Autor Thema: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter  (Gelesen 79221 mal)

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #275 am: 31.01.2019 | 21:34 »
Ankündigung von Helmgast auf Facebook:
We have a small quantity of Kickstarter Edition’ core rule books left, following the now completed Kickstarter fulfilment. These are being rerouted from the distribution center in the UK to our storage in Sweden. We intend to put them up in our webshop later this year and will of course give a shout out here when we do so. This will be the chance to complete your collection, or if you did miss the original Kickstarter - lay your hands on the uncensored rulebook.
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #276 am: 3.03.2019 | 19:35 »
Sorry, war in letzter Zeit nicht so aktiv. Es gibt zwar keine Updates auf KS mehr, dafür aber bei Facebook. Camouflage hat daraus zitiert, ich zitiere aber trotzdem die vollständige Nachricht:
- Sublinzensierung für Übersetzungen von K:DL sind in der finalen Verhandlungsphase
- Die verbliebenen K:DL Kickstarter Editionen werden bald über den Helmgast Shop verkauft.
- Im 2. Quartal soll ein neuer Kickstarter für verschiedene Supplements kommen. Geplant sind:
  + ein unveröffentlichtes Quickplay Scenario, für umme zum Runterladen
  + ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ (Arbeitstitel) - ein GM Supplement, um Szenarios und Kampagnen zu gestalten, wie man das Thema Horror in der Kampagne einbinden kann usw.
  + ein weiterer Szenarioband
  + ein Buch über Magie und wie sie in Kult funktioniert
  + ein 'Player's Companion' mit Regeln und Tipps für Dunkle Geheimnisse usw., ggf. mit neuen Archetypen
  + ab 2020: zwei 'City Sourcebook', das jeweils eine (amerikanische) Großstadt beschreibt und als Szenariogrundlage dienen soll
  + ein Sourcebook für Enlightened Characters
  + ein Buch für einen neuen 'Spielmodus', in dem die Charaktere in oder gegen eine Organisation arbeiten und so weg vom persönlichen Horror hin zu einem missionsbasierten Spiel (a la 'Delta Green'?)

Dear Kultists

We are moving out of the Initial Launch phase of KULT: Divinity Lost, and it is time to look ahead, into the future. So here is an update about what’s going on in the studio.

We are in the process of finishing negotiations with several publishers for translations of KULT: Divinity Lost and sourcebooks to their local language. What publishers and languages will be announced as final arrangements are made.

We have a small quantity of Kickstarter Edition’ core rule books left, following the now completed Kickstarter fulfilment. These are being rerouted from the distribution center in the UK to our storage in Sweden. We intend to put them up in our webshop later this year and will of course give a shout out here when we do so. This will be the chance to complete your collection, or if you did miss the original Kickstarter - lay your hands on the uncensored rulebook.

We are working on a number of books for KULT: Divinity Lost. We will not announce any release dates just yet, but we are currently aiming to have our first new product on Kickstarter during Q2 2019.

So, what are the books that we are working on?

The first book has the working title ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ and is a grand toolbox for the Gamemaster when creating scenarios and campaigns. It is meant to be a resource that you can use during the downtime phase and is an asset both for world building in creating Places, Characters, Objects and building Atmosphere. The book also has several chapters devoted to Horror and how to explore disturbing themes, trauma and body horror in a safe and responsible way. This is a book that will push the boundaries for those that wish to explore what horror can be in a Role-playing Game. From the uttermost grotesque to the vulnerable and very personal.

The second book will be a companion to ‘Beyond Darkness and Madness’ and will be a collection of short scenarios that are tightly tied to the different themes of horror presented in the book. Just like in Taroticum & Other Tales, the scenarios will be very different from each other, exploring different aspects of the Kult mythos.

The third book we are working on will be a collection of rituals and a description of magic and how it works in the mythos of KULT: Divinity Lost. This book is primarily aimed for Aware and Sleeper characters that explores the occult. It will contain a large number of rituals for the five different magic arts.

The fourth book is a Player’s Companion that introduce the world of Kult from the player’ perspective and is a guide to deepen characters, explore dark secrets and, there might also be a few new archetypes. The book will contain all information needed for a player to create characters so that they will not need flip through the core rulebook.

Beyond these books (looking into 2020 and beyond) there will be a ‘City X Sourcebook’ that will detail a city in the US and make it available as a stage for campaigns, stories, and exploration. It has a dark history and is locked in a struggle between the Archons and the Death Angels. We are also developing a book about playing Enlightened characters. Another ‘City Y sourcebook’ with a whole different theme and set in a very different location and an accompanying grand campaign, is being prepared as well.

And finally we are creating a book that may add a new “game mode” to KULT: Divinity Lost. It will focus on an organization that the players may either serve or have as their enemies (or maybe both!). Using this book adds the option of to exploring the mythos from more of a classical Mission Based horror where investigators and problems solvers encounters the horror that exist beyond the veil, rather than the personal horror exploration that is the main angle in the Core Rulebook.

So, a lot of different things are being developed in the grand machinery!

Note that everything above is subject to change. The production plan may change in respect of in which order books are published, new items might appear, others might be removed. But we will keep you updated from time to time and are of course keen to hear what you’d like to see.

Also, in February we aim to have a digital release of a previously unreleased Quick Play Scenario that deals with high level politics and manipulation, backstabbing and unholy alliances tied to lictors of Yesod and Netzach.

Take care, and may your game scenarios be dark and wonderful.

/Petter Nallo - Creative Director

ps. Do you want a copy of KULT: Divinity Lost or some of the other books. You can find it here:

« Letzte Änderung: 3.03.2019 | 21:10 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #277 am: 3.03.2019 | 21:09 »
So, hier gleich noch einige Updates von FB Seite:
- Preview zu einem Szenario, das bald veröffentlich werden soll.
- Das Kult Core Rulebook wurde nach USA  versandt und dort beim Zoll als "Bibeln, Testamente und Gebetsbücher" klassifiziert.
- Interview von Modiphius mit Robin Liljenberg (K:DL Lead Game Designer), die Quickplay Scenarios können jetzt auch bei DriveThru heruntergeladen werden.
- We Hate Bards spielt eine K:DL Kampange in ihrem Podcast
- Helmgast wird auf der GothCon ein neues Szenario präsentieren (The 26th Hour)
- Für das Spielleiterbuch fragt Helmgast nach Vorschlägen, welche Inhalte bedient werden sollen.

4. Februar 
Later this month we will release a Quick Play Scenario for digital download. The scenario is previously unreleased and is written by Jacqueline Bryk and illustrated by Marcin Tomalak.

As a preview I give to you a glimpse of one of the main antagonists in the story.

/Petter Nallo - Creative Director

7. Februar

We sent a big shipments of KULT: Divinity Lost books to the US and they were inspected by the customs office. They classified the material as: “Bibles, Testaments and Prayer Books.”

For some reason it feels very fitting.

13. Februar
Fellow Kultists!
Here is an interview with Robin Liljenberg, Lead Game Designer, for KULT: Divinity Lost.

Also, now you can get hold of the Quick Play Scenarios via RPG-Drivethrough. Feel free to drop by, download them and give them a review! (And the core book as well of course)…/KULT-Free-Quickplay-Scenario…

You can also download the scenarios from our homepage of course:

Otherwise things are moving along in quite a good pace. We have ordered some covers to the upcoming books from Bastien Lecouffe Deharme. There is an internal deadline on the 17/2 for a first draft of the book Beyond Darkness and Madness.

We have also received artworks for the Quick Play Scenario that we are planning to release this month so Dan Algstrand is doing the final parts of the layout.

Here is the Interview with Robin:

/Petter, Creative Director

17. Februar

Do you need more Kult in your life? Well, if you can't play it or read it right now perhaps you might be interested in a podcast where they play KULT: Divinity Lost.

We Hate Bards has a game of KULT that has been running since November 2018 and also some early play tests episodes.

So, give it a listen!
Bild könnte enthalten: Text

23. Februar

Helmgast is back on Sweden's biggest roleplaying convention GothCon 19-21 April.

This year, the game designers Robin Liljenberg and Petter Nallo are leading you down in the dark depths of Stockholm’s underground system in the scenario “The 26th Hour” (Tjugosjätte Timmen).

Explore the forgotten subway tunnels, dugout shelters and service tunnels beneath Stockholm, as one of four subway technicians. We welcome you on a journey into the depths of your minds and the border between Elysium and the Underworld.

We are in need of gamemasters with a familiarity of KULT: Divinity Lost. A group of chosen ones which will receive the scenario a month before the convention and prepare themself in order to spread fear to those few brave enough to wander the tunnels and stairwells of the underground at the 26th hour. As most groups will be Swedish it’s good if you can speak Swedish, however if any English speaking Kultist is visiting Gothenburg for the convention we could probably find some group willing to play in English too. A reward will be given to the gamemasters that help us spread KULT’s gospel at GothCon and you will also have the opportunity to have interesting and weird discussions with Robin Liljenberg and Petter Nallo before and after the scenario.

We have planned the following play sessions:
Friday 22:00 - 03:00
Saturday 16:00 - 21:00 / 22:00 - 03:00

You can find information about GothCon here:

And apply to be a gamemaster for the scenario Tjugosjätte Timmen here:

Here is a link to the description of the scenario at GothCons webpage:

28. Februar

Fellow Kultists

We in the KULT-team seeks your advice and suggestions.

We are right now working with Beyond Darkness & Madness. A book aiming to be a grand toolbox for the Gamemaster when creating scenarios and campaigns. Both when giving life to characters and locations but also in crafting stories that explore disturbing themes, trauma and body horror in a safe and responsible way. This is a book that will push the boundaries for those that wish to explore what horror can be in a Role-playing Game.

So, now we want to know from you: What do you want to see in a book that should be a tool for a Gamemaster in crafting stories and give advice how to explore different kinds of horror and sublime experiences?

Please, share your thoughts and insights with us.

/Petter, Creative Director

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #278 am: 16.03.2019 | 08:49 »
Nachdem ich jetzt ganz in Ruhe durch alle Bücher durch bin, muss ich sagen das das Internetz Recht hat:
Ich bin auch sehr für ein Sourcebook oder Spin-Off RPG über die Children of the Underworld. Da steckt so viel Potenzial in diesem Setting im Setting, das mich sehr (positiv) an Clive Barker's Nightbreed erinnert hat. Scheint aber wohl nichts in Planung zu sein.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #279 am: 16.03.2019 | 09:20 »
Frosty hat übrigens ein 12teiliges, deutschsprachiges Kult-Audio-Let's-Play bei YouTube online. Zumindest die ersten vier Teile mit jeweils so 30 Minuten Länge sind schon verfügbar. Der Rest wird wohl erst im Laufe der Zeit freigeschalten.
Die Zwillingsseen: Der Tanelorn Hexcrawl
Im Youtube-Kanal: Meine PnP-Let's-Plays
Kumpel von Raven c.s. McCracken

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #280 am: 17.03.2019 | 15:26 »
Oh, cool!
Danke für den Hinweis!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #281 am: 15.04.2019 | 00:07 »
Neues FB Update:

Helmgast verkauft die übrig gebliebenen Regelwerke (also die nicht zensierte Version) einschließlich der Sonderdrucke aus ihrem Kickstarter.
Los geht es am 17. April.

Missed out on the KULT: Divinity Lost Kickstarter? Or didn't get that special edition cover you've come to desire?

The remaining copies of the KULT: Divinity Lost Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules, which were not used for backer fulfillment, have finally arrived to our storage in Sweden. These unique “Director’s Cut” limited editions of the Core Rules will be released for sale in Helmgast’s webstore from 17 April CET 11.00

KULT: Divinity Lost Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules have the same text contents as the KULT: Divinity Lost 4th Edition Core Rules. However, several illustrations had to be removed, adopted or altered in the 4th Edition Core Rules (compared to the Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules), as a requirement from our distributors and other business partners. The Original Kickstarter Version Core Rules includes all the original illustrations, unaltered. The various editions now released for sale all comes with limited edition covers. The Original Kickstarter Versions will not be re-printed, we will only sell the copies we have left from the Kickstarter.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #282 am: 23.04.2019 | 22:30 »
Red Moon Roleplaying haben zusammen mit Rollspelsklubben ein brandneues Szenario durchgespielt:
KULT: And the Rocket's Red Glare, with Rollspelsklubben
Die Spieler schlüpfen dabei in die Rolle von Wahlkampfhelfern im Wahlkampf für Donald Trump mitten in der heißen Phase.

Das Szenario kann man bei Helmgast für 4 EUR erwerben.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
« Letzte Änderung: 23.04.2019 | 22:33 von achlys »

Offline LushWoods

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #283 am: 24.04.2019 | 06:53 »
Hart aber gut.  :)

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #284 am: 13.05.2019 | 21:52 »
Mal wieder seit langem eine offizielle News vom Kickstarter.

Kult wurde zum Fenix Award nominiert, u.a. als bestes Rollenspiel.


Update Nr. 114

13. Mai 2019
KULT: Divinity Lost nominated for award!
Geposted von Helmgast AB (Projektgründer)

KULT: DIVINITY LOST nominated for Fenix Award

We are very thrilled with the fact that the Core Rules as well as other KULT: Divinity Lost products have been nominated for the Fenix Award - the number one Swedish award any RPG can receive.

We hope you will help us secure a win! Please cast your vote here:

The site is in Swedish (if you are using Google Chrome, it can automatically translate the page to your preferred language), but the first page only asks for your email address, first and last name. Your votes are cast on page 2. (Page 3 is mainly for the Fenix magazine votes, but there is also the place for the “Submit” button).

You can skip any subsection not deemed as relevant - no need to fill everything out if you don’t have any interest in voting in a particular category. You can scan for the KULT: Divinity Lost images for easily finding the correct selections for voting.

Please note that the vote period close on the 15th of May, so in just two days time. So please hurry.

Thank you very much for considering helping us out in trying to win the 2018 Fenix Awards!

New scenario and KULT t-shirts available, together with the limited Kickstarter Editions


AND THE ROCKETS RED GLARE - It is early November 2016. A group of interns are working for the Trump campaign. They soon discover that there is something more at stake than just the US presidential election. Higher powers, beyond our perceived reality, are pulling the strings and no one is who they seem. It is all a part of a ritualistic pact. A pact that must be sealed with blood. And the rockets red glareis a PDF scenario containing 13 pages and is suitable for 3-5 players. Pregenerated characters are included.

KULT: DIVINITY LOST T-SHIRTS - the official t-shirts are now released! The logo printed on the front, and the Sephirot on the back.

KULT: DIVINITY LOST LIMITED EDITIONS - Are you missing any of the uncensored Kickstarter Core Rule Editions for your collection? Or know a friend in need of getting a glimpse beyond the illusion? As fulfillment to backers is completed, the copies of the limited Kickstarter Editions that were not sold in the Kickstarter are now up for grabs!

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #285 am: 17.05.2019 | 19:10 »
Der erste Übersetzungslizenz von Kult: Divinity Lost wurde gerade bekanntgegeben: K:DL wird von Nosolorol auf Spanisch veröffentlicht:

via FB:
KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be released in Spanish

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (May 16, 2019) – Acclaimed RPG Publisher Helmgast AB today announces that Nosolorol has acquired the licensing rights to manage the worldwide translation, production, and distribution of the critically acclaimed horror pen-and-paper role-playing game KULT: DIVINITY LOST, 4th Edition, in Spanish. This includes all current and upcoming official products for the game line in said language.

“Helmgast is ecstatic to be able to show KULT: DIVINITY LOST to the myriad of Spanish-speaking KULT-fans around the globe. We believe that Nosolorol is a perfect partner for us in this endeavour, with their experience and commitment”, Marco Behrmann, KULT: Divinity Lost Brand Manager, said. “They will surely bring in old and new role-players into the gory, fantastic, grotesque, and horrific experience that only KULT can give.”

Nosolorol commented: “We are excited to be part of Kult history, working together with Helmgast to make the Spanish Kult edition possible. As Marco and the team know well, we have been looking persistently through the Illusion to achieve what we announce today: the translation of the excellent new edition of our beloved game.”

KULT: DIVINITY LOST was released in 2018 and is the 4th edition of the classic Kult. The game was developed using crowdfunding and broke the funding record for a Swedish developed RPG at the time, with the game funded within 20 minutes and reaching 27x its original goal.

The new game, KULT: DIVINITY LOST, features a completely new rule-set, and setting updated to present day. Escape your nightmares, strike bargains with demons, and try to stay alive in a world full of pain, torture, and death.

In KULT: DIVINITY LOST, the world around us is a lie. Mankind is trapped in an Illusion. We do not see the great citadels of Metropolis towering over our highest skyscrapers. We do not hear the screams from the forgotten cellar where hidden stairs take us to Inferno. We do not smell the blood and burnt flesh from those sacrificed to long forgotten Gods. But some of us see glimpses from beyond the veil. We have this strange feeling that something is not right—the ramblings of a madman in the subway seems to carry a hidden message, and, when thinking about it, our reclusive neighbor doesn’t appear to be completely human when we pass in the hallway. By slowly discovering the truth about our prison, our captors, and our hidden pasts, we can finally awaken from our induced sleep and take control of our destiny.


Helmgast AB is a renowned Swedish publisher and developer of award-winning roleplaying games, such as KULT: DIVINITY LOST, Eon, Hjältarnas Tid, Järn, Neotech, and Noir.

Nosolorol is a Spanish publisher and developer of first-rate roleplaying games like Aquelarre, Blacksad, Cultos Innombrables and Adventure Time RPG, and the Spanish licensor for world-famous Vampire: The Masquerade, Fate, Symbaroum, Mutant: Year Zero, and many others.





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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #286 am: 30.05.2019 | 09:25 »
Kann jemand etwas zum Mehrwert der Bücher und addons jenseits des Core Rulebooks sagen?
Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

J.W. von Goethe

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #287 am: 30.05.2019 | 13:19 »
Taroticum aber Other Tales- Verschiedene Szenarios mit unterschiedlichen Gewichtungen, sehr empfehlenswert. Taroticum ist eine Neuauflage des bereits 1990 erschienenen Szenarios gleichen Namens, mit den Regeln der 4. Edition. Es ist für seine Zeit typisch eher Railroadig, aber durchaus spaßig. Es spielt größtenteils in London. Die anderen Szenarios sind alle deutlich kürzer, jedes nimmt eine ganz eigene Herangehensweise zum Thema Horror. Vom Kammerspiel über Geisterhaus, Lost Island bis hin zu Battle Royal ist alles drin. Einige der Szenarios kann man kostenlos bei Helmgast auf der Kult: Divinity lost Seite herunterladen.

Black Madonna - Eine Kampagne, die schon zur ersten Edition auf schwedisch veröffentlicht wurde, jetzt zum ersten mal auf Englisch. Old School, aber sehr interessant. Sie beginnt in Deutschland in den 90ern, bringt die SCs nach Leningrad während des 2. WKs und endet schließlich in Moskau.

SL-Schirm - hier findet man die Agenda für den SL, sowie SL Moves für die verschiedenen 'Welten', NSCs usw. Meiner Meinung nach einer der besten Schirme, und besonders für das improvisierte Spiel von Nutzen.  - Schnell mal eine Begegnung mit einem NSC im Inferno aus den Hut zaubern? Kein Problem! Besonders in Verbindung mit dem ...

Tarot Deck - sehr brauchbar für die Erstellung von Szenarios und Kampagnen, schneller Ideengeber im Spiel usw. Die Anleitung gibt es frei zum Download, sowie ein praktisches Beispiel.

Reference Deck - Das Kartenset mit Regeln: Basismoves und Ausrüstung (Waffen) auf Karten. Nett, aber nicht notwendig. (Ich war davon etwas enttäuscht, hatte ich mir mehr von erhofft.)

Player's Guide Compamion: Buch I der Core Rules, gut um den Spielern die Regeln vorzulegen.

Archetype Bundle - Umfasst alle Archetypen zum schnellen Erstellen der SCs. Die für den Archetyp vorgeschlagenen Advantages und Disadvantages werden mit aufgeführt. Ähnlich wie die Playbooks, aber nicht so vollständig wie diese. Praktisch.

Würfel - genau das, mit schicken Sephiroth-Baum anstelle der 10

Gamer Fan Pack - Tasche und Pin sind zum Strunzen hervorragend geeignet.

The Original Game Soundtrack -  sehr stimmungsvolle Ambient Music, auf die verschiedenen 'Welten' abgestimmt. Zwei Stücke sind aber dabei, die ich nicht im Hintergrund laufen lassen kann, da sie zu hektisch bzw verstörend sind. (Zahnarztbohrer!) Den Rest kann ich empfehlen. Für 10 EUR kann man da nicht viel falsch machen.

Hab ich was vergessen?

Ja, das T-Shirt:
- Merchandising, Merchandising!

[Edit:]Post überarbeitet, Bilder eingepflegt.
« Letzte Änderung: 30.05.2019 | 19:09 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #288 am: 30.05.2019 | 19:16 »
Vorherigen Post stark überarbeitet.

Es läuft übrigens der Spanische Kickstarter. Hier mal die geplanten Editionen:

Die Edition Unica (mit Metall Sephiroth Baum und Metall Verschluss und anderem Schnickschnack) für 1000 EUR ist schon weg.  :o

« Letzte Änderung: 30.05.2019 | 19:22 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #289 am: 30.05.2019 | 22:34 »
Danke! Black Madonna werde ich im Original sicher niemals spielen. Taugt die Kampagne was als Ideensteinbruch, wenn man in der Postmoderne bleiben will, oder fokussiert sie doch zu stark auf das WK 2-Thema?

Taroticum und das Tarot Deck werde ich mir wohl mittelfristig zulegen.
Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

J.W. von Goethe

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #290 am: 30.05.2019 | 22:54 »
Danke! Black Madonna werde ich im Original sicher niemals spielen. Taugt die Kampagne was als Ideensteinbruch, wenn man in der Postmoderne bleiben will, oder fokussiert sie doch zu stark auf das WK 2-Thema?

Den Eindruck von achlys zu Black Madonna und Taroticum  and other Tales kann ich nur bestätigen.
Und ja die Kampange taugt als Ideensteinbruch für die Postmoderne (wobei sie eher 90er Fokusiert ist). WW2 Thema kommt nur wenig vor und kann noch mehr reduziert werden, kenne 2 Gruppen die das Chapter entfallen lassen haben, nicht unbedingt wegen der Thematik sondern weil sie es weder für nötig hielten noch dieses Kapitel besonders gut ausgearbeitet wurde.
- Leitet: Oneshots der Systeme Unknown Armies, Cthulhu of Cthulhu/NEMESIS und Over The Edge).
- Obsession: Kingdom Death:Monster.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #291 am: 3.08.2019 | 22:37 »
Red Moon Roleplaying haben zusammen mit Rollspelsklubben ein brandneues Szenario durchgespielt:
KULT: And the Rocket's Red Glare, with Rollspelsklubben
Die Spieler schlüpfen dabei in die Rolle von Wahlkampfhelfern im Wahlkampf für Donald Trump mitten in der heißen Phase.

Das Szenario kann man bei Helmgast für 4 EUR erwerben.

(Klicke zum Anzeigen/Verstecken)

Wir haben uns mal an das Szenario gewagt und in ~4 Stunden durchgespielt.
Spoiler: Trump kommt dabei nicht gut weg

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #293 am: 16.09.2019 | 23:11 »
So, nach der Sommerpause, komme ich endlich dazu die letzten News mal hier reinzuschreiben.
Alle Infos über

1. Kult hat zwei silberne Ennies gewonnen. Einen für das beste Cover, einen für die beste Schreibe. (Nebenbemerkung: Ich frage mich echt, wie Mothership als bestes RPG gewinnen konnte. Scheinbar hat keiner dieses bugverseuchte System je gespielt; das bin ich sonst nur von Computerspielen gewöhnt... Auch Black Hack auf dem zweiten Platz für bestes Layout lässt mich bas erstaunt zurück.)

2. Eine nette Einführung zu Kult: The Beginner's Guide to Kult: Divinity Lost I Introduction and Setting

3. Ein Podcast von Sweden Rolls

4. Ein Interview mit Peter Nallo bei +1Forward über Kult einschließlich eines kleinen Spielausschnittes.

5. Helmgast wird ein neues Crowdfunding für eine Reihe Bücher starten. Dabei soll u.a. ein Kampangen und SL-band entstehen. Da sie diesmal nicht wieder über ein Jahr brauchen wollen, möchten Sie die Bücher in trockenen Tüchern haben. Ich bin gespannt...

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #294 am: 17.09.2019 | 07:03 »
Bei den Ennies, wie auch bei vermutlich fast allen anderen Preisen auch, stehen da Agendas und Verbindungen dahinter die wir nicht mitbekommen. Is halt so.
Das muß nicht unbedingt mit der Qualität der Teilnehmer in Zusammenhang stehen.
Ein neuer Kickstarter mit vernünftigem Zeitrahmen? Count me in.  :)

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #295 am: 21.11.2019 | 11:23 »
Es ist jetzt offiziell:
KULT: Divinity Lost

KULT: DIVINITY LOST to be released in Germany

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (November 21, 2019) – Acclaimed RPG Publisher Helmgast AB today announces that German publisher Truant Spiele has acquired the licensing rights to manage the worldwide translation, production, and distribution of the critically acclaimed, ENnies Award winning horror pen-and-paper role-playing game KULT: DIVINITY LOST, 4th Edition, in German. This includes all current and upcoming official products for the game line in said language.

“KULT has been available in German since the first edition launched almost 30 years ago. To see it in Truant’s capable and knowledgeable hands is great, and brings the game full circle. Truant is an amazing partner for us to bring KULT: Divinity Lost to old and new fans of gruesome gnostic horror” Marco Behrmann, KULT: Divinity Lost Brand Manager, said. “We are really looking forward to see how the German fans will react to the new edition.”

Mario Truant, Publisher: “Me and my team, we are really looking forward to work on a German edition of this beautiful game and to make it available to the German players.

Mario Truant, Verleger: “Mein Team und ich freuen uns sehr darauf, an einer deutschen Version dieser wunderschönen Ausgabe von KULT zu arbeiten und sie den Spielern zu präsentieren.”

KULT: DIVINITY LOST was released in 2018 and is the 4th edition of the classic Kult, under a license from Cabinet Licensing. The game was developed using crowdfunding and broke the funding record for a Swedish developed RPG at the time, with the game funded within 20 minutes and reaching 27x its original goal.

The new game, KULT: DIVINITY LOST, features a completely new rule-set, and setting updated to present day. Escape your nightmares, strike bargains with demons, and try to stay alive in a world full of pain, torture, and death.

In KULT: DIVINITY LOST, the world around us is a lie. Mankind is trapped in an Illusion. We do not see the great citadels of Metropolis towering over our highest skyscrapers. We do not hear the screams from the forgotten cellar where hidden stairs take us to Inferno. We do not smell the blood and burnt flesh from those sacrificed to long forgotten Gods. But some of us see glimpses from beyond the veil. We have this strange feeling that something is not right—the ramblings of a madman in the subway seems to carry a hidden message, and, when thinking about it, our reclusive neighbor doesn’t appear to be completely human when we pass in the hallway. By slowly discovering the truth about our prison, our captors, and our hidden pasts, we can finally awaken from our induced sleep and take control of our destiny.


Helmgast AB is a renowned Swedish publisher and developer of award-winning roleplaying games, such as KULT: DIVINITY LOST, Eon, Hjältarnas Tid, Järn, Neotech, and Noir.

Die Truant Spiele gehen 2020 in ihr Dreißigstes Jahr! Waren es zu Beginn noch Fantasy-Universal-Abenteuer, so erschien dann 1992 mit der deutschen Erstausgabe von KULT ein eigenständiges Rollenspielsystem.

Truant Games has 2020 its thirties anniversary. In the beginning we published generic fantasy role-playing adventures. In 1992 we published the German edition of Kult which became our first full RPG.

The Cabinet group consists of Cabinet Entertainment, a tv/film financing and production company, as well as Cabinet Licensing, a consumer products division which manages and develops global entertainment franchises in all forms of media, including motion picture, television, and the gaming, publishing and toy/collectibles industries. Our portfolio consists of well-known brands such as Conan the Barbarian, Kull of Atlantis, Solomon Kane, Mutant Chronicles, Mutant: Year Zero, and Kult.




Truant UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Frauenlobstr. 95
55118 MAINZ

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #296 am: 21.11.2019 | 14:08 »
ich hoffe auf eine gute Übersetzung,
von Witcher hab ich leider bisher nicht so viel gutes gehört

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #297 am: 15.03.2020 | 21:33 »
Schon ein paar Tage her, trotzdem hier die Infos von Helmgast über Facebook:

KULT: Divinity Lost
2. März um 13:22 ·

RPG Publisher Helmgast AB announces NILS HINTZE as the author of an upcoming campaign book for KULT: DIVINITY LOST.

Nils is the designer and primary author of Free League's Tales from the Loop, Things from the Flood, and most recently Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying. He is also a prolific scenario writer and playwright with over a decade of experience and is a big fan of KULT.

"I played the Swedish first edition of the game as a teenager and what fascinated me was that it was about real life people", says Nils. "My kind-of hopeless Swedish painter Ralf had been pulled into his own nightmares. It was so scary, after that first session of Kult I had a hard time walking home in the dark. That wasn't something that happened with other roleplaying games. I have always felt that the core of Kult is ordinary people not knowing what is going on, but experiencing a world as scary as real life would be if we made the choice to see all of the pains, worries, and horrors that people all around the world face every day. What monster could be as scary as oceans filled with plastic? This is not about hobbits — this is the real shit."

"I drew inspiration from three things when I wrote this campaign: from my work as a psychologist trying to help people who have experienced war and torture, my interest in history, and my own and others' experiences with the sadness, anxiety, and crippling feelings of meaninglessness that I think most people struggle with. These are themes that I think can be handled well by Kult, without having to censor it or turn it into fairy tales. Statistically most people - even those with jobs and a decent place to live - will experience episodes of mental illness during their lifetime, like depression and anxiety. Almost all of us have episodes where life feels so meaningless or frightening that we cannot even function in our ordinary life. We don’t know what is going on, who we are, or what the point of it all is. These are central questions in Kult, and this campaign tackles them head-on."

Petter Nallo is KULT: DIVINITY LOST's Creative Director: "Nils have proved himself again and again with an assortment of games that he is a great writer. But I think that his personal experiences, his job and his insights into the depths of the human psyche makes him an ideal person to write for KULT. What he has created is something that I would call unique. The campaign will explore a new decade, portray a new setting seldom used in game worlds, and ask profound questions. This is not an easy campaign. It is daring and brave and goes to the edge - and that is the heart of what a great KULT campaign should be."

The campaign book is slated for a Kickstarter crowdfunder release in Q2 2020.

More details to follow.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #298 am: 12.05.2020 | 10:22 »
Kult war schon früher eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsrollenspiele  >;D

Gibt es eigentlich schon was neues zur deutschen Übersetzung?


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #299 am: 12.05.2020 | 10:41 »
Kult war schon früher eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsrollenspiele  >;D

Gibt es eigentlich schon was neues zur deutschen Übersetzung?

Die Übersetzung an sich ist fertig. :) Wann das Buch gelayoutet sein und in den Druck gehen wird, kann ich Dir leider nicht sagen. Wahrscheinlich zur Spiel, würde ich vermuten. Ist ja ein ziemlicher Brocken.