Und endlich das neue Update:
- Man hofft, alles (bis auf die Bible-Edition) ab Ende August versenden zu können.
- Die folgenden pdfs gibt es ab ca. 25 July: Core Rules (kleine Änderungen), Taroticum, Black Madonna, Player's Guide, Postcards, Reference Deck (ehemals "Deck of Cards")
- Die pdfs zum Sichtschirm und dem Tarot Deck werden erst im Spätsommer fertig sein.
- Die Regeln für das Tarot Deck werden im Laufe des SOmmers auf
kultdivinitylost.com veröffentlicht
- Vorbesteller über Modiphius bekommen die pdfs mit den Backern zusammen. Wie
Camouflage oben schrieb, dürfen sie sich ihre Version aussuchen.
- Die Ladenversion "KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition", die sich leicht von der Kickstarter Edition unterscheiden wird und wohl keine Sondereditionen haben wird, soll ab November erwerbbar sein. Der Vorverkauf beginnt im Herbst.
- Die Webseite
kultdivinitylost.com bekommt im Spätsommer eine komplette Überarbeitung.
Update #108
Jul 19 2018
KULT:Divinity Lost – PDFs are here, print is in progress!

We are happy to announce that (almost) all print files are complete and with our printers. Below is a more detailed status update, item by item. Dates are for expected delivery to our fulfillment center in England. From receiving the goods, our fulfillment center (GamesQuest) will need another 2-3 weeks to process all orders and then freight companies will take their time (anything from 1-2 weeks within EU, up to 4 weeks for some countries like Brazil and Russia).
In short, we are expecting everything to start shipping to you by end of August, with delivery ongoing during August up to and including October.
NOTE: Please make sure YOUR ADDRESS IS CORRECT in Pledge Manager ASAP. You can still update your address. From 30 July, you will not be able to update your address in Pledge Manager as we need to lock it for shipping. Please PM us here at Kickstarter in case of any changes after 30 July. We will then handle this manually.
Following PDFs will be released to backers who have LOCKED AND COMPLETED their orders in Pledge Manager (see previous updates for information on how to manage this, if you have not done this by now).
The distribution of PDFs may take some time, so please bear with us until Wednesday 25 July prior to reporting any delivery issues.
- Core Rule Book PDF: A new PDF will be distributed, as we noted some issues with the previous version (minor, but as we anyway have updated it, we might as well share it)
- Taroticum & Other Tales PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
- Player's Guide PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
- Black Madonna PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
- Postcards PDF: Will be distributed to all backers who have ordered the Core Rule Book.
- Reference Deck PDF: Will be distributed to those who have ordered this item.
Narrator's Screen PDF and Tarot Deck PDF will not be released until later this summer, as we need to re-work the layout of the screen to be fit for PDF/screen view and the rules for the Tarot Deck needs to be published at kultdivinitylost.com (which is to be updated later this summer). Once done, these items will also be released as PDFs.
Production/print details
- Core Rule Book: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August. (Backers on Archon, Death Angel, Demiurge and Astaroth levels will have custom-made covers which will take some longer time to produce. We will reach out to you separately)
- Black Madonna: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
- Taroticum and Other Tales: With printer. Estimated delivery to fulfilment center: 20-24 August
- Tarot Deck: With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
- Reference Deck (previously known as "Deck of Cards"): With printer. Expected delivery to fulfilment center: 6-10 August
- Archetype Bundle: Print to start first week of August. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
- Narrator's Screen: Printing to start end of July. Expected delivery to fulfilment center 20-24 August
- Bible Edition of the Core Rule Book: Will be printed in September and shipped separately, to not delay shipment of other items
- Soundtrack: Music is ready, but some final finetuning needs to be made. The soundtrack will be released in September/October
- Posters, Dice, Postcards, Bags and Pins: Already in storage
Information to Modiphius customers who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions
NOTE: This information is only for those who have already pre-ordered items from Modiphius. The Original Kickstarter Editions are not available for sale anymore, see below information to non-backers.
Those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions of Kult: Divinity Lost from Modiphius, will have received an email from Modiphius requesting you to pick what edition of the Core Rule Book you want.
Modiphius will distribute PDFs to pre-order customers at the same time as Helmgast distributes PDFs to Kickstarter backers (i.e. from now and coming week). Modiphius will receive books to deliver to those who have pre-ordered the Original Kickstarter Editions early September.
Information to non-backers/potential purchasers of Kult: Divinity Lost
Kult: Divinity Lost's retail edition, “KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition” is targeted to be released globally in November 2018. We will open for pre-orders in the beginning of the fall. More information will follow on kultdivinitylost.com (which will be re-launched with new design later this summer). KULT: Divinity Lost - 4th Edition will be slightly different to the Original Kickstarter Editions (Enlightened, Illusion, Elysium etc) of KULT: Divinity Lost. The Original Kickstarter Editions are printed in limited numbers and backers (and those who previously pre-ordered) have preference to these books. The Original Kickstarter Editions, as they are limited, will not be made available for retail/wholesale.
As always, reach out to us via PM at Kickstarter or info@helmgast.se.
All the best,
the KDL team