT:Divinity Lost
Wishing you all a nice week-end and we'll catch up next week for yet another update and of course - more material from KDL!
/the KDL team