Autor Thema: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter  (Gelesen 79213 mal)

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Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #125 am: 18.03.2018 | 14:49 »
Mach das doch mal. Ich würde mich sonst anbieten, noch mal als Backer einige GRWs nachzubestellen, wenn das noch gehen sollte.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #126 am: 19.03.2018 | 02:05 »
Oh danke, ihr seid toll! :)

Offline Camouflage

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #127 am: 5.04.2018 | 00:53 »
Hatte leider bis Ostern gedauert, bis ich mal dazu gekommen bin (oder sein wir ehrlich, dran gedacht habe), aber ich hab die Antwort von Modiphius bekommen, daß die Preorders auch die Kickstarter-Version bekommen.

Und die Preorder-Pakete stehen bei denen noch im Shop, vor allem:

Das ist die Enlightened-Version, bei der auch das Cover unzensiert ist.
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #128 am: 5.04.2018 | 08:30 »
Cool. Ich hatte Helmgast über KS angeschrieben, aber bisher keine Antwort erhalten.
Sind das denn die unzensierten Bände?
« Letzte Änderung: 5.04.2018 | 08:32 von achlys »

Offline Matterich

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #129 am: 5.04.2018 | 10:07 »
@Camouflage: Nochmal Danke! :)

@achlys: So wie ich das verstanden habe, sind die "retailer-friendly" Bücher jene, die nach den Kickstarterbüchern kommen. Somit müssten die bei Modiphius unzensiert sein.
Ich habe Helmgast direkt per Email angeschrieben, ohne Antwort. Bei der Facebookseite gab es leider auch keine Antwort auf meine Frage, ob es nach der Kickstarterphase noch irgendeine Chance gibt, unzensierte Versionen zu bekommen. Auf eine andere Frage zuvor haben die sich ziemlich schnell gemeldet. :/

Ich höre mir diese Woche mal das Fazit der Black Madonna Kampagne an und entscheide dann, wieviel Geld ich dafür ausgebe. System Matters hat ja den finstren Plan, mir all mein für das Hobby zur Verfügung stehende Geld abzuluchsen und dieser Plan scheint aufzugehen. :O
Da ich die alten deutschen KULT-Bücher habe, ist die neue Version vielleicht gar nicht notwendig. Die Konvertierung des Systems auf pbtA wird ja kein großes Problem darstellen. Aber zusätzlicher Fluff wäre schon sehr genial.

Offline Camouflage

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #130 am: 5.04.2018 | 13:00 »
Sind das denn die unzensierten Bände?

Also die Kickstarter-Version ist die unzensierte. Laut Modiphius bekommen auch die Vorbesteller die Kickstarter-Version. Und im Webshop sind die Preorder-Pakete noch gelistet. Mehr kann ich jetzt nicht dazu sagen.

Gerade bei der Enlightened-Version (deren einziger Unterschied zur "retailer-firendly" Illusion-Edition sich mit "Nippel auf dem Cover" zusammenfassen lässt") würde es auch gar keinen Sinn machen, dann den Inhalt zu zensieren (Sollte man den Jungs mal vorschlagen, die Enlightened Edition sollte ja sowieso exklusiv über den Webshop erhältlich sein, weil die Händler das nicht ins Programm nehmen würden, dann kann die ja auch im nachhinein unzensiert bleiben - dürfte die direkten Verkäufe ankurbeln).
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #131 am: 8.04.2018 | 22:29 »
Es gibt ein Update:
  • Die zensierte Händler Version wird kommen
  • Alle Backer werden eine unzensierte Version von K:DL bekommen. (Digital & Druck)
  • Die Händler Version ist zensiert und heißt dann 'the 4th Edition of Kult' (Digital & Druck)
  • BM & Taroticum wird es gedruckt und digital nur in einer zensierten Version geben.
  • Backer bekommen aber eine originale digitale Kopie.
  • Würfelbilder
  • Druck: Sie sind wohl in 4 Wochen soweit, dass alles gedruckt werden kann.

Update #102

Apr 7 2018
KULT Divinity Lost: The Truth will prevail


We are happy to see that all forms of restrictions in freedom of art steers up emotions and that so many backers have expressed strong feelings about our previous update where we announced that we will have to amend some items in the Black Madonna and the scenario collection Taroticum & Other Tales.

Whilst we always prefer to stand true to our vision, unfortunately not everything is within our control. There are many parties involved in getting the books from us to you. It’s not only a question about what we can and want to produce, it’s also a question of what our partners are willing to release. We have prioritized standing through to our vision in the Core Rule Book, but tweaking the Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales. Whilst obviously an intrusion in the freedom of art, it’s the only commercially viable way forward whilst not compromising to much with what we wanted in the outset. In practice it’s not too many items that will change in Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales.

We have received a lot of questions on this over the past weeks, so here's a summary.

Core Rule Book

All backers will receive the “uncensored” Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book (in the version you have ordered; Elysium, Enlightened, Illusion, Inferno, Metropolis etc). The Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book will not be available in retail. This applies for both physical copies as well as digital copies.

Following fulfillment to our Kickstarter backers (which is our only priority), the Core Rule Book in a censored version called “the 4th Edition of KULT” will be released for retail sale. A pdf of the “4th Edition of KULT” Core Rule Book will also be released for retail sale.

Customers who have pre-order KULT: Divinity Lost through Modiphius will get information from Modiphius shortly.

Black Madonna & Taroticum and Other Tales

The Black Madonna as well as Taroticum & Other Tales will be released in physical copies only in a “censored version”. Same applies for PDFs.

However, we hear what our backers are saying and will in some way release the uncensored final version of these items to Kickstarter backers only. Exactly how this uncensored PDF is to be distributed needs to be explored further, and so these will come at the back of fulfillment.

Print plan

Speaking about fulfillment, final touch here and there have been made during the previous weeks and we are getting very close to print. We estimate we need 4 weeks to finalize all items for print, then we are ready to go. It's been a long and bumpy road to get here, and we are of course truly thankful to all backers and others who are supporting us to get this over the finish line.

Below are some further pictures of the dice (currently in our storage), as requested. We are expecting more items to start piling up at our storage shortly and will keep you updated on progress.

As always, keep on posting any questions or comments to us. We know it's been a long wait and we genuinely appreciate the feedback.

All the best,
the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #132 am: 8.04.2018 | 22:47 »
Wäre ja schön, wenn's dann mal klappt. Ich muss sagen, bei dieser ganze zensiert-unzensiert-Debatte machte Helmgast mal wieder den Eindruck ziemlich unorganisierten Haufens auf mich. Die Verschiebungen haben vielleicht noch nicht Prometheus Games-Niveau erreicht, aber unter all den RPG-Kickstartern, die ich unterstützt habe, ist das definitiv derjenige, mit den meisten merkwürdigen Verzögerungen.
All good things come to those who wait! ... like beer and dual flamethrowers.

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #133 am: 18.04.2018 | 19:37 »
Naja, zum PG Niveau ist es dann doch noch was hin. Es tut sich ja offensichtlich was.

Neues Update:
- Helmgast auf der GothCon: Sie haben Das Szenario "Night in Berlin", das Gunilla Johnsson und Michael Peterson geschrieben wurde, gespielt. Von den beiden wird es wohl noch mehr zu Kult geben, sobald K:DL erschienen ist. Es gab eine beta preview der Core Regeln.
- Diese Woche soll noch ein weiteres Update kommen. Es sind wohl schon einige 'nicht Druck' Sachen geliefert worden.
Update #103

Apr 18 2018

Gothcon Rising

Helmgast was present at Sweden’s largest analogue gaming convention, Gothcon, with some 2000 players attending. We had a store where fans could check out our various product lines, new releases, and hang out and chat with the Helmgast team.   



We had an official RPG scenario present during the three days of the convention. It was the KULT: Divinity Lost scenario “Night in Berlin”, written by Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersen (of original Kult fame!). We hope to reveal more cool stuff coming from the minds of Gunilla and Michael once KULT: Divinity Lost is launched. 

We also got the chance to meet the participants behind the excellent Podcast Red Moon Roleplaying, who have produced a top quality dramatic actual play of “The Black Madonna” campaign, with 35 episodes of about one hour each. If you haven’t heard it, we highly recommend it - Huge Spoilers though!

Red Moon Roleplaying:

Also present was a beta preview of the Core Rules, which old fans and curious newcomers eagerly checked out. 







All in all, Gothcon was great and exciting experience and we will be back! 



PS. Paul will be back with a Kickstarter status update before the end of the week. DS.
« Letzte Änderung: 22.04.2018 | 21:01 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #134 am: 22.04.2018 | 21:57 »
Und tatsächlich noch ein Update:
- Mitte Mai gehen die Dateien zum Drucker

Bis dahin ist trotzdem einiges zu tun:
- Core Rules: ein letzter Durchgang beim Korrekturlesen sowie einige Backer Kommentare, die eingerabeitet werden müssen
- Black Madonna: Sobald die Core Rules beim Drucker sind, gilt das gleiche für BM, weiterhin müssen, wie letztens angekündigt, einige Bilder ausgetauscht werden
- Taroticum & Other Tales: die Beta erscheint jetzt jeden Tag, finale Korrektur und Lektorat sollen bis Mitte May abgeschlossen sein
- sobald etwas beim Drucker ist, werden die Dateien auf Drivethru gestellt
- es wird noch ein Update geben, in dem noch mal ggf Adressen geändert werden können

Update Nr. 104

22. Apr 2018

KULT: DIvinity Lost - update


We are now not far from being able to send material for printing! We met up with our main AD last week and laid out a detailed plan up to printing. The latest estimate we communicated, still stands, meaning we should be able to send to print by mid-May.

The Core Rule Book will be edited by our AD next week to include final proof-reading and some backer comments we've received. Thereafter items such as registers and other finishing touches will be completed the week after that. Thereafter this item is complete and ready for print.

Black Madonna also needs to be edited for final proof-reading and some new art be included to replace those illustrations which we can't print. This will take place as soon as the Core Rule Book is final and ready for print.

Taroticum & Other Tales will be finalised as BETA any day. That will then undergo final proof reading and thereafter a final round of edits before being able to be sent to print. We are expecting this too to be final by mid-May.

We will send another update before going to print, allowing you to update your addresses in anticipation of shipping. As material have been sent for print, we will also upload PDFs to DrivethruRPG/RPGnow so you can download the final digital versions.

the KDL team

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #135 am: 23.04.2018 | 18:13 »
Und zack, das nächste:
- Der Pledgemanager wird bis zum 11. Mai wiedereröffnet. Zum einen sind so Nachbestellungen möglich, zum anderen kann man Adressen ändern.

(Wie bereits vorher angekündigt, biete ich gerne an, ggf Bestellungen entgegenzunehmen. Schreibt mich bei Interesse per PM an.)

Update Nr. 105

23. Apr 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - Pledge Manager re-opened until 11 May


As per our update from yesterday we are planning to start printing within a few weeks. We will get back to you with a detailed shipping plan once material is with our printers and they have given us exact delivery dates.

As you know we closed Pledge Manager to prepare for send out. Taking into consideration the last months development with us having to alter some items in Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales, but also making the Core Rule Book uncensored version limited, we are now re-opening Pledge Manager to give you one last chance to alter your orders. For information on what will be altered compared to BETA PDFs in the respective books, please check out the KULT: Divnity Lost forum (

Pledge Manager will close on 11 May. Following that date you will not be able to make any adjustments to your order, except that your address of course always can be updated (please PM us here at Kickstarter or email to update your address when Pledge Manager is closed).

For information on how to access Pledge Manager, check out this update:

the KDL team

Offline Camouflage

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #136 am: 23.04.2018 | 21:28 »
Customers who have pre-order KULT: Divinity Lost through Modiphius will get information from Modiphius shortly.

Nur zur Info, außer der Antwort auf meine direkte Nachfrage zu Ostern ist zumindest bei mir bisher noch nichts von Modiphius angekommen.
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #137 am: 28.04.2018 | 00:31 »
@ Camouflage: Danke für die Info. So wie ich die Kommentare auf KS verstanden habe, sind bei die Modiphius-Vorbestellungen ebenfalls unzensierte Versionen. Möchte das aber nicht garantieren.

Es gibt folgende  unzensierte Versionen der Kult Core Rules über KS:
[Digital Edition] (PDF)PDF23,-
Illusion EditionHardcover, Standard Cover mit bedeckten Brüsten54,-
Enlighted EditionHardcover, Standard Cover mit nackten Brüsten54,-
Elysium Special EditionHardcover, weißer Kunstledereinband mit minimalistischem Cover81,-
Bible EditionHardcover, schmucklose Variante ohne Bilder und mit einfachem Layout, kleineres Format, Regeln pur32,-
Metropolis Collector's EditionHardcover, Kunstledereinband mit Metropolis-Symbol-Prägung, limitiert (derzeit 34 Stck übrig)159,-
Inferno Collector's EditionHardcover, Kunstledereinband mit Inferno-Symbol-Prägung, limitiert (derzeit 105 Stck übrig)159,-
Death Angel Collector's Edition-GolabHardcover, einmalig designtes Buch mit Symbol des Deathangels, Einzelstück, Zertifikat 720,-
Archon Collector's Edition - Chokmah / Hob / YesodHardcover, einmalig designtes Buch mit Symbol des jreweiligen Archons, Einzelstück, Zertifikat720,-
*in EUR (geschätzt von KS, da in SKR angegeben); ohne Versandkosten

Weiterhin gibt es da noch:
  • Illusion Cover Poster - 11 EUR
  • Enlightened Cover Poster - 11 EUR
  • Kult 1st Edition Cover Poster - 11 EUR
  • Legions of Darkness Cover Poster - 11 EUR
  • Player's Guide - 11 EUR
  • Narrator's Screen - 16 EUR
  • Narrator's Screen pdf - 11 EUR
  • Deck of Cards -mit Regeln - 15 EUR
  • Dice Set - 7 EUR
  • Tarot Cards - 26 EUR
  • Tarot Cards PDF - 14 EUR
  • Printed Archetype Bundle - 13 EUR
  • Everything [Physical] - 228 EUR
  • Everything [Digital] PDF & Soundtrack - 50 EUR
  • The Black Madonna - 32 EUR
  • The Black Madonna PDF - 14 EUR
  • Scenario Collection + Taroticum - 32 EUR
  • Gamer Fan Pack (Pin & Tasche) - 13 EUR
  • Soundtrack (digital) - 11 EUR
« Letzte Änderung: 30.04.2018 | 21:24 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #138 am: 8.06.2018 | 23:46 »
Man glaubt es kaum, aber gerade schneite tatsächlich das PDF des Regelwerks per Kickstarter-Nachricht/RPGNow herein. Erstaunlich umfangreich ist es am Ende geworden (392 Seiten).
All good things come to those who wait! ... like beer and dual flamethrowers.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #139 am: 9.06.2018 | 06:09 »
Man glaubt es kaum, aber gerade schneite tatsächlich das PDF des Regelwerks per Kickstarter-Nachricht/RPGNow herein. Erstaunlich umfangreich ist es am Ende geworden (392 Seiten).

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Was lange währt... Vor allem heißt das, es ist beim Drucker...
Warum Kinder im Nebenzimmer beim Rollenspiel schwierig sind: "Der alte Magier blickt erwartungsvoll von einem zum anderen, ihr wisst bereits was er fragen will, als er ansetzt: Kann ich was Süsses?"

"Optimisten machen Sudoku mit Kugelschreiber."
"Ein Freund ist jemand, der die Melodie in Deinem Herzen kennt, und Dich daran erinnern kann, wenn Du sie vergessen hast." - Eckhardt von Hirschhausen

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #140 am: 9.06.2018 | 07:24 »
Hach. Und ich habe heute so gar keine Zeit... Aber ick freu mir trotzdem.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #141 am: 10.06.2018 | 19:06 »
So, dann mal das Update.

- Das GRW wurde per an die Backer versendet.
- Die anderen Bücher kommen, sobald sie druckfertig sind, auch als pdf an die Backer.
- Sobald sie Gewissheit von den Druckereien haben, werden sie uns einen Druck-& Auslieferungsplan vorlegen.


Update Nr. 107
8. Jun 2018

KULT: Divinity Lost - the gates to Metropolis are open! Release of the Core Rules PDF


We are happy to announce that the final PDF of the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter Edition Core Rule Book has now been released.

As a backer, you have or will during the next couple of hours receive an email from, from where you can download your copy of the PDF. If you don't have an account with yet, you will need to create one (it's free and simple).

Your email address registered with Pledgemanager has been used for the send out.

We will during coming weeks release the other books and other material/stretchgoals as PDF. Priority is though to make sure we have each item ready for print. We have received the final test print of the Core Rule Book and are with that ready for print.

We will let you know as we release material on and get back with a detailed print and delivery plan for all physical items when everything is good to go with the printers.

What if I have not received the email from

1) The PDF is only sent to those backer who have pledged on a level which includes the Core Rule Books PDF. If you have pledged as a "supporter" or "participant" and not added the Core Rule Book PDF in Pledge Manager (generally pledging less than SEK 215), you will consequently not receive any email at all.

2) Please allow until Saturday noon to receive the email (it will take time for servers to process all requests)

3) Check that your order is marked as "Complete" in Pledge Manager. Incomplete orders have not been processed. Please contact us here at Kickstarter if you have not already completed your order by now.

4) Check your spam folder for emails from / DrivethruRPG

5) If all of the above has been checked and you still have not received the email from, please contact us here at Kickstarter and we will assist.

the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #142 am: 10.06.2018 | 19:25 »
Ich habe das Buch jetzt mal überflogen und es macht insgesamt einen guten, runden Eindruck auf mich.
384 Seiten Düsternis.
Das pdf ist übrigens vorbildlich mit Inhaltsverzeichnis und Sprungmarken versehen und durchsuchbar.  :headbang:

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #143 am: 26.06.2018 | 17:57 »
Ok, zwischen Helmgast und Modiphius ist "shortly" als "in zwei Monaten" zu verstehen...

Zitat von: Mail von Modiphius
Dear Customer,

You are receiving this email because you pre-ordered the Core Rule Book of KULT: Divinity Lost.

As you might have seen at the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter campaign site ( the Core Rule Book to be received by Kickstarter backers will be released with images and text of a mature nature (including nudity, violence and other material which may be considered offensive).

Since you pre-ordered KULT: Divinity Lost via Modiphius on or before 28 March you will get to choose from the following two options. Please complete this by 9am Monday 2nd July. After this date, you will receive PDF's as soon as they are released to us by Helmgast.

1) I confirm that I am 18 years of age or over and would like to receive the mature Kickstarter Edition of the Core Rule Book. This option means your order will be transferred from Modiphius to Helmgast (the company behind KULT: Divinity Lost) for fulfilment during Q2 2018.


2) I would like to to receive the "4th Edition of KULT" Core Rule Book. This is the revised edition of the Kickstarter edition mentioned above, to be released during Q3 2018. The 4th edition of KULT Core Rule Book will not contain contents of an explicit sexual nature or nudity.

Please let us know which of these editions you want by filling out this survey:
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #144 am: 26.06.2018 | 18:11 »
Danke für die Info! Bei Helmgast dauert halt alles was länger. Aber gut, dass sie Euch die Wahl lassen.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #145 am: 19.07.2018 | 17:04 »
Und endlich das neue Update:

- Man hofft, alles (bis auf die Bible-Edition) ab Ende August versenden zu können.
- Die folgenden pdfs gibt es ab ca. 25 July: Core Rules (kleine Änderungen), Taroticum, Black Madonna, Player's Guide, Postcards, Reference Deck (ehemals "Deck of Cards")
- Die pdfs zum Sichtschirm und dem Tarot Deck werden erst im Spätsommer fertig sein.
- Die Regeln für das Tarot Deck werden im Laufe des SOmmers auf veröffentlicht
- Vorbesteller über Modiphius bekommen die pdfs mit den Backern zusammen. Wie Camouflage oben schrieb, dürfen sie sich ihre Version aussuchen.
- Die Ladenversion "KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition", die sich leicht von der Kickstarter Edition unterscheiden wird und wohl keine Sondereditionen haben wird, soll ab November erwerbbar sein. Der Vorverkauf beginnt im Herbst.
- Die Webseite bekommt im Spätsommer eine komplette Überarbeitung.

Update #108

Jul 19 2018
KULT:Divinity Lost – PDFs are here, print is in progress!


We are happy to announce that (almost) all print files are complete and with our printers. Below is a more detailed status update, item by item. Dates are for expected delivery to our fulfillment center in England. From receiving the goods, our fulfillment center (GamesQuest) will need another 2-3 weeks to process all orders and then freight companies will take their time (anything from 1-2 weeks within EU, up to 4 weeks for some countries like Brazil and Russia).

In short, we are expecting everything to start shipping to you by end of August, with delivery ongoing during August up to and including October.

NOTE: Please make sure YOUR ADDRESS IS CORRECT in Pledge Manager ASAP. You can still update your address. From 30 July, you will not be able to update your address in Pledge Manager as we need to lock it for shipping. Please PM us here at Kickstarter in case of any changes after 30 July. We will then handle this manually.


Following PDFs will be released to backers who have LOCKED AND COMPLETED their orders in Pledge Manager (see previous updates for information on how to manage this, if you have not done this by now).

The distribution of PDFs may take some time, so please bear with us until Wednesday 25 July prior to reporting any delivery issues.

  • Core Rule Book PDF: A new PDF will be distributed, as we noted some issues with the previous version (minor, but as we anyway have updated it, we might as well share it)
  • Taroticum & Other Tales PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
  • Player's Guide PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
  • Black Madonna PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
  • Postcards PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
  • Reference Deck PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
Narrator's Screen PDF and Tarot Deck PDF will not be released until later this summer, as we need to re-work the layout of the screen to be fit for PDF/screen view and the rules for the Tarot Deck needs to be published at (which is to be updated later this summer). Once done, these items will also be released as PDFs.

Production/print details

  • Core Rule Book: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August. (Backers on Archon, Death Angel, Demiurge and Astaroth levels will have custom-made covers which will take some longer time to produce. We will reach out to you separately)
  • Black Madonna: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
  • Taroticum and Other Tales: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
  • Tarot Deck: With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
  • Reference Deck (previously known as "Deck of Cards"): With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
  • Archetype Bundle: Print to start first week of August. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
  • Narrator's Screen: Printing to start end of July. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
  • Bible Edition of the Core Rule Book: Will be printed in September and shipped separately, to not delay shipment of other items
  • Soundtrack: Music is ready, but some final finetuning needs to be made. The soundtrack will be released in September/October
  • Posters, Dice, Postcards, Bags and Pins: Already in storage

Information to Modiphius customers who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions

NOTE: This information is only for those who have already pre-ordered items from Modiphius. The Original Kickstarter Editions are not available for sale anymore, see below information to non-backers.

Those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions of Kult: Divinity Lost from Modiphius, will have received an email from Modiphius requesting you to pick what edition of the Core Rule Book you want.

Modiphius will distribute PDFs to pre-order customers at the same time as Helmgast distributes PDFs to Kickstarter backers (i.e. from now and coming week). Modiphius will receive books to deliver to those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions early September.

Information to non-backers/potential purchasers of Kult: Divinity Lost

Kult: Divinity Lost's retail edition, “KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition” is targeted to be released globally in November 2018. We will open for pre-orders in the beginning of the fall. More information will follow on (which will be re-launched with new design later this summer). KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition will be slightly different to the Original Kickstarter Editions (Enlightened, Illusion, Elysium etc) of KULT: Divinity Lost. The Original Kickstarter Editions are printed in limited numbers and backers (and those who previously pre-ordered) have preference to these books. The Original Kickstarter Editions, as they are limited, will not be made available for retail/wholesale.


As always, reach out to us via PM at Kickstarter or

All the best,
the KDL team

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #146 am: 19.07.2018 | 21:42 »
Auf Nachfrage, warum es keine 'unzensierte' pdf Version von Black Madonna und Taroticum gäbe, antwortete Helmgast, dass es bei Taroticum tatsächlich keine Änderungen gegeben habe und bei Black Madonna nur die Swastika auf einigen Bildern weggelassen wurde. Ich kann damit leben.

Offline Camouflage

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #147 am: 20.07.2018 | 00:56 »
Was mich grade ein wenig irritiert, ist dass ich von Modiphius nen Download-Link für die "uncensored digital edition" zugeschickt bekommen habe. Mir war nicht bewußt, dass bei dem Preorder-Paket für das gedruckte Buch die PDF-Version mit dabei sein sollte...
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #148 am: 20.07.2018 | 10:17 »
Nicht meckern, wundern und nehmen. Sie werden es im nachhinein nicht verbieten.
Habe heute meine pdf Postkarten bekommen. Sehr schick.

Das ganze ist etwas verwirrend, weil auch direkt Links zu allen anderen Sachen kamen, diese aber scheinbar noch nicht verlinkt sind. In der Mail stand auch, dass es bis zum 25. Juni dauern kann, bis man alles hat.

Etwas was ich beim Update vergessen habe: Der Soundtrack ist wohl in der Mache und benötigt noch ein Feintuning. Er soll September/Oktober erschienen.

Online tartex

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #149 am: 20.07.2018 | 10:32 »
Ja, diese Links on Download verschicken ist wirklich verwirrend.

Vor allem, weil die Links aus dem ursprünglichen Mail wohl nicht mehr funktionieren, wenn man sie mal geklickt hat.
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